Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$42 This is more profitable than robbery

"Qianyu, let me tell you this, because you are a student, it is impossible for you to work eight hours a day in the store, so you can only be regarded as a subsidiary, so I can only give you a salary of 10,000 per month, what do you think?"

"Uh? ⊙!"

To be honest, Lin Qianyu was scared. She just passed the exam and got a salary of 10,000 for the subsidiary. This is easier to make than robbery!

"Ah, if you are still not satisfied, how about I give you 20% off the original price of the raw materials for making beast food? This is the best treatment I can give."

When Lin Qianyu was stunned, Uncle Jin thought that Lin Qianyu was dissatisfied and directly increased the stakes.

Little did he know that it was just Lin Qianyu who was stunned.

After hearing the 20% discount, Lin Qianyu woke up immediately.

"Okay, Uncle Jin, if there is no problem, we can draft a contract immediately!"

Although it is just a subsidiary, there must be a contract. After all, the words of businessmen can only be heard verbally.

"Okay, come in and wait for a moment. I'll draft a contract."

Hearing Lin Qianyu's words, Lao Jin immediately smiled and pulled Lin Qianyu into the breeding house to wait.

The contract was also drafted on the spot, and there were not many clauses. They were all very simple, but Lin Qianyu did not sign it immediately on the spot.

This matter still needs to be reviewed by Lin's father and Chen's mother. After all, this is a big deal.

"Uncle Jin, I will give you an answer at this time tomorrow."

"It's okay, no hurry, take your time on the way!"


After getting the contract, Lin Qianyu did not stay too long and prepared to go home directly. Otherwise, why stay here for a free meal?

Because it was related to Lin Qianyu's matter, Lin's father and Chen's mother rarely came home from get off work early together.

"Your father and I have read the contract. There are no problems with it in general. There is nothing wrong with the minor clauses. And the treatment is OK according to what your father and I know. In short, the treatment offered by Boss Jin is quite in line with the market situation."

In the living room, Chen's mother took off her glasses, put down the contract, and said to Lin Qianyu who was curled up and stroking Fenglan Rabbit.

"But for a rookie like me who just got the junior breeder certificate, wouldn't it be abnormal to offer such treatment?"

While stroking Fenglan Rabbit's back and stroking Fenglan Rabbit's chin, Lin Qianyu said with malice towards the secular world and Boss Jin.

At the beginning, Lin Qianyu was indeed tempted by this treatment, but later, she thought it was a bit wrong, as if there was a trap waiting for her, and she was not confident, so she sought help from her parents.

After all, her two smart parents have been struggling in the workplace for a long time, and have eaten more salt than she has eaten rice.

"Okay, stop stroking it. I was wondering why the hair on this dead rabbit has been getting thinner recently. It turns out it's your work. Let it go, let it go."

Mother Chen saw that Fenglan Rabbit looked so comfortable in her son's arms, but looked like it was dying in her arms. She was so angry that she picked up Fenglan Rabbit and threw it into its nest.

"Oh, my pig."

"Touch your beast, not mine.

Okay, let me tell you why Boss Jin treats you like this.

It is very difficult to get a junior breeder certificate, but our country has a vast territory, and many people take the exam every year. The total number of these people is not small.

However, due to the imbalance between supply and demand in the market, the junior breeder certificate is still hard to come by.

After all, not all people who have passed the junior breeder certificate will work. Some of them are not short of money, and the exam is just for fun, while others will choose to open their own shops, just like Boss Jin, and some will work in places with official backgrounds.

Some even take the exam for their own future. In this case, the junior breeder certificate will not appear on the market at all.

Combined with various reasons, this is why the junior breeder certificate is hard to come by.

If you take the certificate and go to work in a legal private enterprise with qualifications, the salary of one month alone is the salary of your current affiliated company. Starting from ten times of the salary, and the salary can only be regarded as the basic condition, some benefits are the highlight of this job.

For example, a few years ago, there was a colleague in my unit who passed the junior breeder exam. At that time, a company offered her an annual salary of 1 million yuan, not including other bonuses, which were calculated separately.

There are also travel and housing problems. After working for a year, she owns a luxury car. After working for five years, she owns a house in the provincial capital.

And this is the treatment in the past few years. It would probably be higher now.

After all, the country is developing rapidly now, and this kind of profession related to the beast control industry is scarce.

And when my colleague passed the junior breeder certificate, he was already in his thirties, and there was basically no room for improvement and improvement.

But you are different. You are just a high school student now, and you have not experienced the college entrance examination. You have a higher future and potential.

And you passed the written test with a score close to full marks, but passed the practical test with full marks. If this is leaked, someone will offer you even more outrageous conditions.

After all, you have joined the company, which means you are bound to them and are considered as a whole with them, and these are all things that need to be carefully considered.

However, this is based on the premise that you go to the company to join. If you are affiliated, these are all nonsense. The conditions provided by the boss Jin are reasonable. "

"Should I sign it then?"

"It depends on you, but I still suggest that you sign it. After all, if you sign it, your father and I will not have to spend such a large sum of money every month to raise beasts for you in the future."

"Then I will sign it. After all, it is better not to take the money for free."

As she said, Lin Qianyu signed her name and handprint on the double contract under the watchful eyes of Chen Ma.

"In the future, you don't have to do anything and you will have 10,000 yuan in your account every month. Just thinking about it feels like a good thing."

"If you don't train beasts, 10,000 yuan is still a lot, but if you train beasts, 10,000 yuan is nothing. Okay, hurry up and wash, review and sleep, you still have to go to class tomorrow. "

Looking at Lin Qianyu's boastful look, Chen Ma silenced him with a True Damage.

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