Start with the Beastmaster Contract

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Early January.

Dean Dongfang informed Lin Qianyu that Guigui had successfully cultivated the awakening form and that he could go to the ruins of the Dongfang family to pick him up.

Lin Qianyu was not surprised to receive this news. After all, Guigui's talent was there. If Guigui was allowed to explore on his own, it would take a long time. However, if Guigui, who had already mastered the awakening form, could not cultivate successfully quickly, then Guigui would really be sorry for his talent.

In the middle and late January.

Dean Dongfang informed Lin Qianyu again that Youming had also successfully cultivated the awakening form and that he could go to the ruins of Fengdu to pick him up.

Youming's talent was the same as Guigui's. Lin Qianyu thought it was normal that he could quickly cultivate the awakening form in a short period of time.

During this period of time, not only Guigui and Youming were making progress, but also Snake, Dragon and Lie Yi Diao had made considerable progress when Lin Qianyu withdrew a lot of resources and treasures from the Security Bureau.

Snake's realm level has reached the eighth level of the Lord Realm, Longlong has reached the sixth level of the Lord Realm, and Lie Yi Diao has reached the third level of the Lord Realm.

There are still more than four months before the domestic preliminary round, but the domestic competition is said to start in May, but in fact, the selection started in April.

However, unlike the last inheritance battle that Lin Qianyu participated in, the inheritance battle starts from the municipal units, while the domestic preliminary round of the World Professional Championship starts directly from the provincial selection, and there are only two rounds, provincial selection and domestic preliminary round, and then the World Professional Championship schedule.

During these two months, Lin Qianyu let the turtles rest for a month, and then started special training until the provincial selection and battle.

Time: April 16.

Location: Zuohai City, the capital of Lingnan Province, outside the 81st Beast Taming Corps garrison base.

The usually solemn garrison of the Beast Taming Corps now has a little more life in addition to the soldiers, and has become extremely lively.

And here is the venue for the World Professional Tournament, the preliminary round, and the Lingnan competition area.

Unlike the inheritance battle, the World Professional Tournament requires the imperial envoys to return to the province where their ancestral home is to compete.

As a world-class grand event, the World Professional Tournament naturally cannot directly gather all the professional imperial envoys who have registered from all over the world to participate in the competition in a designated place. That is impossible.

Not to mention whether the World Professional Tournament has such a long time, just to gather all the professional imperial envoys who have registered from all over the world, the venue must be so large.

In fact, some imperial envoys who have registered for the World Professional Tournament do not come for the competition, such as making friends with some like-minded imperial envoys, making friends with some business tycoons, etc.

According to incomplete statistics, among the professional imperial envoys participating in each World Professional Tournament from various regions, there are three levels of their purpose that is not in the competition itself.

Although this is also because they have a strong understanding of their own strength, they know that even if they participate in the competition seriously, they will be a waste, so they will start completely, or in other words, they will change their purpose to something else.


This time, the World Professional Championship has only three stages, namely the preliminary rounds within each competition area, the qualifying rounds of the competition area, and the final world stage competition.

That is, the provincial preliminary rounds and the domestic qualifying rounds.

The number of applicants in each province is different, but the same thing is that only the top five players in each province will enter the domestic qualifying round.

It can be said that the competition in the World Professional Championship is extremely cruel.

Even if you get the qualification for the provincial preliminary round, you will get the qualification for the domestic qualifying round, but the difficulty of fighting against the best professional-level imperial envoys in various countries in the world is increasing geometrically.

It is normal for some small countries to be completely wiped out.

Although China has also experienced this kind of annihilation, it was decades ago when the development of domestic imperial envoys did not keep up with the international pace. Now, let alone other things, it is normal to maintain the top three and compete for the championship and runner-up.

Unlike Lin Qianyu who was alone, it was normal to gather in groups in the Lingnan competition area. After all, it was normal for a professional-level envoy to have a few good friends. Otherwise, it was okay to have a few people who could talk to him. However, it was extremely rare to be a lone wolf like Lin Qianyu.

However, this kind of lone wolf was usually either extremely powerful or isolated. As young as Lin Qianyu, people would think he was isolated when they saw him.

This time, the World Professional Competition adopted a mode of no live broadcast and no audience. Even the registration was verified on the spot.

It was very lively at the registration point. After all, this was a gathering of professional-level envoys from a province. Even if there were few professional-level envoys, few professional-level envoys willing to participate in the World Professional Competition, and few envoys who could meet the standards of the World Professional Competition, it was normal for a place as big as a province to gather hundreds of people.

Looking at the people queuing in front, Lin Qianyu also joined the team directly.

As the queue moved forward, Lin Qianyu waited for the envoy in front to finish registering, took out his ID card from his pocket, handed it to the staff member who was registering, and waited for the staff member to verify Lin Qianyu's identity card after the check was completed. Qianyu is eligible to participate in the World Professional Championship.

Then he filled in a form with relevant information, received a number plate, and then gave Lin Qianyu the key to a room. This was Lin Qianyu's number plate and the residence where he would participate in the provincial competition.

The number plate is determined based on the number of registered contestants. The number plate Lin Qianyu got is one hundred and sixty-nine, which proves that there are already one hundred and sixty-eight contestants in front, and looking at the one behind There was a long queue, and Lin Qianyu felt that there were really many people there.

Moreover, there is still one day left before the deadline for registration this time, so it is unknown how many contestants there will be.

Taking the number plate and room key, Lin Qianyu left the registration office and went to the rest area.

The next day.

At his residence, Lin Qianyu also observed some of his opponents this time. Some looked young and some looked old. But being able to stay here proved that they were quite capable.

Among them, some of the emissaries had itchy hands and started fighting in the battle arena provided here. Then, Lin Qianyu felt that their strength seemed to be a little bit weaker than his own.

This made Lin Qianyu feel a little relieved.

The next day.

The preliminary round of the Lingnan Division has also begun. There are no spectators, no live broadcast, no opening ceremony, and no speech from the leader. Anyway, just a referee came to the scene to announce the rules of the preliminary round, and then started to draw lots. After that, it heralded the official start of this preliminary competition.

The rules of the provincial preliminary competition were the same as those of previous competitions that Lin Qianyu had experienced, but there were only individual battles and no team battles.

It is directly one-on-one, commanding the beasts to fight, and you can replace the beasts. Anyway, when all the beasts on one side lose their fighting ability, the party with the ability to control the beasts will win.

The lottery is to select the participating groups of this group of contestants. The first place in each participating group will qualify, and then the competition will be repeated until the top five ambassadors are determined to qualify and participate in the domestic qualifying competition.

The drawing of lots is random. Looking at the envoys drawn into a group one by one, they are basically the ones who can say hello or even make deals.

It can be said that in the circle of imperial envoys in Lingnan Province, they have all been involved in it for a long time. In fact, there should be some tools for in-depth communication, such as chat groups and the like.

As for Lin Qianyu, after being drawn into a group, she saw them smiling and saying hello one by one, while she stood alone on the spot, and couldn't help but sigh, the world of this imperial envoy is not about fighting and killing, but about killing. It’s human nature!

However, there was no other way. After all, Lin Qianyu was very young and had not even been back to Lingnan Province a few times. Instead, he was hanging out in the imperial capital, let alone having friendship with them.

After the draw is over, the preliminary round begins.

There is no limit to how many games you can play in a day in the preliminary round. Anyway, it will be played from morning to dark. If the game is not over that day, then it will be played the next day. Anyway, it will be played, kept playing, and the top players of the provincial preliminary round will be determined without interruption. Five.

After all, next to it is an instrument that can restore the physical strength of the beast control, and next to it is the resident hospital of the beast control corps.

After watching a few games, it was Lin Qianyu's turn.

Standing on the royal podium, facing the middle-aged man with a beer belly opposite him, under the command of the referee, both players summoned their beasts and got ready, and the game officially began.

As two white lights flashed, the beasts on both sides were summoned.

As soon as Netherworld appeared, it was accompanied by dark necromantic spiritual energy. Although there was no high-pitched cry, the high fighting spirit and even coercive aura exuded from it made the sharp-clawed black bear on the opposite side tremble a little. .

After all, the strength of the sharp-clawed black bear opposite was only at the fifth level of Lord Realm. It might be enough to see outside, but here, especially in front of Lin Qianyu, it was definitely not enough to see.

The middle-aged man with a beer belly opposite Lin Qianyu also had an extremely ugly expression. After all, no one would directly summon his ace beast from the beginning, and Lin Qianyu It can be regarded as the first person in this game.

However, facing this young boy with such strength, this middle-aged man with a beer belly, although dignified, looked down upon Lin Qianyu. After all, Lin Qianyu was too old. Younger.

This childish face is so deceptive.

However, when You Ming got close to the sharp-clawed black bear in an instant and defeated it with one claw, the contempt on the face of the middle-aged man with a beer belly was gone. Only the cold sweat on his forehead reminded him that he was very serious now. It's nervousness.

After all, he could instantly kill his beast with one move.

"This this......"

"What speed is that? Is it too fast?"

"No, speed is second, and the terrifying attack power is the key, right? I didn't even feel that it used any skills, but it just killed the clawed black bear with one claw."

"This man is so terrifying!"

The imperial emissary who was not competing at the side couldn't help but be a little stunned when he saw that a battle was over in just a moment.

Even if the King Realm beats the Lord Realm, it's like a father beating his son, but it's not that fierce, right? Even if the son is not strong, he will at least resist, right? Who the hell will be killed by a claw?

While the Yushi watching the battle was chatting, the middle-aged man with a beer belly also summoned his second Yushi, and then, it was still quickly approached by Youming, and then killed by a claw.

This made the beer belly middle-aged Yushi, who originally had a strong confidence in himself, lose confidence and completely despair.

This was not his first game. He had fought a game before and defeated one of his opponents, and the confidence he built up at that time was directly shattered by Lin Qianyu.

No, no, the strategy must be changed, and the trump card can only go first!

So, the third Yushi he summoned, that is, his trump card Yushi, is a powerful crocodile in the King Realm, a dual-attribute Yushi with water and fighting attributes.

The size is similar to that of Netherworld, but it looks much more brutal than Netherworld.

When this powerful crocodile appeared on the ring and confronted Netherworld, it also showed a high fighting spirit.

Under the command of the middle-aged man with a beer belly, it took steps and rushed towards Netherworld at a slow speed. The crocodile's tail kept swinging, and its sharp claws emitted a deep cold light.

When Netherworld saw this powerful crocodile, his fighting spirit became more and more high.

A huge Netherworld spiritual shadow condensed from behind Netherworld.

Looking at the spiritual shadow behind Netherworld, the powerful crocodile had an ominous premonition in his heart.

However, the next second, this ominous premonition was broken by its confidence in its own strength.

After all, the most important thing for fighting beasts is confidence, just like water-attributed beasts are not short of water.

"Explosive Fist!"

A powerful fighting attribute aura wrapped around the claws of the powerful crocodile, condensed into a powerful fist, and blasted towards the netherworld.

And the netherworld did not need Lin Qianyu's command, the aura shadow behind it directly attached to its own body, and with the launch of the shadow punch, it punched at a very fast speed, and collided head-on with the explosive fist of the powerful crocodile.

At the moment of contact, nothing abnormal happened. Just when the middle-aged man with a beer belly thought that his ace beast had won, waves of air gushed out, followed by a wail from the powerful crocodile, and then it retreated violently, with its claws in a bent shape.

This scene made many beast masters at the scene dumbfounded, it was really too strong.

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