Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$271 Underground Secret Laboratory (12)

Meeting such a fellow countryman in a foreign country may be considered a kind of hometown accent for Lin Qianyu.

Although, he may have been overwhelmed by the food of Baixiang Country.

They did not have a deep friendship, but just a simple exchange on the street. After learning that Lin Qianyu was from China, this big brother even asked Lin Qianyu to drink a sip of the clean and hygienic aloe vera juice with dozens of seasonings added. However, after seeing the operation of the street stall owner, Lin Qianyu said that he would not drink this stuff.

Lin Qianyu only knew that this was a Chinese who made a living in a foreign country and made some extra money by shooting videos, so Lin Qianyu still followed him on Bilibili, which was considered a small fate.

And from him, I also know that this is the civilian area of ​​the capital of Baixiang Country, and the place Lin Qianyu wants to find is on the edge of this civilian area.

To be honest, at first Lin Qianyu didn’t quite understand why the laboratory was built here, but after understanding it, Lin Qianyu understood it.

Because the ancient White Elephant Country implemented the caste system. Although this system was abolished after the establishment of the New White Elephant Country in modern times, it was not completely abolished. It was only abolished in name. The White Elephant Country still implements this system.

Under this backward and evil system, the low-caste citizens in the White Elephant Country have no rights. They can't even eat at the same table with the high-caste people. In fact, it's not that they can't, but they can be easily killed, and the high-caste people don't have to pay any price.

And it is in this environment that the White Elephant Country is called the most populous country in the world, but because of its small area, backward health, economy, and culture, it has become a paradise for crime.

In this environment, the disappearance of a few low-caste people is not very noticeable at all, so this place has basically become a paradise for research institutes and laboratories of some evil organizations.

Because this person is familiar with this place, plus the few circles of eyes just now, Lin Qianyu asked him to lead the way around, and he also enthusiastically agreed.

After all, for him who hadn't seen his fellow villager for a long time, it was no problem to take Lin Qianyu for a walk in his spare time.

As he walked around, Lin Qianyu also came into contact with the surroundings of this laboratory.

However, the secrecy of this laboratory exceeded Lin Qianyu's expectations. When he entered the surroundings of this laboratory, Lin Qianyu had already felt dozens of eyes sweeping over him. If there was no fellow villager who had lived here for a long time, Lin Qianyu would have been listed on the list of suspicious people. However, even with this fellow villager, Lin Qianyu seemed a little suspicious.

This is a secret laboratory in the guise of a biotechnology research company. It covers a large area, and it seems that there are really biotechnology research inside.

However, the security force is extremely strict. When Lin Qianyu saw a car entering this company, it was even stopped for a thorough inspection. Even the canine beasts were dispatched. The strictness was even stricter than the inspections of some domestic beast corps.

Lin Qianyu just glanced at him and continued to walk around with this fellow villager, chatting and laughing. After a while, Lin Qianyu also said goodbye to him. WeNXuEmi.Cc

After all, he also has a job, and it is already very good to be able to take some time to accompany Lin Qianyu for a while.

After he left, Lin Qianyu also bought some snacks on the nearby street using translation software, pretending to be a tourist.

Although the tourists who come to the White Elephant Kingdom are basically not much different from idiots, there is no other way. Disguising as a tourist is the best disguise.

After buying, Lin Qianyu will not put it in her mouth on the spot, but choose to pack it away. After all, the taste is a bit smelly. If she has to put it in her mouth, Lin Qianyu will definitely not be happy, and she will also feel physically uncomfortable. As for how to deal with it after taking it back to the hotel, it is unknown.

At night.

Lin Qianyu also contacted her boss in the Security Bureau to discuss how to sneak into this laboratory, but the help Lin Qianyu could get was limited, not limited. It can only be said that, except for money, the rest of the help was almost zero.

That is to say, it was completely up to Lin Qianyu to find a way.

However, there was no other way. After all, the attitude of the White Elephant Country towards China has always been unfriendly, so basically, those who come here to travel are idiots.

A war that year hurt them, but they still dared to provoke China, which was something no one could have thought of.

Moreover, for various reasons, people in China could not get along here, so naturally, they could not provide any help to Lin Qianyu.

For Lin Qianyu, this was a tricky thing that had to be completed. After all, this was a task that must be completed, and there must be some important data in Hilt's laboratory. It was not an exaggeration to say that this was Hilt's important base.

So, when Lin Qianyu turned his head, he thought of a very clever way.

Just use the dark channel skill of the Netherworld to sneak directly into this laboratory over a short distance.

However, this is just an idea. Lin Qianyu has no idea whether it will succeed. After all, Lin Qianyu has seen Youming use this skill, but it is not known whether it can work on herself.

Therefore, experimentation is a must. In addition, if she just went to the laboratory today and there was a problem when she turned around, then Lin Qianyu would definitely be the most suspicious.

Therefore, Lin Qianyu decided to wait for a while. During this period of time, she would really experience the customs and customs of the ideal country that the short and big man in China said at the beginning. After all, this is the funding from the Security Bureau. In this dangerous mission, it is a waste not to play.

Moreover, during this period of time, she will also experiment whether Youming's dark passage can be used to carry the driver for a short distance. If she doesn't want to play, then Lin Qianyu will have to think of another way.

However, after the experiment, Lin Qianyu found that the skill of the dark passage of the underworld was ridiculously useful. As long as the distance was not too far, that is, the wall was not too thick, the underworld could pass through it. However, if Lin Qianyu was with him, there would be a limit.

Maybe it was because he was with someone, the distance of the passage became extremely close, but that was enough. After all, no matter how close it was, it was longer than the thickness of a wall.

After confirming that the dark passage of the underworld could take him through the wall, Lin Qianyu's plan was finalized.

However, the time for implementing the plan was uncertain. After all, Lin Qianyu needed to use these few days to dispel a suspicion of himself.

During these few days, Lin Qianyu completely regarded himself as a fool who really came to the White Elephant Country for a tour.

It's time to eat, drink, and play. Anyway, wherever there is a tourist attraction, Lin Qianyu will go there. As for food, Lin Qianyu feels that high-end restaurants are not unacceptable. Although she is still a little uncomfortable with the taste, it is much better than the dark dishes on the street. At least it is clean and edible.

Seven days later.

On a dark and windy night with heavy rain, the netherworld attached to Lin Qianyu's shadow, and opened a dark passage behind Lin Qianyu, passing through the wall of the hotel room where she lived.

In order to cooperate with this action, Lin Qianyu changed the hotel and chose a room on the second floor. Although it is not as convenient as the first floor, where does a good hotel have one floor?

Directly avoiding surveillance, wearing a black raincoat, a black hat and a mask, he walked around the laboratory.

In this downpour, a pedestrian walking on the street and wrapped so tightly is extremely suspicious, so Lin Qianyu also chose a very remote route and detoured for a distance before arriving near the laboratory.

After finding a blind spot for surveillance, Lin Qianyu took advantage of the dark night, heavy rain, and the gap between the security guards' patrol shifts, and asked Youming to open the dark passage and get in from the corner of the wall.

As for whether he would be discovered after entering, Lin Qianyu was not worried, because the place Lin Qianyu chose was this public toilet, and the time Lin Qianyu chose was midnight, plus it was dark, windy and rainy, so there would be no one in this place at all, but even if there was someone, it could be easily solved. Facing people from other countries, or even members of the Hilt organization, Lin Qianyu would not have such mercy.

As Lin Qianyu expected, at this time, let alone people, there was no light inside. Relying on a ray of light from the outside, Lin Qianyu groped out this public toilet.

Squatting in the shadows, observing the surrounding colors, comparing with the topographic map of this building in his mind, first determine where he is, and then start looking for the location of the secret laboratory.

The topographic map of this building was what Lin Qianyu saw on the recruitment brochure of this company. Moreover, when compared with the real topographic map provided by the National Security Bureau, it was exactly the same, which made Lin Qianyu a little silent.

After all, the topographic map obtained by the National Security Bureau was obtained at a great cost, but Lin Qianyu's recruitment brochure was taken anywhere on the street, which was indeed a bit embarrassing.

Moreover, Lin Qianyu could never have imagined that the topographic map of this building was openly displayed in the recruitment brochure, and it was the kind of graphics that were not even exaggerated, as if this company was sincerely recruiting, and there was no defense at all.

However, this happened to be a bargain for Lin Qianyu, and he rushed in directly and easily.

Bypassing the gap between patrols, Lin Qianyu also began to look for the location of this secret laboratory. Using the perception of the netherworld to find it, he finally found a laboratory with a large space under a regular laboratory.

Even the netherworld could feel some desperate cries of beast masters in it.

Lin Qianyu curled up in a corner and asked Youming to open the dark passage to see if he could go down and explore how far this underground laboratory was from the ground, and see if he could also use the dark passage to get in with him.

As a result, after trying, Youming came to the conclusion that he could get in, and barely, but he couldn't get in at all if he brought Lin Qianyu with him.

This made Lin Qianyu a little troubled. She had come to this point. If she could not succeed at once, she would have to wait for a while for the next time.

It was a dark night with high winds and heavy rain. Although the security force was still there, there were inevitably some loopholes. Lin Qianyu took advantage of this loophole to get in. Otherwise, she would not have been able to get in so easily.

So, Lin Qianyu was unwilling, but she had no other choice. However, seeing the laboratory on the ground, Lin Qianyu decided to take the risk and enter it to see if there was any chance.

As soon as she entered, Lin Qianyu immediately looked for blind spots of surveillance, and then hid in a dark corner. The first reaction Lin Qianyu had here was silence. It was really quiet, so quiet that she could hear every move and even the sound of her breathing.

And in a scientific research laboratory in such a large company, it was obviously wrong to have such a movement. Even if there was no one else, it should not be so quiet, so quiet and weird.

In this situation, Lin Qianyu herself did not dare to move rashly, but asked Youming to use spiritual energy to carry Lin Qianyu off the ground. It is always okay to be careful.

When she walked to the next passage, Lin Qianyu heard the sound of shoes stepping on the floor, and hurriedly asked Youming to hide with her, and then heard a chattering sound.

Although she didn't understand, Lin Qianyu still asked Youming to go out and lurk in their shadows to see what they were doing, while Lin Qianyu continued to curl up in this corner, waiting for Youming to come back.

After Lin Qianyu crouched here like a turtle for a long time, Youming came back and brought Lin Qianyu a message. It found the location leading to the underground secret laboratory and knew how to open the door of the laboratory.

This made Lin Qianyu overjoyed. She looked at the time. It was already early in the morning and there was still some time before dawn. This period of time was exactly the time when people's vigilance was the weakest. This would definitely be the best time to break into the secret laboratory. So, Youming took Lin Qianyu to the passage leading to the underground secret laboratory.

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