Start with the Beastmaster Contract

267 Cade, who was highly expected, fell in the top 64! (12)

After seeing the two sides fight, the two beasts of the professional-level envoys of the Bald Eagle Alliance were defeated. Many envoys who knew the professional-level envoy of the Bald Eagle Alliance were shocked.

Although this was not the ace beast of the professional-level envoy of the Bald Eagle Alliance, it was obviously not the ace beast of the professional-level envoy of the Chinese country.

Looking at Lin Qianyu's young face, many envoys from other countries were shocked. They didn't know how China cultivated such a young monster?

And many title-level envoys led by other countries also fell into silence. After all, Lin Qianyu's opponent was not others, but the strongest among the professional-level envoys under the age of 40 in the Bald Eagle Alliance. The battles of non-ace beasts were like this, so what would the battles of ace beasts be like? This is a bit unknown.

However, the next moment, this battle gave an answer to the group of professional-level envoys and title-level envoys watching the battle.

The next second, this professional-level beastmaster of the Bald Eagle Alliance recalled his two beasts that had lost their combat capabilities and summoned his trump beast.

Hell Ghost Dragon, Dark Earth Dragon.

These are the unique dark attribute beasts of the Bald Eagle Alliance. Although the names are related to dragon beasts, in fact, these two beasts are only similar in appearance to dragon beasts. The others have nothing to do with dragon beasts.

Hell Ghost Dragon is a dual-attribute beast of dark and undead attributes, shaped like a western dragon.

Dark Earth Dragon is a dual-attribute beast of dark and earth attributes. It looks similar to Snake, but Snake's hands are green, while Dark Earth Dragon is black. With the texture on its body, it looks like goose bumps. ŴŴŴ.WenXueMi.Cc

Seeing that these two beasts were both at the tenth level of the King Realm, Lin Qianyu did not let Longlong and Lie Yidiao wander around on the field, but directly summoned them back to the beast control space and summoned Nether and Turtle.

This must be the opponent's trump card beast. Since the opponent has summoned the trump card beast, Lin Qianyu naturally has no need to drag it out, and directly fights with the trump card beast.

After all, this determines the only place to enter the top 32, and it is not the kind of arrogance.

Moreover, sometimes retaining the living force may have an impact on the subsequent battle situation.

However, when Nether and Turtle were summoned, some professional beast masters at the scene also showed a disdainful smile.

Originally, they thought that the beastmasters who could cultivate beastmasters like Longlong and Lieyi Diao must have extremely strong trump card beastmasters. However, when they saw the beastmasters who were not as strong as their trump card beastmasters, they showed a disdainful smile on their faces.

However, this group of professional-level beastmasters showed such a smile, but the expression on the faces of the title-level beastmasters who led them was different.

They had more experience than this group of professional-level beastmasters, and at the same time, their strength was much stronger than this group of professional-level beastmasters.

And they could naturally feel the terrifying amount of spiritual energy contained in the bodies of Guigui and Youming. Although their realm level was lower, the terrifying amount of spiritual energy contained in their bodies was not worse than that of the two hell ghost dragons and dark earth dragons at the tenth level of the monarch realm. In fact, to some extent, they were much stronger than those two beastmasters.

When the professional-level lord of the Bald Eagle Alliance opposite Lin Qianyu saw Youming and Guigui, his face showed a very solemn expression. Even when Longlong and Lie Yi Diao defeated his Mountain Moving Demon Ape and Dark Night Bat, his expression was very calm, but now, he felt great pressure.

This professional-level lord of the Bald Eagle Alliance felt that this would be a fierce battle.

As the referee sounded the start of the game, this game, which was extremely important to both Lin Qianyu and this professional-level lord of the Bald Eagle Alliance, began.

However, as the game started, the four beasts did not move, but just stared at each other from beginning to end.

The four beasts on both sides are very good at head-on collisions, and their close combat strength is extremely strong.

Although the two sides on the field did not act rashly, some people off the field were a little impatient.

"Damn, why don't you do it? Isn't it better to send this kind of person home quickly?"

"Why is Kaide hesitating? According to his usual character, shouldn't he do it directly?"

"What's going on?"

Compared to the discussion of this group of professional-level masters who have no vision, the title-level masters who led the team asked them to shut up.

And after hearing the words of the title-level masters who led their team, this group of professional-level masters felt as uncomfortable as if they had eaten shit. However, since the boss had spoken, they could only shut up obediently.

After a short confrontation, the originally calm battlefield suddenly became violent with spiritual energy.

From the turtle's body, a blue-green spiritual light surged, quickly condensing into a huge spiritual shadow behind it, and the turtle's own aura was constantly rising. This rising aura also made some professional-level masters who showed disdainful expressions just now feel as uncomfortable as if they had eaten shit.

Not only the turtle, but also the netherworld, condensed a huge spiritual shadow behind it, and the condensed shadow was itself.

As for the other side, the Hell Ghost Dragon and the Dark Earth Dragon also exuded dark dark attribute spiritual energy. They did not condense their own spiritual shadows behind them like the turtle and the netherworld.

The dark attribute spiritual energy they exuded was intertwined with each other, and finally condensed into a six-winged birdman, uh, a six-winged fallen angel.

Looking at the six-winged fallen angel emitting a great breath of pressure in the sky, Lin Qianyu frowned tightly.

This method of interweaving and condensing spiritual shadows with the same attribute spiritual energy was seen by Lin Qianyu on the Mountain Moving Demon Ape and the Dark Night Bat just now.

However, in the afternoon, when the dark power they condensed just now was not very effective, Lin Qianyu did not care at all, but now Lin Qianyu felt a heavy sense of threat from this six-winged fallen angel.

When this six-winged fallen angel spread its wings, the battle broke out instantly.

The sound of the dragon roared, and the sound waves slightly distorted the space in front.

The strong pressure from the rich undead spiritual energy almost turned into a substantial shock wave, rushing towards the opposite side.

The six-winged fallen angel also emitted a dark spiritual shield to defend against the tentative attacks of Turtle and Nether.

The gap between the two beasts was not very obvious.

Under this wave of tentative attacks, the eyes of the professional and titled beasts outside the field were all fixed on this battle.

After all, this is most likely the strongest professional battle between the two countries under the age of 40. Watching this battle is of great benefit to some people.

There are no gorgeous skills, no huge spiritual explosions, only the offset between the collisions of attacks.

Moreover, after letting go of the tentative attack launched by Turtle Chicken Nether, the spiritual shadow of the fallen angel also followed and attacked Turtle and Nether.

This was something Lin Qianyu had never encountered before. The spiritual shadows she had encountered before were attached to the beasts to enhance their combat effectiveness. Now, she was actually facing this kind of fighting method that could manipulate the spiritual shadows, which caught Lin Qianyu off guard.

It was worthy of being a world professional competition. She encountered this kind of strange attack method in the top 32.

This six-winged fallen angel was in mid-air, with its wings flapping behind it. The dark spiritual energy emanating from its body turned directly into a gust of wind and surged towards the turtle and the netherworld.


And under this dark gust of wind, only a dragon roar resounded in the battlefield.

A rough blue-green spiritual light column gushed out of the turtle's mouth and sprayed towards the six-winged fallen angel.

At the same time, the next second after the turtle attacked, a dark blade of energy swung from the huge horn of the netherworld and swung towards the six-winged fallen angel.

Shadow Destruction Slash!

Along with the chaotic dragon breath of the turtle, the shadow destroying slash also swung towards the six-winged fallen angel.

However, these two attacks did not directly attack the six-winged fallen angel condensed by spiritual energy, but collided with the attack of the six-winged fallen angel. However, there was no explosion between the spiritual energy, but it was melted into the black hole like a black hole, without any sound. However, the attack of the six-winged fallen angel also disappeared. It can be said that this time the attacks of both sides were tied again.

Facing such a result, Lin Qianyu was also expected. After all, if it was directly broken by the attacks of the turtle and the netherworld, then this new attack method would be a bit funny.

However, although the attacks of both sides melted and resisted, the turtle and the netherworld directly opened the awakening form, with the spiritual shadow behind them, and launched an attack, directly attacking the hell ghost dragon and the dark earth dragon under the six-winged fallen angel condensed by spiritual energy.

The might brought by the sweeping of thousands of troops and the shadow punch directly made the Hell Ghost Dragon and the Dark Earth Dragon give up controlling the six-winged fallen angel, and chose to fight with the turtle and the Netherworld head-on with short swords.

The sound of dragon roar came out, and the blue-green color covered the claws, and the dragon claws swung directly at the Hell Ghost Dragon.

Transformed into a messenger of the dead, the Netherworld's arms were also covered with the spirit of the dead, and attacked the Dark Earth Dragon.

The Hell Ghost Dragon saw the powerful claws of the turtle, and also swung his arms to meet it, while the Dark Earth Dragon waved its tail, trying to use its strength to defeat the Netherworld.


Bang! ! ! ! ! !

Boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

The Hell Ghost Dragon's arm hit the Turtle's dragon claw, just like hitting a hard boulder. After a moment of freezing, the Hell Ghost Dragon suddenly retracted his arm. However, although his arm was retracted, the Turtle's powerful dragon claw directly scratched several scars on the scales in front of the Hell Ghost Dragon. Blood and dark attribute aura gushed out together, making the Turtle's claws stained with a hint of enchantment.

The fight between the Netherworld and the Dark Earth Dragon ended in a draw. Both sides retreated, and no beastman actually took advantage.

However, because the Turtle's dragon claw scratched the Hell Ghost Dragon, the body of the six-winged fallen angel formed by the dark attribute aura behind the Hell Ghost Dragon and the Dark Earth Dragon was a little illusory.

Looking at the turtle on the field that injured the Hell Dragon with one claw, the group of professional-level envoys outside the field were shocked, and some even felt that they were doubting their lives.

"Within ten minutes, I need all the information of Lin Qianyu, a professional-level envoy from China. Is there any problem?"

"Bring out his information!"

Many title-level envoys also began to ask for information from their own domestic intelligence agencies.

After all, Lin Qianyu's performance shocked them all.

Compared with the professional-level envoys under the age of 40 in their country, this professional-level envoy named Kaide from the Bald Eagle Alliance is extremely excellent, or can be said to be able to suppress them.

However, such an existence was suppressed by five young soldiers from China, and even had the possibility of defeating him, which forced them to pay more attention to the behavior they originally valued.

After being injured by the turtle, the Hell Ghost Dragon continued to pounce forward and launched its strongest attack. A powerful dark attribute aura directly wrapped her arm and swung at the turtle.

The next moment, the turtle was not afraid either. An equally powerful blue dragon attribute aura also wrapped its claws, and it pounced forward with an absolutely powerful posture.



How powerful the Hell Ghost Dragon's attack just now was, and how embarrassed it was when it was knocked down by the turtle.

This also made the Hell Ghost Dragon confused on the spot

What is going on?

On this side, the Hell Ghost Dragon can't beat the turtle, while the Netherworld and the Dark Earth Dragon on the other side are fighting hard, and neither can do anything to the other.

However, in this situation, the side with the advantage can quickly decide the victory of the battle.

After repelling the Hell Ghost Dragon, the momentum of the turtle surged again, and it chased forward, one claw after another, and directly pressed the Hell Ghost Dragon to the ground and rubbed it.

The six-winged fallen angels behind them also dispersed under the attack of the smashing turtle.

The Hell Ghost Dragon was defeated.

It was defeated by a beast with a lower realm level than it, and its defeat meant that Cade fell to the top 64.

When the Dark Earth Dragon was also knocked to the ground by the turtle's claws, when there was no way to save the situation, Cade chose to surrender. After all, there was really no need to fight stubbornly.

In this way, Cade, who was given hope by the Bald Eagle Alliance, fell to the top 64.

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