When Lao Ban said this, the class became excited again. After all, this kind of experience lead does give them the opportunity to draw a lot of people away.

After all, the purpose of studying animal science is to be admitted to university, and this opportunity makes many people feel that it doesn't matter even if it is a bit hard and tiring. What's more, doesn't the school also leave a Sunday for students to rest?

Compared with ordinary liberal arts and sciences courses where there is basically no rest, students in the animal control department do not have to study in the evening, which is already very good and quite humane.

"Quiet, quiet down!

And this time, in order to cope with the one-size-fits-all reform of the college entrance examination, our No. 3 Middle School and seven schools including No. 1 Middle School, No. 2 Middle School, No. 4 Middle School, No. 5 Middle School, No. 6 Middle School, and Zhengxing, organized a college entrance examination reform under the organization of the Municipal Education Bureau. The final mock exam is scheduled for the end of the semester, and this time the exam is not like we are taking the monthly exam, but it is completely in line with the rules of the college entrance examination. This will be notified at the end of the semester, and now, the most important thing you need to do is to mention Spirit to learn and train!

Okay, there's nothing left to do. Lin Qianyu came out with me, and the rest waited for the theory teacher to start class. "

With that said, Laoban asked Lin Qianyu to follow him out.

In the office.

"Qianyu, this time your overall scores in both the practical exam and the monthly exam are number one in the school, and the reward this time is to give you the opportunity to choose, which is 50,000 yuan in cash or a year's worth of energy block food for the beast.

What I mean is that if you are not in a hurry to spend money, a year's worth of energy block food is more valuable.

You participated in the competition held by the breeding house, and you should also know about energy blocks. I think you should seriously consider it. After all, this is not a small sum of money. "

Looking at Lin Qianyu standing in front of his desk, Laoban still gave a very pertinent opinion.

After all, these are excellent students, and teachers always have a preference for excellent students.

"Teacher, I know what you mean, so I also choose the energy block of one year, but my animal control appetite is relatively large, there should be no problem with this, right?"

To be honest, there is no way to compare this 50,000 yuan with the energy block that Guigui earns in one year.

After all, for Lin Qianyu, the sharp increase in the turtle's food intake is what worries him the most.

"The appetite is relatively large? How big can it be? As long as it's not too outrageous, it should be fine."

"The problem is that my beast's food intake is really a bit outrageous. How about I let it out at noon and let it eat?"

"Isn't it true that your beast master's appetite is ridiculously large?"

"Well, it might be more outrageous than you think."

Lin Qianyu's words made Lao Ban a little confused as to what to do.

After all, there are indeed some beasts whose appetites are larger than those of the same kind, but Lin Qianyu's behavior shows that his appetite for beasts is really not simple.

So, at noon, Laoban came to see the turtle's extraordinary appetite for beast control.

And seeing that Guigui's meal was equivalent to three meals for Tu Gui, Laoban knew that the amount of food Lin Qianyu just said was outrageous.

That is really outrageous!

Lin Qianyu's turtle eats more in one day than other turtles eat in three days, which is really beyond Lao Ban's understanding.

You said there is nothing wrong with eating more. After all, individuals are different and their food intake must be different, but this is really too much.

"Qianyu, have you, Tugui, had it checked? Did you find any problems?"

"If you check it, yes, the results of the examination at the Beast Control Center are normal, and this situation may occur because the dragon bloodline in the turtle body has awakened, which is why there is such a possibility of such a large increase in food intake."

"Dragon bloodline? Tugui?"

"Yes, it was when I was fighting with that rocky beast in the examination room that I awakened the violent skill, and then it became like this."

"Violent? No wonder, I'm going to apply to the principal now. If it doesn't work, I can only say that I will give you the amount of food Tugui originally had for a year."

"Okay, if it doesn't work, that's okay, just trouble the teacher."

Laoban waved his hand. After all, this was considered his duty, and Tu Gui who had awakened the dragon bloodline was different from ordinary Tu Gui.

But this point gave Lao Ban enough reason to convince the principal.

When the practical class was over, Laoban waited for Lin Qianyu on the playground to tell him the results.

According to Lao Ban, through his own sharp tongue and Turtle's awakening of the potential of the dragon bloodline as a bargaining chip, the principal directly agreed to distribute a year's worth of energy block food based on Turtle's food intake.

Regarding what Lao Ban said, Lin Qianyu believed 70% and doubted it 30%. However, Lin Qianyu still expressed her gratitude to Laoban.

After leaving his home address for Lao Ban, the turtle's year's worth of energy block food was delivered directly to his home.

After returning home and lying on the bed, Lin Qianyu felt a lot more relaxed. After all, Turtle's appetite in the past two days had indeed made Lin Qianyu a little uncomfortable.

The one-year energy block originally won by winning the Freshman Cup became four months, and the remaining eight months were another huge hole. The one-year energy block obtained this time really solved Lin's problem. A big burden for Qianyu.

Then, Turtle's food at night was dragon scale grass plus energy cubes. Lin Qianyu finished the feeding once again when Turtle looked like he was going to kill himself.

At night, Lin Qianyu placed another order for a hundred kilograms of dragon scale grass. As for where the money came from, it was of course from Lin's father.

And because Lin Qianyu placed orders for a hundred kilograms both times, the store generously gave Lin Qianyu twenty kilograms, which was considered a great profit.

And during this period, Lin Qianyu's energy was focused on activating the dragon bloodline of the turtle, and the strengthening of the turtle's body was a bit neglected.

But there was nothing to do about it. After all, the stone steel liquid was really too expensive, more expensive than the dragon scale grass.

And this thing needs more than a dozen bottles to have a significant effect, which made Lin Qianyu a little afraid to invest directly. It is better to invest in dragon scale grass, which is more affordable and direct.

After all, compared with the stone steel liquid, the dragon scale grass is really much cheaper, and the effect is also obvious.

As for the water energy stone, it really depends on fate. After all, if the turtle successfully awakens the second attribute of the dragon attribute, then it is really necessary to cultivate the dragon attribute of the turtle with all your strength, and the water attribute is really up to fate.

Not to mention that the price of hydro-stone is more expensive than molten steel.

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