Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$44 Certified Junior Royalist

[Race name]: Tugui

[Racial Attribute]: Water, Dragon (pseudo)

[Racial Level]: Rare and High

[Race Level]: Level 1 of Awakening Realm

[Racial skills]: Water spray, water claw attack, bite attack, heavy claw attack, stampede, harden, rage, dragon roar, dragon claw

[Evolutionary form]: Floating giant turtle (crocodile snapping turtle)

[Evolution Conditions]: Acquire water skills, spin water cannons, and consume a sufficient amount of water essence before breaking through the transformation realm at the tenth level of the awakening realm (take a sufficient amount of dragon scale grass before breaking through the transformation realm at the tenth level of the awakening realm to purify the dragon element in the body) Bloodline can evolve)

[Potential]: Extremely high

I'm a turtle! I'm really about to turn into a dragon!

"It seems that strength limits the purification of the dragon bloodline in Turtle's body. He has just mastered the skill of Dragon Claw after breaking through to the Awakening Realm. It seems that it is still necessary for Turtle to continue to eat Dragon Scale Grass. "

Looking at the turtle information on the system panel, Lin Qianyu also touched his chin and murmured.

After all, he directly understood Dragon Claw, a powerful dragon-type skill, as soon as he broke through to the Awakening Realm, which shows that the dragon-type bloodline in Turtle's body has been purified a lot.

"Eh, eh!": Twoleg! I'm hungry!

Lin Qianyu's thoughts were quickly broken by Turtle's cry of hunger.

"Damn it, why are you hungry just after eating?"

"Hey, hey!": I'm just hungry!


Originally, I had a large appetite, but now that I have broken through to the Awakening Realm, my appetite is even greater, and the expense is even greater. But fortunately, this month's monthly exam rewards have not been sold yet, okay, okay.

While going outside to pick up the energy block, Lin Qianyu was thankful that she had not sold her share of the energy block this month.

The next day, Sunday.

Lin Qianyu took Guigui to the Beast Mastering Association early in the morning to get certified as a junior master.

According to Chen's mother, if you get this junior imperial envoy certification, you will get discounts on purchases, which makes Lin Chen Qianyu very satisfied. Although she doesn't know how much the discount is, it is good to save a little.

After all, I also own a 24k pure gold four-legged gold-eating beast.

Turtle: Are you polite?

There is almost no concept of rest in places related to beast control. It is already very good without working 24 hours a day.

The same goes for the Beast Taming Association. As a comprehensive official association with an assessment nature in Qingfeng City, it not only guarantees that it will be open all year round, it even dares to guarantee that someone will be there 24 hours a day.

When Lin Qianyu came to the Beast Taming Association again, she felt a warm feeling for some reason.

The first one is to assess the junior breeder certificate, and the second one is to certify the junior breeder.

It can be said that good things happen every time you come to the Beast Taming Association, so it is better to visit this place more times in the future.

"Hello, I just want to be certified for the title of Junior Royal Envoy. What is the process?"

"If you want to authenticate the imperial emissary level, please register here, then get your number plate, and wait in the rest area on your left. After the number calling system calls your number plate, go to the emissary area. There will be The sign shows you the way.”

Then, register and get your number plate.

Maybe it was because Lin Qianyu came early, or because there weren't many people there today, the number plate he got was number 1, which was a very good number.

You can finish the certification early and go home early to go to bed.

Although after these few months of training, Lin Qianyu's physical strength and endurance have increased at a very high speed, but who made it possible for her to get up so early today after a day of field battles in the monthly practical exam yesterday? Lin Qianyu was already very perseverant when the Beast Mastering Association conducted the Royal Envoy Level Certification.

After waiting in the rest area for about five minutes, he was called by the call system. Then he went directly to the imperial envoy area and found the place where the imperial envoy level certification was conducted according to the signs in the imperial envoy area.

"First give me your ID card, then summon your beast master, and pass the place in front of the level tester. As long as the level tester confirms that your beast master has broken through to the awakening realm, then you have passed the junior master master. certification.”

As soon as the staff inside saw Lin Qianyu's young face, they directly explained the certification process.

And nodded, after confirming that he understood the process, he handed his ID card to the staff, and then Guigui was summoned by Lin Qianyu.

The staff inserted Lin Qianyu's ID card into the card slot and saw a certification that made his pupils dilate slightly.

Junior Breeder!

Then I looked at his age, he was seventeen!

Looking at the profession, he is a high school student in the animal control department!

In other words, Lin Qianyu was still studying and had already obtained the junior breeder certificate, which was extremely difficult to pass before reaching adulthood.

And today he comes to certify the junior master, which proves that his beast master has broken through to the awakening state.

My old swan! This man wants to go to heaven!

Then I thought to myself again and again that it was only after the college entrance examination that the beast master broke through the awakening realm, and then he passed the junior breeder assessment five times, but failed. In desperation, he had to give up the assessment, switch to the public examination, and then work here.

When thinking of their own tragic experiences and Lin Qianyu's cheating life, the staff felt that the world was unfair.

Lin Qianyu, who summoned Guigui, couldn't help but feel a little strange when he saw the staff looking at the screen blankly. Could it be that his own ID card photo was too ugly? Doesn’t match me?

But in the end, after the turtle passed the level tester and showed the result of the first level of awakening, the staff quickly added the certification of the primary controller to Lin Qianyu's ID card.

The action was so clean and neat, as if they didn't like him.

"By the way, I would like to ask, how much discount can I get if I use the title of primary controller to buy things related to beast control?"

"If you use the title of primary controller, you need to go to the official stores, such as the breeding house, the beast control center, the beast control square, or our beast control association to consume. You can get a 98% discount."

Hearing the 98% discount, Lin Qianyu understood what Chen Ma meant by mosquito meat. Originally, I thought that even if it was lower, it would be a 90% discount, but the result was even more amazing, 98% discount.

Sure enough, this is mosquito meat.

And seeing Lin Qianyu's frozen smile, I don't know why, the staff felt very happy in their hearts, and even the professional fake smile on their faces became a little more real.

After thanking the staff, Lin Qianyu took the ID card and left.

After leaving the Beast Tamer Association, he looked at the ID card in his hand, looked at the sky, and muttered to himself.

"Alas, mosquito meat is still meat, at least it's better than nothing."

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