Start with the Beastmaster Contract

23 Encountering a rocky area

Getting seven points was quite a pleasure for Lin Qianyu.

In the surveillance footage, seeing Lin Qianyu and Guigui's team directly killing wild elves, Huang Yu showed some appreciation, while Zhou Yuanqing frowned slightly, as if he was in response to Lin Qianyu's move. The behavior is a bit unclear.

"Teacher Qi, the family environment of this classmate in your class is a little different."

Then Zhou Yuanqing pointed at the surveillance camera on Lin Qianyu and spoke to Qi Dehua, the teacher in the practical class of No. 3 Middle School.

"Lin Qianyu? Let me check. Well, his parents are both civil servants working in public institutions. Does this have anything to do with it?"

"Civil servant? That shouldn't be the case. He doesn't hold back on the wild beasts, and he spares his three hands on the beasts of his classmates. This control over the beasts and the decisive decision-making of killing are really a bit too mature. ”

Listening to Qi Dehua's words, Zhou Yuanqing also expressed doubts. If Lin Qianyu's family had a military background, it would be understandable. After all, he comes from a military family, but for ordinary civil servants, it would be a bit difficult to understand.

"Some people are born to fight. Maybe he is this kind of person, but he knows how to be cautious and knows how to keep his hands on his own people. This is not a big problem."

Huang Yu on the side said to Zhou Yuanqing. He was quite interested in this young man who had developed short-distance explosive power against Tu Gui. But saying a nice word to him and leaving a good impression on others was just a piece of cake, so why bother? Rather than do it.

"Indeed, but this man is a good candidate for the army. Teacher Qi, after the exam, you can ask him if he has any idea of ​​joining the army. If so, I will apply to the company commander and recruit him in advance."

"That's okay, but Lin Qianyu did well in theoretical classes and also in practical classes. I guess..."

"I'm not forcing it, I'm just asking you to ask."

"Okay, I'll ask after the exam is over."

What Lin Qianyu didn't know in the examination room was that the platoon leader of the Fifth Beast Control Corps would be interested in him and wanted to recruit him into the army.

If Lin Qianyu knew this, he would probably be very proud. After all, who doesn't want to be recognized as good!

The exam continues.

The examination room this time was too large. Except for the two unlucky classmates whom Lin Qianyu ran into at the beginning, Lin Qianyu didn't see any trace of anyone in the following time. However, the further inside, There are even more wild beasts.

"Zhuo, this flower rock snake is too insidious. It is hiding underground. If you hadn't felt a slight vibration on the ground, I would have turned into an old man."

Lin Qianyu said angrily while leaning on the turtle's shell, biting a sandwich and drinking water.

"Hey, hey!": Twolegs, I saved your entire family. I want one meal, no, three good meals when I go back!

"Okay, okay, three meals is all. Who caught this flower rock snake? I didn't know that this thing is an egg killer. It's a scam!"

As he spoke, he thought that if Guigui hadn't felt the vibration on the ground just now, the consequences would have been really unimaginable. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Then Lin Qianyu took out a sandwich again and bit it in frustration. .

Nearly eight hours have passed since the beginning of the exam, and during these eight hours, Lin Qianyu scored nearly 110 points. You can imagine how many wild beasts, or tortoises, he hunted. How many wild beasts have been killed by the turtle?

"There are still four hours until the exam ends. Turtle, you can carry me on your back. I don't dare to stand on the ground anymore."

"Hey, hey!": Twoleg, why are you so cowardly!

"Don't laugh at me. If I really become a leftover old man, my family's descendants will be gone, and your feast will be gone too."

"Hey, hey!": Okay, Two-legged beast, I'll let you ride it just once! just one time!

"I know, I know, have you eaten yet? Let's go after eating."

What Guigui doesn't know is that after the first time, there will be a second time, and after the second time, there will be a third time, and after the third time, it will become a habit.

Once Lin Qianyu took the first step, Guigui would have no choice but to endure the rest.

Therefore, Lin Qianyu evolved into: True Turtle Knight!

Although it is very slow and cannot launch a charge, it is safer.

"Gitui, do you feel something is not right?"

"Hey, hey.": What's wrong!

"The atmosphere is a little bit off. There seems to be a slightly suffocating feeling. Don't you feel it?"

"Hey, hey.": Two-legged beast, are you hallucinating from eating too much?

"Definitely not, I'm sure...

The turtle sprays water in front to block it! "

Before Lin Qianyu finished speaking, he felt a very powerful spiritual energy attack from the woods in front of him, rushing toward him.

In an instant, Lin Qianyu turned over and hid behind Turtle, and directed Turtle to use water spray to defend.


There was a small explosion caused by the collision of spiritual energy, but Turtle's water spray did not completely block this attack, and the remaining attacks directly hit Turtle.

If Turtle hadn't subconsciously used Hardening twice and stacked his armor twice, this attack would have been enough for Turtle to drink a pot.

At the moment of the attack, the branches were almost destroyed, and the scene ahead could be seen directly.

[Racial Name]: Rocky Rock

[Racial Attribute]: Earth

[Race level]: Ordinary high level

[Racial level]: Initial level 10

[Racial skills]: Throwing sand, spraying soil, digging holes, rock attacks, roaring

[Evolution form]: Boulder

[Evolution conditions]: Evolution after breaking through the awakening realm

[Potential]: General

"Turtle, be careful, this stone rock is very high level."

"Huh, huh!": ******

"Where did you learn the swear words? Forget it, never mind, harden and come again, otherwise I'm afraid you can't stand it, spray water to harass it, find the right opportunity to see if you can pounce on it, and use the water flow claw to hit it hard!"

However, the reaction speed of the stone rock is faster. It completely relies on its own subjective consciousness to judge and attack, and it doesn't need to receive information and attack after being commanded by Lin Qianyu like the turtle.

Self-judgment has both advantages and disadvantages, but the judgment of a beastmaster is ultimately no match for the cooperation and wisdom between a person and a beastmaster.

Instantly, small rocks were sprayed towards the turtle. Some were blocked by the turtle's water spray, while others hit the turtle's hardened shell.

"This is not a solution, turtle. Wait a minute, I'll find a chance to avoid it. See if you can pounce on it. The speed of the two of you is about the same. Although it is higher in level than you, its attributes are restrained. Whether you can win depends on your performance."

"Hey, hey!": Got it.

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