Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$25 The turtle turned into a dragon?

"Turtle! My turtle!"

The moment the turtle fell, Lin Qianyu immediately pressed the alarm, then rushed out to the direction of the turtle to check on the turtle's condition.

"Stop howling, it's just exhaustion."

In fact, Huang Yu had already arrived here before the battle was over, but when he saw that the turtle had the advantage, he stayed in the sky and waited without taking action.

But in the end, the battle ended with the turtle and the rocky rocks perishing together.

And when Lin Qianyu pressed the alarm, Huang Yu got the prompt and came down directly.

"Damn, rescue at the speed of light!"

Lin Qianyu looked at Huang Yu, then looked at the alarm in his hand, and gave a thumbs up for the speed of this rescue.

I thought it would take a while, but it arrived in an instant.

"Put it back into the space, and then go outside for treatment. It's just exhausted. A short while will be enough for it to recover."

"Okay, thank you for your help."

"Okay, let's go."

As he said that, Lin Qianyu also directly put the turtle into the space, and then rode on Huang Yu's white-feathered blue eagle and rushed directly to the entrance of the examination room.

He came directly to the hospital of the Fifth Beast Tamer Corps, and after showing certain documents, he was taken in for treatment.

"You are really lucky. The contracted turtle actually has the blood of the dragon. I think the breeding house that sold your turtle probably regretted it to death."

In the waiting area, Huang Yu said to Lin Qianyu.

This is also true. After all, the price difference between the beast with dragon blood and the ordinary beast is not as big as the price difference between the dragon beast and the ordinary beast, but it is definitely not small.

It can be said that Lin Qianyu picked up a big bargain without knowing it.

"Lucky, lucky, I wanted to choose the Blood Wolf Dog as my initial beast, but I saw that the turtle was my favorite. I can only say that it was fate."

"Whether it is fate or luck, you picked up a big leak. This is a fact. Let me give you a suggestion. You can try to develop the dragon bloodline in the turtle. After all, the beast that can naturally comprehend the violent beast, except for the dragon beast, the dragon bloodline in the bodies of other beasts will not be low.

Otherwise, the turtle has no evolutionary form, and future cultivation will be more laborious."

"Yes, I will seriously consider your suggestion."

Faced with Huang Yu's suggestion, Lin Qianyu also humbly accepted it. Originally, he had no obligation to give me advice like this, but since he gave me advice, I must consider it.

Huang Yu and Lin Qianyu chatted for a while in the waiting area, and then the turtle was brought out by the nurse.

Looking at the turtle whose mental state has recovered very well, Lin Qianyu's slightly hanging heart was also put down.

"Thank you."

"It's just my duty, but I still suggest that you try not to let the beastmaster fight such a fierce battle in the initial realm. Fortunately, it was sent here for treatment in time, otherwise it would leave some roots of disease."

"This time it was an emergency, and I must pay attention next time."

After that, the nurse handed the turtle to Lin Qianyu and turned away.

"Okay, put it in the space, we have to go back to the examination room. Although you have been eliminated, you still have to go back and wait."

"Then Uncle Huang, thank you for your help."

Through the relationship just now, Lin Qianyu can directly call Huang Yu Uncle Huang. For Huang Yu, it is just a change of address, but for Lin Qianyu, this proves that he has enough points to be noticed by others.

After leaving the hospital gate, he rode Huang Yu's white-feathered blue eagle back to the examination room.

After putting Lin Qianyu down, Huang Yu returned to the monitoring room to continue his duties.

After finding a relatively quiet place, Lin Qianyu summoned the turtle.

"Hey, hey!": Two-legged beast, I'm hungry!

Lin Qianyu: . . . . . .

The turtle, who had just fallen into a frenzy, fought desperately until he was exhausted. It was impossible for him to not be hungry, but he was really shocked by the fact that he was hungry when he came out.

However, since the turtle was hungry, Lin Qianyu could not say that he was hungry, so she directly gave the turtle the remaining beast food in the backpack.

"Eat this first, and I will take you to eat good food in the evening."

"Hey, hey!": Three meals! Don't forget the three meals of the two-legged beast!

"Got it, got it."

There was no hope, this thing was thinking about eating.

And when Lin Qianyu opened the system again to check the turtle's information, she saw it.

[Race name]: Painted turtle

[Race attributes]: Water, dragon (fake)

[Race grade]: Rare high

[Race level]: Initial realm ninth level

[Race skills]: Water spray, water claw attack, bite attack, heavy claw attack, trample, harden, violent

[Evolution form]: Floating vortex giant turtle (Jiao crocodile turtle)

[Evolution conditions]: Learn water skills, whirlpool water cannon, and take enough water essence before breaking through the realm of transformation at the tenth level of awakening realm (take enough dragon scale grass before breaking through the realm of transformation at the tenth level of awakening realm to purify the dragon blood in the body before evolution)

[Potential]: Very high

? ? ? ? ? ?

What's the situation, the change is so big?

That is to say, because the turtle just activated the dragon blood in the body, it realized violent, and then changed the turtle's attributes and evolution direction.

"I'm so lucky, this is a big profit!"

Hearing Lin Qianyu's excited whispers, the turtle eating food at the side looked up at him. After feeling that the two-legged beast was normal, he continued eating.

Even if Lin Qianyu didn't get good results in the monthly exam this time, he would definitely make a profit. It can't be said that he didn't lose money, he just made a lot of money.

After all, there are two different concepts between a beast with dragon bloodline and a dragon beast.

It can only be said that this time Turtle fought to the point of losing his strength, which was a blessing in disguise, and a big blessing at that.

It's just that the turtle needs to evolve into the dragon scale grass of the snapping turtle. Lin Qianyu has never heard of it, so he needs to check the information or search directly.

But after handing in the phone, there were probably no books to check here, so Lin Qianyu could only suppress her curiosity and wait to check it out when she got back.

After Guigui finished eating, Lin Qianyu started wandering around here, and then he met the two unlucky guys who were eliminated by him.

The two unlucky guys became excited when they saw Lin Qianyu.

"I didn't expect you to be here today!"

"What is this called? This is called retribution!"

Lin Qianyu didn't know what to say when she met these two unlucky guys. There were only three of them in the entire examination room, which meant that only these two unlucky guys were eliminated. I don't know how they Can you laugh?

Enjoying hardship?

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