Start with the Beastmaster Contract

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Lin Qianyu gave the order, and not only the turtle, but also the snake and the netherworld were summoned. As they trampled on the ground, strong vibrations spread out in waves, and the rock wall at the entrance of the small valley was also cracked by the earthquake skill. Countless pieces of broken stones splashed down, and smoke and dust also spread out.

The earthquake skills of the three beasts made the beasts of the cult members and terrorist members stationed at the entrance of the small valley all use their defense skills to protect their beasts.

However, this attack only made them feel that it was nothing special. After all, the earthquake was indeed not a skill that could kill the beasts instantly. This kind of large-scale attack skill was only so powerful.

However, just when the leaders of this group of cult members and terrorist members wanted to organize a counterattack, the three beasts that cast the earthquake rushed directly into the formation.

The turtle-shaped dragon-shaped beast was covered by a blue-green dragon-shaped shadow, and the other big bug was emitting a pitch-black spiritual shadow. A closer look revealed that the ghost shadows of humans and beasts appeared on the pitch-black spiritual shadow, which looked even more terrifying. The other green fat snake was emitting a dark purple spiritual shadow, and drops of fishy water were dripping around it. It looked very toxic, but its momentum was much weaker than the two beasts in front.

This scene made the group of cult members and terrorist members confused. Who is the villain? Why does your beast look more like a villain?

It's poisonous and undead.

Before the group of cult members and terrorist members could react, the three beasts rushed over with the shadows covering them.

Many beasts who were stunned or preparing to protect their own masters did not react, and were instantly broken through by the turtles.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

One beast after another flew backwards and smashed into the rock wall behind them. Among them, there were also many members of cult organizations or terrorist organizations.

No matter whether it was a beast in the realm of transformation, a beast in the realm of transcendence, or a beast in the realm of command, they could not stop the attack of the three beasts of Guigui.

Some of them directly hit the rock wall, and some were covered with toxins. The stronger beasts were still twitching, and the weaker beasts were directly wailing.

There were even members of cult organizations and terrorist organizations who flew out with these beasts. When they fell on the rock wall, they were directly used as scapegoats and turned into a small bright red firework.

At this time,

Once again, with bursts of wind blades and bursts of flowing fire, they fell from the sky and crashed into the entrance of the small valley. Immediately, sand and gravel flew and smoke and dust spread. Many cult members and terrorist members who were scratched by the flying sand and gravel lay on the ground and wailed.

This scene frightened the leaders of the cult members and terrorist members who had just survived by chance.

Their mission was to guard this entrance and prevent people from outside from attacking. In the past, they had defended many attacks with the advantage of the terrain. If they could not leave the entrance, this group of people would have a certain degree of confidence in killing those who were surrounded outside.

However, they did not expect that all this would change directly after this young man broke in.

"Just now, I gave you a chance, but you couldn't catch it, so don't blame me, Turtle, sweep the army! Snake, Shadow Poison Attack, Netherworld, Meteor Assault, Fiery Eagle, Energy Flame Attack!"

In the smoke and dust, a figure rushed into the sky, and slowly stopped at a certain height. Amid the horrified expressions of a group of cult members and terrorist members below, Lin Qianyu gave the attack order expressionlessly.

Although Zhang Mingxuan said that if you can catch someone alive, you should catch them alive, but that was just his suggestion. Now, Lin Qianyu is not going to accept his suggestion. He is going to send these people to see their ancestors! Take a look at their unfilial descendants!

"No, we surrender! We surrender!"

Hearing Lin Qianyu's attack order, a large group of cult members and terrorist members below shouted loudly in fear, and some even escaped from the front of their defensive positions, and some collapsed on the ground, begging Lin Qianyu to accept their surrender.


"Too late! I won't accept it!"

As the attacks of Turtle, Snake, Netherworld and Lie Yi Diao fell, accompanied by the wailing of beasts, the screams of humans, the sound of rocks breaking, and the spread of smoke and dust, the entrance of this small valley returned to peace.

Behind Lin Qianyu was the team he had just arrived and part of the team that had just attacked the entrance of this small valley. They all looked at the ground scene in front of them with shock, after the smoke and dust was blown away by Longlong.

This was the real broken limbs and debris, blood, beasts, human limbs, broken walls, fragments, and pits, all covering the ground. There were also bloody red bloodstains on the rock wall beside.

And some members of the cult and terrorist organizations who had just escaped from the beasts were terrified and trembling as they looked at the scene behind them.

If a few of them had escaped a little late, they would definitely have become some of the broken limbs on the ground behind them.

Whether it was the soldiers of the 92nd Beast Taming Corps and the members of the Mocheng Beast Taming Association, who represented the righteous side behind Lin Qianyu, or the cult organizations who were soft-footed, soft-handed, and trembling in front of Lin Qianyu. Members and members of the terrorist organization all felt that the young man riding the Windbreaker Dragon was not a good person, and was even more cruel than members of their cult or terrorist organization.

After all, even if they are a cult organization or a terrorist organization, they will sometimes accept surrender, and the Beast Control Corps or the Beast Control Association will even accept surrender, but if Lin Qianyu refuses to surrender directly and decisively, then It's really rare.

"Stop being stunned, grab those who are alive, remove their arms, and then follow the rest in."

Lin Qianyu, who let Longlong land, looked at the group of people behind him who were still in a daze and couldn't help but remind him aloud.


With that said, more than a dozen members of the Beast Control Association ran out, took out ropes and tied up those members of the cult or terrorist organization who were lucky enough to be alive layer by layer.

Among them, several people took out knives from their space bracelets and prepared to use the knife next door to the members of the cult or terrorist organization who were lucky enough to survive.

"I'll blanch them! You idiots! I'm talking about dislocating their walls! I'm not talking about cutting their arms!"

Lin Qianyu was stunned for a moment when she saw the members of the Mocheng Beast Taming Association taking out machetes from their space bracelets. Then, she watched them play with the arms of the members of a cult or a terrorist organization. Lin Qianyu was stunned. Then, he reacted instantly and stopped their behavior.

The following members of the Beast Taming Association in Mocheng breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Lin Qianyu's words. After all, Lin Qianyu's performance just now really made them feel that this young man was too cruel.

Coupled with Lin Qianyu's blurt of removing his arms and Lin Qianyu's performance just now, they subconsciously thought that he was going to cut off their arms.

They were still a little timid. After all, they had never done anything like cutting someone's arm, and they were even a little scared. However, when they heard Lin Qianyu's words, they breathed a sigh of relief, and then a few of them neatly The arms of the few cult members and terrorist organization members who were lucky enough to survive were dislocated.

Seeing this, Lin Qianyu asked the dozen or so members of the Beast Taming Association to look after these people, then got on the turtle and led the soldiers of the Beast Taming Corps towards the valley.

"Where is the senior envoy you are leading? Why didn't you see him?"

Hearing Lin Qianyu ask this, one of the soldiers from the Beast Control Corps also came out to reply.

"Report! The senior envoy I led, Deputy Battalion Commander Guang, led some people to support another entrance ahead, leaving us to attack this entrance."

Hearing this, Lin Qianyu also understood. As long as nothing happened, it was indeed undesirable to divide the troops. Like just now, if Lin Qianyu hadn't arrived, the casualties would have been heavy. Moreover, whether the entrance to this small valley can be captured is still a matter of two minds.

Seeing Lin Qianyu not speaking, the soldiers of the 92nd Beast Control Corps behind him had only one thought. This security officer, despite his youth, was ruthless and cruel. If they didn't know that they represented justice, One side, otherwise one would be a bit doubtful as to who the villain is.

"Ask me why you don't attack from the air."

After hearing Lin Qianyu's words, the correspondent on the side asked directly.

"Report, there is a strong man-made magnetic field and a set of protective formations in the air, which cannot be entered from the air."

Lin Qianyu nodded, also thinking about why this group of people spent so much money to arrange magnetic fields and formations here. What is their purpose?

However, facing something without clues, Lin Qianyu couldn't think of anything, so she could only enter the valley, join up with the rest of the team, and wipe out this group of cult members and terrorist organization members, and the truth would be revealed. will surface.


"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this kid is too ruthless when he should be ruthless, and not ruthless at all when he shouldn't be ruthless. He can control it freely. It seems that this time our security bureau has picked up a treasure."

"This is Dongfang Yanran's disciple. Let's not talk about Dongfang Yanran. How can any of his disciples be simple? However, this valley cannot be entered from the air. You will take me with you later."

"Alright, alright, Lord Phantom Bat's dark passage is enough for us to enter."

There was only conversation but no one. If someone came over, they would probably be frightened.

The entrance to the small valley is not too big, and it is a bit narrow for the turtles to pass through, but it is still manageable.

The passage at the entrance is not long, and you can pass through this passage in a few steps.

As the scene in front of him changed, he saw a patchwork of tents in the valley, arranged very regularly. However, before Lin Qianyu could take a closer look, he was interrupted by a wave of attacks from the beast masters.

"Explosive flames!"

"Fire bomb!"

"Water impact!"

"Energy ball!"

On both sides of the exit, the beasts that had been ambushing for a long time and were ready to attack directly released their long-prepared skills.

The number is not as much as the ones outside just now, but the power is more powerful. Even if it is an ordinary beast of the commander realm, it will be seriously injured or die directly after such an attack.

However, the turtle is not an ordinary beast of the commander realm. In fact, it is not a beast of the commander realm. It is a beast of the lord realm!

In addition, the turtle has a quick reaction and outstanding defense. With Yishui's defense skills, it directly blocked the attack. Lin Qianyu on the turtle is protected by the netherworld. At the moment of these attacks, the netherworld immediately appeared from Lin Qianyu's shadow, opened the protective means, and directly blocked the aftermath of the attack.

Facing the failure of their beast's full-strength attack, the members of the cult and terrorist organization who were ambushed on the side fled directly. After all, they also vaguely saw the scene at the entrance just now.

If this brutal young man reacts, it is estimated that there will be another massacre waiting for them!

However, they overestimated their attack power and speed, and underestimated Lin Qianyu's defense and reaction speed.

A green figure quickly jumped out from the crotch of the turtle-shaped dragon-shaped beast, and attacked the beast and the servant ambushed on the left.

The field with venom and the skills with toxins directly poisoned the servants and their beasts on the left, turning dark purple.

As for the ones on the right, because the snake could not split, there was no way to catch up with them, and they could only spray a few poison bombs to send them off.

When the snake solved everything, Lin Qianyu rode the turtle and came out of the passage. Looking at the beast and servant who fell to the ground, groaning in pain, rolling on the ground, and even hitting their heads on the ground, grabbing their flesh and blood, Lin Qianyu had no intention of detoxifying them.

After all, they had just launched a sneak attack, and the target of the sneak attack was still Lin Qianyu, so~

And if Lin Qianyu didn't say anything, the soldiers of the 92nd Beast Taming Corps behind him didn't dare to take any action. After all, Lin Qianyu was now their leader, and the duty of the soldiers was to obey orders, so a group of people just let them die on the ground.

And at this time, Lin Qianyu had time to observe the environment in the valley.

Looking at the piles of tents arranged in a regular pattern and the traces of life on the side, Lin Qianyu felt that this place should have existed for a long time, so what was their purpose? Stayed here for so long? If the members of the Beast Encyclopedia hadn't been unable to control the people below, it would probably not have been discovered.

So, we have to thank that birdman?

Otherwise, send hundreds of female beasts fed with estrus drugs and lock them up with him for three days and three nights, hi him for three days and three nights?

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