Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$245 Only Ling Ning was injured in the battle [Two-in-one request for subscription, recommendation,

After finishing the self-heating meal, Gao Bian did not stay for long and consciously left Lin Qianyu's campfire.

He did not shamelessly ask Lin Qianyu to stay here, which made Lin Qianyu feel good. After all, when she met someone she was not very confident about, she did not dare to sleep soundly at night, for fear that he would steal her chicken.

After saying goodbye to Gao Bian, Lin Qianyu's first night in the secret realm was very smooth.

When the light came on, it was time for Lin Qianyu to work hard for a new day and food for the beast.

Entering the secret realm was a mixture of sadness and joy. It was possible to practice beast control and get a chance to inherit. Then, it was to fall into the unlimited roasting of wild beast meat.

Especially when encountering this kind of beast with a huge appetite, some beast masters probably fainted on the ground.


You have to hurry in the woods of the secret realm, just like passing through a series of checkpoints, and from time to time a surprise pops out from the bushes or tree trunks on the side.

Wild beasts have a strong sense of territory. If you step into one, you will definitely be attacked by them. Therefore, Lin Qianyu's score is not small.

Most of the time, it was Lie Yi Diao and Long Long who took action.

Long Long and Lie Yi Diao were also very happy about this situation.

When they stayed on the turtle's back to recover their spiritual energy, they heard bursts of explosions not far away. It seemed that the sound was not far away.

So, before Long Long and Lie Yi Diao flapped their wings and explored the way forward, a figure rushed out from the bushes not far away.

There was a man riding a golden claw mad lion, running desperately, and while shouting at the golden claw mad lion to run faster, he couldn't help but look back to see if anyone was chasing him.

When he was still a short distance away from Lin Qianyu, Long Long felt itchy and directly condensed a wind blade, and then attacked the golden claw mad lion's feet.

As an explosion sounded and a puff of smoke and dust was released, the Golden Clawed Lion was blown aside, and the figure on him also activated the aura protection shield on the protective bracelet, and then fell heavily to the ground, and by the way, he said "Oh my God".

Lin Qianyu looked at Longlong, and Longlong also looked at Lin Qianyu. The four eyes met, revealing completely different information.

Lin Qianyu: Why don't you have martial ethics!

Longlong: Did I do it beautifully!

However, as Lin Qianyu's own protective bracelet vibrated, half of the points of this figure who appeared halfway also belonged to him.

Lin Qianyu: No martial ethics (crossed out), well done!

In an instant, the idea of ​​accountability was thrown behind his mind, and he turned to praise.

Looking at the figure who got up from the ground, and then looking at his embarrassed appearance, it didn't look like Longlong had just attacked with a wind blade.

Coupled with the desperate look just now, Lin Qianyu also realized that something was wrong, and then a strong spiritual energy fluctuation also erupted from the direction where the man fled.

The bushes were covered with white frost, and then they formed ice ridges.

Even Lin Qianyu, who was some distance away from the bushes, felt a burst of cold air, or more accurately, cold air.

This is when an ice crystal saber-toothed tiger, which was using its domain and had frost under its feet, rushed out of the bushes.

At this time, Lin Qianyu also knew that he had intercepted someone's target, or prey.

Behind the ice crystal saber-toothed tiger was a rider riding an emperor snow lion, accompanied by a war tiger king, a snow-drinking beast, and a frost wolf king.

The ice crystal saber-toothed tiger, the emperor snow lion, and the war tiger king were beasts of the command realm, while the snow-drinking beast and the frost wolf king were beasts of the extraordinary realm, one was the third level of the extraordinary realm, and the other was the seventh level of the extraordinary realm.

The strength is very strong. When Lin Qianyu saw this person's beast control lineup, her face became solemn.

Even the turtles and others, feeling the strength of the five beasts in front of them, also became serious. At the same time, Youming also appeared from Lin Qianyu's shadow and stood in front of Lin Qianyu with the turtles and snakes.

Lin Qianyu had an impression of this person, Ling Ning, the most outstanding one among the younger generation of the Ling family in Heilongjiang Province, and also the heir of the Ling family.

The Ling family was in Heilongjiang Province, and Lin Qianyu had been there before, but at that time, the younger generation of the Ling family was not in the Ling family, and only two or three big cats and small cats were left, so Lin Qianyu turned around and left.

But I didn't expect to meet the heir of the Ling family here.

However, I don't know if it has something to do with staying in the ice beast control for a long time, or because I intercepted her prey, Lin Qianyu always feels that her face is full of indifference and frost. To describe it in one word, that is, facial paralysis.

Moreover, the look in Ling Ning's eyes when she looked at Lin Qianyu was very strange, with murderous intent in her eyes, which almost made Lin Qianyu confirm that it was because she had intercepted her prey.

"Or, if you defeat him again, you can at least get half of his points. After all, a little bit of meat is still meat."

Hearing Lin Qianyu say this, Ling Ning was furious.

Instantly, the Ice Crystal Saber-toothed Tiger, the Emperor Snow Lion, and the Fighting Tiger King, the three beast domains of the Command Realm were fully opened. Their domains exuded a chill, condensing the moisture in the surrounding air into mist, which was very beautiful under the light.

However, under this beauty, there was an extremely powerful force hidden.

Without answering Lin Qianyu's words, but with a cold command, "Ice Cone Thorns!", the five beasts around Ling Ning condensed pieces of small ice cone thorns around their bodies one after another, condensing at a very fast condensation speed, and also shot out at a very fast speed, shooting towards Lin Qianyu's cave.


With the roar of the turtle, the power of the domain was exerted to the extreme by it, and the blue-green domain light lingered around the turtle's body, and the chaotic dragon breath also attacked the waves of ice cone thorns after the roar of the turtle.

Then, there were the poisonous bombs of Snake, the dark wind of Nether, the whirlwind feather blade of Dragon, and the flame bomb of Lie Yi Diao.

The ten attacks collided with each other, and with the explosion of spiritual energy, waves of white air were set off. The attacks of Turtle, Snake and others blocked the attacks launched by Ling Ning and the other five beasts.

"Sweep the army! Nether Destruction Slash! Shadow Poison Attack! Accumulated Flame Attack! Dragon Dive!"

Turtle rushed towards the target with an unmatched momentum.

Nether condensed a huge blade energy, threw it forward from its horn, and then rushed forward with Turtle.

Snake turned into a dark purple beam and rushed forward.

Dragon and Lie Yi Diao turned into a blue-green beam and a bright red beam respectively, and rushed forward.

It's impolite not to return the favor. Since the other party has launched an attack, then, fuck him!

Facing the attack launched by Lin Qianyu, Ling Ning did not choose to defend, but chose to face the attack with attack.

The Ice Crystal Saber-toothed Tiger sprayed out ice breath, the Emperor Snow Lion blew up fine snow, the War Tiger King used Ice Claw to meet it, the Snow Drinking Beast sprayed out Ice Sparkle, and the Frost Wolf King and the War Tiger King used three spin attacks to meet it.



The collision between the white light stream and the colorful light stream, the ice attribute aura and the dragon attribute aura, the dead attribute aura, the poison attribute aura, and the fire attribute aura constantly collided and annihilated each other.

However, as time went on, Lin Qianyu still had the upper hand.

After the wrestling between Turtle and the War Tiger King won, the collision between Nether and the Ice Crystal Saber-toothed Tiger ended, and Nether had the upper hand.

Snake Snake was entangled with the Emperor Snow Lion, while Snake Snake and Lie Yi Diao were unilaterally suppressing the Snow Drinking Beast and the Frost Wolf King.

This result made Ling Ning frown. She had cultivated beasts for five or six years longer than Lin Qianyu, but she still couldn't beat him. If this got out, how would others view her and the Ling family?

So Ling Ning launched a counterattack, but the result was still the same as before, without any effect. Those who should be suppressed were suppressed, and the result did not change at all.

And this scene also made a master-level beastmaster who came to their side to watch their fight feel interested.

He knew both Lin Qianyu and Ling Ning, but compared to Lin Qianyu, Ling Ning was one of the seeded players competing for inheritance in this inheritance battle, and he was also a key seeded player.

Although Lin Qianyu was quite powerful, he was not among these seeded players, even if he was the disciple of Dean Dongfang.

And now, Lin Qianyu actually suppressed Ling Ning, which made this master-level beastmaster feel great interest.

And he also went from being optimistic about Ling Ning at the beginning to preparing to watch the show now.

In the battle.

Turtle turned into a meat shield, standing in the front, allowing Nether and Snake to attack as much as they wanted, which made Ling Ning feel particularly uncomfortable.

After all, she couldn't break through Turtle's defense, and the attack strength of Nether and Snake was also extremely strong, which made Ling Ning completely fall into a disadvantage.

"Fine snow! Absolute zero! Blizzard! Aurora! Frozen wind!"

Looking at the disadvantaged situation in the battle, Ling Ning couldn't help but give orders.

In the air, the fine snow turned into hard ice under the freezing of absolute zero and aurora beam, and under the blowing of blizzard and frozen wind, it directly formed a huge rain of snow blocks, which swept towards Turtle.

Because the snow rain was too wide and the noise was too loud, the surrounding tree trunks were smashed with holes of various sizes, and even some smaller tree trunks were directly pierced through. As for the branches and leaves, they were covered with white frost under the cold air. It looked like a forest in winter, which made people feel relaxed and happy. However, under this feeling of relaxation and happiness, there was a strong power.

Facing this huge snow rain, Guigui also directly pulled up his defense to the maximum and protected his little brother and sister.

The whistling snow rain directly submerged Guigui's figure standing in the front. The biting cold wind and snow blocks almost became the only scene in this place.

Under this cover, Lin Qianyu couldn't see anything, but he was not worried about his beast control. After all, Lin Qianyu had absolute confidence in his beast control ability.

Seeing this scene, Ling Ning's eyes were full of satisfaction. She believed in her beast control ability just like Lin Qianyu, and also believed that Lin Qianyu's beast control ability could not withstand such an attack.

However, don't think that everything is too perfect. There will always be accidents, but no one knows when this accident will come.

And now, for Ling Ning, the accident has come.


With a huge dragon roar, the rain of snow blocks seemed to tremble for a moment under this huge dragon roar.

A blue-green stream of light was so dazzling in the white snow block rain.

The snow blocks hit the blue-green stream of light and were ejected. They shot on the tree trunk and broke a hole, which was enough to show the speed and power of this stream of light.

Because of the high speed, it directly hit the Ice Crystal Sabertooth Tiger that was performing Xixue in the front. In an instant, the Ice Crystal Sabertooth Tiger was knocked flying by the turtle and flew backwards.

Xixue, the main force in the Rain of Snow, was forced to stop performing, and naturally, the Rain of Snow also stopped performing.

As the Rain of Snow stopped, a dark purple stream of light, a dark black stream of light, a fiery red stream of light, and a cyan blue stream of light also rushed forward together.

Some beasts reacted quickly and blocked the attack without Ling Ning's command. Some beasts did not block the attack and were knocked flying like the Ice Crystal Sabertooth Tiger.

However, the battle was not over yet. Although some beasts were knocked flying, the actual damage was not great. It just looked painful. However, there was an exception. For example, the Ice Crystal Sabertooth Tiger had no intention of standing up at all.

After all, Sweeping the Thousands of Armies was originally a powerful burst skill, not to mention Sweeping the Thousands of Armies with Dragon Explosion, which had even greater burst power.

But the turtle didn't have the habit of standing and watching. While the other beasts were entangled, it went over to finish off the enemy. It swept through the enemy with another blow, knocking the Ice Crystal Sabertooth Tiger away and even breaking several tree trunks, causing it to lose its ability to fight and withdraw from the battle.

However, when a beast in the Commander Realm lost its ability to fight, it was a matter of despair for Ling Ning.

So, as the beasts lost their ability to fight one by one, and as Lin Qianyu's protective bracelet vibrated, the battle that ended because Lin Qianyu had snatched Ling Ning's prey and finally snatched Ling Ning also ended like this.

The prey that Ling Ning had been chasing for a long time was intercepted by Lin Qianyu, and she herself became the prey and was hunted by Lin Qianyu.

So, the battle in which only Ling Ning was injured was born.

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