Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$38 You are such a little genius

"Congratulations on passing the first two questions. Now please take your admission ticket and follow us to the examination room for the third question."

? ? ? ? ? ?

"Isn't the third question tested here?"

"No, the first two questions are for screening, and the third question is the focus of this animal husbandry examination. Since it is the focus, it will certainly not be tested here.

You candidates who have passed the first two questions will take the third question in the same examination room."

"Thank you for your answer."

Maybe the first two questions are over, or maybe seeing that Lin Qianyu is young but can come here, the examiner's attitude towards Lin Qianyu's team is actually quite good, because at least he doesn't show his face.

Lin Qianyu followed one of the examiners with the admission ticket and followed him to another examination room.

The examiner did not go in, but motioned Lin Qianyu to go in. When Lin Qianyu went in, there were already people inside.

At a glance, there were about 20 to 30 people in the empty examination room.

This elimination rate of nearly 90% is really difficult.

After waiting for a while, three examiners led a Qingfeng horse with a domineering pace from the outside, and then led it to the front of the examination room.

Then, as usual, some pre-exam preparations were carried out.

"For the third question, please design a breeding plan suitable for this Qingfeng horse, with no limit on the scope, and the time is 30 minutes."

After hearing the examiner's words, many candidates were already taking deep breaths to adjust their state.

This is the most fixed question in the breeder certificate examination, and it is also the most uncertain question.

Although it is a fixed question, it requires a keen eye to know which beast is being tested and whether this beast is special.

And it tests the candidates' mastery of knowledge even more. After all, the beast that can be taken out for examination is not something you can rely on review materials or find a suitable template to fit it.

After all, if you can use a template to fit it, what is the need for a breeder?

The breeder is to breed and cultivate according to the specific situation of the beast, and the most important thing is to fit the beast.

[Species Name]: Qingfeng Horse

[Cultivation Plan]: Take wind energy stone internally and apply wind rock liquid externally to enhance the wind attribute spiritual energy affinity of Qingfeng Horse.

Mix wind leaf and Xufeng liquid and feed it to enhance the speed of Qingfeng Horse.

Mix stone steel liquid and Qingshi spiritual liquid and apply it all over the body to enhance the physical strength of Qingfeng Horse.

(Note: This Qingfeng Horse is underdeveloped. It is recommended to mix wind essence with wind bone and mash it into powder, mix it with Xufeng liquid and take it to improve the development.)

[Training Plan]: Weight training to enhance the strength and explosive power of Qingfeng Horse's limbs.

Meditation training to enhance Qingfeng Horse's accelerated absorption of spiritual energy.

In a snap, the system quickly gave Lin Qianyu the breeding plan for Qingfeng Horse.

And it was the kind that gave notes.

"Fortunately, there is a system. Otherwise, if I follow the conventional breeding plan, I will probably fail."

After all, the key problem of this Qingfeng horse is its underdevelopment. If it weren't for the system reminder, it would not be obvious from the appearance.

If I had reviewed the conventional breeding plan for Qingfeng horses and directly applied it to it, it would definitely be a failure.

After getting the answer she wanted, Lin Qianyu began to write on the question and answer card.

Thirty minutes is not long or short, but compared with other candidates who need to think and observe, Lin Qianyu has a lot of time.

Some other candidates are still observing the Qingfeng horse with their eyes wide open, while others are thinking with their eyes closed, but Lin Qianyu has stopped writing, dragging his chin with his left palm, looking at the Qingfeng horse in front of him boredly.

I want to see where its underdevelopment is.

Then, Lin Qianyu really found some clues.

The front limbs of this Qingfeng horse are a little smaller than the hind limbs, and the front hooves are also a little smaller than the hind hooves.

This is a very subtle difference. If Lin Qianyu didn't have a lot of time left, who would pay so much attention to this.

Thirty minutes passed quickly.

When the time was up, the examiner went to collect the question and answer cards.

This question requires time for review.

Unlike the previous two questions, there is no fixed answer. This question does not have a fixed answer. It depends on the candidate's on-the-spot performance and knowledge accumulation.

"Your answers will be sent to the examination room on the side, and experienced breeders with the lowest professional title of intermediate breeders will serve as examiners.

Wait a moment, and the results will come out."

That said, there are only three breeders in Qingfeng City with professional titles not lower than intermediate breeders, and they are all intermediate breeders.

And the annual breeder examination, these three must be present, and the examination is also these three.

Moreover, the marking room is right next to the examination room. The side close to the examination room is made of glass. You can see the movements inside the examination room clearly, but you can't hear any sound.

In the marking room.

The most experienced intermediate breeder serves as the main judge, and the other two serve as deputy judges. The two deputy judges cross-review each other, and the final result is determined by the main judge.

"The quality of this year's candidates is quite good."

The chief judge reviewed the test papers one by one. Most of the candidates answered the questions correctly, with only some minor differences.

Because of their rich experience, the opinions of the three people were almost the same, but they would occasionally judge according to their own methods and habits, which might lead to one person giving a higher score and another giving a lower score, but the overall range was not much different. After all, the chief judge still had to make the final integration and determination.

"Well, interesting."

Looking at a question and answer card, the candidate's answer was marked with a red wavy line, and there was a 100 next to it, and there were two of them, which meant that both deputy judges gave full marks.

This situation is really rare in the breeder examination over the years.

After all, it is really difficult for two experienced people to agree.

Skipping other places, the chief judge directly scanned the place with the wavy line.


The chief judge turned around and looked at the questions and answers before him. As a result, the previous questions and answers were all on point, and even more detailed and sufficient than the previous candidates he thought were of good quality.

The following paragraph is the highlight. Originally, none of the three expected the examinees to see that the Qingfeng horse was underdeveloped.

They did not intend to include this point in the answer, but since someone pointed it out and gave a solution, it was interesting. A little genius appeared in Qingfeng City.

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