Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$248 The disciple is better than the master! [Two-in-one request for subscription, recommendation, a

A wave of white air suddenly emanated from around the turtle's body, and along with the air wave, the turtle's aura also dissipated.

In this aura, Lin Qianyu felt the dragon's might and the pressure of the level. It felt like two different auras were mixed together, and finally formed an aura with both pressure and dragon's might.

It was a very strange aura, and under this rising aura, the turtle's realm level and race grade quietly changed.

[Race name]: Zeyi sub-dragon

[Race attribute]: Water, dragon

[Race grade]: Legendary low

[Race level]: Lord realm level 6

[Race skills]: Water spray, water claw attack, bite attack, heavy claw attack, trample, harden, violent, dragon roar, dragon claw, dragon might, water tornado, dragon breath, raging sea, sinking strike, dragon slash, sweeping thousands of troops, iron head, iron tail, heavy impact, metal claw, tempered defense, water shield, purification power, earthquake, bloodthirsty dance, chaotic dragon breath, reverse scale, flying pressure, fast defense, arm hammer, absolute defense, meteor swarm, dragon dive, high-pressure water cannon, waterfall climbing

[Evolution form]: has reached the final evolution form

[Evolution conditions]: none

[Potential]: excellent

Looking at the information of the turtle in the system panel, Lin Qianyu felt that this time's inheritance was simply the kind of explosive profit.

The race level was directly upgraded to the lower level of legend, and the strength was directly upgraded to the lord level.

Looking at the aura still rising on the turtle, and the turtle wrapped in the blue-green aura, Lin Qianyu knew that the inheritance was not over yet. It was estimated that the inheritance behind was the most important point.

Looking at the turtle with its eyes still closed, Lin Qianyu turned around and went to the ancient temple where Youming received the inheritance.

In the ancient temple of the dead spirit, Youming, like the turtle, exuded a rising aura, and the body wrapped in the dead spirit attribute, like the turtle, was receiving a more important inheritance.

[Race name]: Nether White Coat

[Race attributes]: Insect, Undead

[Race rank]: Legendary medium

[Race level]: Lord level 4

[Race skills]: Weird Curse, Shadow Claw, Shadow Punch, Shadow Sneak, Shadow, Phantom Ghost, Shadow Shatter, Soul Binding, Nether Devouring, Dark Blade, Haste, Cross Cut, Bloodsucking, Cross Scissors, Spinning Slash, Nether Marking, Shadow Destruction Slash, Ghost Shadow, Dark Wind, Shadow Punch, Dark Passage, Super Horn Attack, Pounce, Meteor Flash, Ultimate Impact, Meteor Assault, Armor Breaking Attack, Deathwing, Earthquake

[Evolutionary form]: Has reached the final evolutionary form

[Evolutionary conditions]: None

[Potential]: Excellent

Looking at the race rank of Nether that was inherited and upgraded on the system panel, Lin Qianyu felt as if she had eaten a popsicle in the dog days of summer, and her heart was chilled.

Compared with the Netherworld and Turtle, the improvement of Dragon Dragon, Snake Snake, and Lie Yi Diao, who received the inheritance earlier, is far less than that of the Netherworld and Turtle. Although the effect is still good, there is no harm without comparison.

[Racial name]: Lie Yi Diao

[Racial attributes]: Fire, Poison

[Racial rank]: Epic middle

[Racial level]: Commander level 3

[Racial skills]: Burn, Spark, Poison Sting, Poison Mist, Poisonous, Air Blade, Absolute Defense, Poison Claw, Sludge Attack, Electric Spark, Mud Bomb, Smash, Lava Storm, Hot Wind, Fiery Turbulence, Energy Flame Attack, Shadow Poison Attack, Venom Shock, Energy Surround, Instant Shadow Clone, Flame Bomb, Hundred Fires Burning Wild, Venom Bomb, Rain of Death

[Evolution Form]: Reached Final Evolution Form

[Evolution Conditions]: None

[Potential]: Excellent


[Race Name]: Wind Breaker

[Race Attributes]: Dragon, Flying

[Race Rank]: Legendary Low (Pseudo)

[Race Level]: Commander Level 8

[Race Skills]: Wing Attack, Feather Roost, Dragon's Fury, Dragon's Tail, Bite, Dragon's Might, Air Slash, Feather Blade Whirlwind, Storm Cut, Tornado, Dragon Claw, Steel Wings, Water Shield, Purifying Power, Chaos Dragon Breath, Wind Rising, Storm, Energy Surround, Vacuum Wave, Absolute Defense Fly, Shadow Clone, Dragon Dive, Dragon Dance, Divine Bird Slam

[Evolution Form]: Has reached the final evolution form

[Evolution Condition]: None

[Potential]: Excellent


[Race Name]: Cang Sen Jiao

[Race Attributes]: Wood, Poison

[Race Rank]: Epic High

[Race Level]: Command Level 9

[Race Skills]: Tail Strike, Energy Ball, Leaf Whip, Bite, Speed ​​​​Change, Powerful Whip, Energy Leaf Blade, Seed Machine Gun, Life Drain, Assault, Spirit Vine Entanglement, Shadow Clone, Venom Impact, Poison Fang, Dissolving Liquid, Poison Needle, Toxic Tail, Cross Poison Fang, Shadow Poison Attack, Poison Bomb, Earthquake, Iron Tail, Strangling Vines, Smash, Mud Bomb, Pounce, Flying Pressure, Absolute Defense, Toxic, Blade Blade

[Evolution Form]: Has reached the final evolution form

[Evolution Condition]: None

[Potential]: Excellent

When Lie Yi Diao accepted the inheritance, he broke through to the Commander Realm and awakened the field of fire attributes. The racial rank also rose to the epic middle level, and the talent was also improved from extremely high to excellent.

Snake is the same, but the realm has not been broken through, the level has been improved, the talent has been improved, and the race grade has been improved. Compared with the strength of Turtle and Nether, which has directly raised one realm, it is indeed not good enough.

However, the most troublesome is Longlong. The strength level has been improved, the talent has been improved, and the race grade has also been improved. However, the system panel has marked a false after Longlong's race grade, which proves that Longlong's race grade has been improved, but the strength of this improvement is far from the low level of legend, just slightly higher than the high level of epic.

However, no matter what, being able to get the inheritance is much more profitable than not getting the inheritance.

When the time node of seven days is about to be reached, two powerful auras burst out from the ancient palace of dragon attribute inheritance and the ancient palace of undead attribute inheritance.

As their auras burst out, there is also a burst of high-intensity fighting spirit, which makes the other nine people who have already completed the inheritance look surprised!

Whose beast is this!

It's so terrifying!

Afterwards, Guigui and Youming each walked out of the ancient inheritance hall where they received the inheritance.

Every step they took, the spiritual aura, breath and fighting spirit emanating from their bodies became more restrained, until they were in front of Lin Qianyu, the aura, breath and fighting spirit emanating from their bodies were completely restrained.

If it weren't for the breath and fighting spirit they just burst out, I'm afraid everyone present would have regarded them as ordinary beasts.

The others didn't know much about Guiguo and Youming, so they could only feel some external factors, while Lin Qianyu felt that they had a little more vicissitudes of life than before they went in to receive the inheritance, and looking at their eyes, Lin Qianyu felt more and more that something was wrong, with a feeling of having no desires.

What happened? Was he castrated after entering? Did the beastman have no interest in life? Otherwise, why did he act so uninterested?

Fortunately, after seeing Lin Qianyu and Longlong, the eyes of Guigui and Youming recovered. Otherwise, Lin Qianyu really felt that one of them would come in the next second, leaving no regrets in this life, and then hit the wall and died.

Now, Lin Qianyu is not so worried.

As for others, the aura and fighting spirit that Guigui and Youming burst out just now are too memorable. Moreover, they usually only see that aura on the beasts of their elders, and the fighting spirit on the beasts that have experienced life and death, but they did not expect to see it on Lin Qianyu's beast now.

It is obvious that the inheritance received by these two beasts is not ordinary, and their strength has been noticed by them when they were not restrained at the beginning. I am afraid that they have already transcended the commander realm and entered the lord realm. When they thought of this, a group of people looked at Lin Qianyu with envy.

Why is it that the gap between people is so big, and the gap between beast masters is so big? His beast master can break through to the Lord Realm after entering the Heritage Ancient Palace, but my beast master, except for a slight improvement in strength, is obviously the same as before entering the Heritage Ancient Palace. This is unscientific T﹏T

However, even if there are thousands of questions, this group of people did not ask Lin Qianyu here.

One is that they have the same opportunities, and they are just better than you, and there are no other factors involved. Another is that they are not familiar with Lin Qianyu, even if they are Gao Bian, they are just a meal.

However, exclamations, compliments, and discussions about Guigui and Youming are endless, and these sounds are heard by Lin Qianyu, which is also a very enjoyable thing.

So, the scene stabilized. A group of people were talking there, and Lin Qianyu was listening quietly there. When she heard the satisfied compliments, she couldn't help but nodded. So, in such an environment, everyone was waiting for the Inheritance Ancient Hall to reject them.

However, in addition to listening to the compliments, Lin Qianyu was also very interested in what kind of inheritance Guigui and Youming had received.

Before, Lin Qianyu had asked Longlong and the others. The inheritance they received was roughly the same. A strong energy was poured into their bodies, and then it was a process of absorbing energy.

However, Guigui and Youming gave a different process from the inheritance that Longlong and the others received.

When communicating with the Inheritance Ancient Hall, they were brought into a vast space. In that vast space, there was war. Even if they did not attack other beasts, other beasts would turn around and attack them. So, in order to protect themselves, they killed the enemy in this vast space.

The enemies seemed endless and could not be killed. However, every time they killed a beast, their entire body would turn into a ball of light and then sink into their bodies, restoring their physical strength and energy and strengthening their spiritual energy.

It was for this reason that they did not stop for a moment. Facing the endless enemies rushing towards them, they continued to attack.

Moreover, as time passed, the strength of the group of enemies continued to increase. Guigui and Youming were not as relaxed as they were at the beginning, and more and more wounds appeared on their bodies.

And just like this, with more and more wounds and continuous repairs, Guigui and Youming became stronger and stronger, and finally broke through to the Lord Realm.

However, in their impression, they had experienced an unknown amount of time until they died of exhaustion.

When they woke up again and saw the Heritage Ancient Hall, they realized that this should be the inheritance.

Moreover, according to Guigui and Youming, in the endless fighting, their use of skills and spiritual skills has been able to reach a higher level, and the most important thing is their mastery of combat experience, which is a huge benefit.

Hearing this, Lin Qianyu looked at the system panel and looked at the skill mastery of Guigui and Youming. All skills are almost close to 100% mastery, and the lowest is 90%.

Doesn't this mean that all skills are attached with unique skills? Then any skill will be attached with unique skills, and Lin Qianyu can't imagine how beautiful the scene will be.

It has been decided that when they go out, they will go back to the school team secret realm and let Guigui and Youming practice their unique skills in seclusion!

However, the next moment, a mysterious force enveloped the ten people who entered the Heritage Ancient Hall and the beasts they did not recall to the beast control space.

When this mysterious force enveloped them, they were expelled from the place where the ancient palace of inheritance was located in the next second.

In the blink of an eye, the people and the beasts had come out, and their positions were still in front of the light curtain.

However, the positions of the people and the beasts were not kept as in the ancient palace of inheritance. Dong was alone, Xi was alone, a beast was in the south, and a beast was in the north.

And farther away, Dean Dong’s second uncle and his beasts were waiting here, leading Lin Qianyu and the others to the light curtain.

When they saw Dean Dong’s second uncle and his beasts, it meant that the inheritance had ended!

Without staying here for long, the four title-level envoys who led the team in were also asked to leave here.

After coming out, the group directly boarded the armed transport plane they came in and returned to the imperial capital.

Next, everyone went back to their own homes and mothers. Lin Qianyu followed Dean Dongfang back to the Imperial Capital University. As soon as she returned to the Imperial Capital University, Jiang Dunbin, Jiang Xiaomin and Zhong Qianxin surrounded her directly, wanting to see the strength of Lin Qianyu's beast after she accepted the inheritance.

Although they did not enter the third stage, they had a junior and junior who won the first place in this inheritance battle, which gave them the opportunity to understand the inheritance and prepare for their next inheritance battle.

When Lin Qianyu summoned five beasts, Jiang Dunbin, Zhong Qianxin and Jiang Xiaomin became autistic, while Dean Dongfang looked at Guigui and Youming with interest. His intuition told him that the inheritance received by these two beasts might be the core inheritance.

Back then, he only accepted the core inheritance for his own trump beast, and now, the disciple is better than the master!

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