Start with the Beastmaster Contract

241 Bloody Rules [Two-in-one request for subscription, recommendation, and monthly ticket! ] (12)

Early December.

All the teams from the participating provinces participating in the third stage of the inheritance battle and the inheritance final battle have arrived in the imperial capital.

The battle site for the third stage is in a base in the western suburbs of the imperial capital.

"Is this the battle site for the third stage?"

Lin Qianyu looked at the surrounding area that looked like an ordinary training ground and couldn't help asking.

"This is indeed the third-stage battle site, but it is not the only one. Although the inheritance battle is held every four years, there are two third-stage battle sites, which are used alternately. One is in the western suburbs, which is here, and the other is in the eastern suburbs."

"These two places are two large secret realms controlled by the Beast Taming Association. The space inside is very large, and the ecological environment has been maintained and protected. It can be said that the ecological environment of these two secret realms is similar to when they were first discovered."

"And these two secret realms are prepared for the inheritance battle."

The master-level envoy leading the Imperial Capital Division is a vice president of the Imperial Capital Beast Taming Association headquarters. His surname is Dan, and Lin Qianyu and others don't know his name. Anyway, he didn't say it, and Lin Qianyu and others didn't ask.

"Then President Dan, can you tell us a little bit about the battle rules of the third stage of the inheritance battle? I heard from my cousin that the battle rules of the third stage of the inheritance battle are completely different from the battle rules of the previous two stages."

"Moreover, it seems that these rules are also different from some of the rules we have experienced. Is this true?"

"If they are different, can you reveal them so that we can prepare earlier?"

The speaker is a young man with a face full of stubble from the Imperial Capital Division. He is from the Gong family. Yes, he is the descendant of Vice Dean Gong's family. He is also very powerful. Although Lin Qianyu has never fought with him, she has seen his beast control information.

"I know, but I won't reveal this. You won't know until the day you start the third stage of the battle."

"However, I can only tell you that the third stage of the inheritance war is no joke!"

"Okay, follow the arrangement and find a dormitory. You will know in a few days."

As he said this, Vice President Dan stopped them from asking questions. After taking Lin Qianyu for a walk, he found the dormitory and went into it first. The remaining ten people in Lin Qianyu's group looked at each other.

However, since Vice President Dan didn't say it and couldn't reveal it, there was no way. We would know it naturally tomorrow.


The best imperial envoys under the age of 30 from various provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions, and some special departments have arrived in the imperial capital.

Among them, the people in these special departments do not occupy the qualifying quotas of various provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions. They have already been determined.

Among these special departments, Lin Qianyu temporarily knows one place, the Beast Taming Corps, because he saw the uniforms of the Beast Taming Corps.

As for the other special departments, Lin Qianyu didn't know.

It can be said that this group of more than 300 imperial envoys is the backbone of the young generation of imperial envoys in the whole of China. If someone catches them all, the young generation of imperial envoys in China will be in a state of disarray.

Because of this, when these more than 300 imperial envoys arrived here, 30 or 40 master imperial envoys were stationed here, and even several titled imperial envoys came, as well as the daily heavy garrison of the beast taming corps.

It can be said that the security level here is already full.

Although China is one of the countries with the best public security in the world, there are still some infiltrations of cults and terrorists. What some brainwashed fanatic terrorists can do is really unpredictable.

Therefore, the two secret realms are used in turn, and there is no regularity. Maybe this term is here, and the next term is still here.

In the afternoon, all the imperial masters who participated in the third stage of the inheritance battle had been settled, and when they came out to meet and train, there was a tense atmosphere in the air.

The nervous ones were those imperial masters whose strength was not strong and who were not very confident.

As for Lin Qianyu, here, with free food and drink, she directly let her five imperial beasts work hard.

She ate and drank as she should, and continued her daily training as usual, without any tension or relaxation.

If it were Lin Qianyu a few days ago, she would definitely not be very nervous, but she would definitely be a little nervous.

Now, Lin Qianyu naturally would not have this nervous emotion.

After Lin Qianyu confirmed that she had qualified, and Jiang Dunbin, Jiang Xiaomin, and Zhong Qianxin failed to qualify, Dean Dongfang threw all the training resources he had originally planned to prepare for the four people to Lin Qianyu.

The training resources for four people made Lin Qianyu almost jump for joy.

After determining the resources he needed, Dean Dongfang threw Lin Qianyu into the ruins of the Dongfang family, allowing him to cultivate and improve as much as he wanted.

So, in just over ten days, Turtle's strength reached the seventh level of the Commander Realm, and Snake and Netherworld both broke through to the Commander Realm, giving Lin Qianyu the confidence to control three Commander Realm beasts.

Longlong's level has reached the tenth level of the extraordinary realm, and he is only one step away from breaking through the command realm. Lieyi Diao has reached the ninth level of the extraordinary realm, and he is two steps away from breaking through the command realm. However, the distance between these two steps is much, much worse than the distance between one step.

It can be said that Lin Qianyu's strength is now among the best among the beast masters under the age of 30 in the whole of China, and it is even possible to reach the first place.

After all, three beast masters in the command realm, plus a beast master who is only one step away from entering the command realm, and a beast master who is only two steps away from entering the command realm, this strength is almost all the members in the command realm.

The improvement of the strength of the turtles, in addition to the accumulation of resources, is also a very important factor in the battles and exchanges with the dragon beast masters in the ruins.

Just like the use of the domain of the snake and the netherworld, under the guidance of the turtle and a group of veteran dragon beast masters in the command realm in the ruins, the use of the domain has become very proficient.

Among them, Snake awakened the domain of poison attribute, and Nether awakened the domain of dead spirit attribute.

These two domains, let alone other things, are absolutely disgusting.

According to Dean Dongfang's estimation, Lin Qianyu's strength is almost certain to get the quota of inheritance, and she may even get the first place in this inheritance battle.

Although they are all inheritance quotas of the inheritance battle, there is still a slight difference between the top three and the last seven.

Now, Lin Qianyu has almost guaranteed the quota of inheritance, and the next thing to consider is the top three.

As for the rules of the third stage, Lin Qianyu also asked Dean Dongfang, but Dean Dongfang did not tell Lin Qianyu, just told Lin Qianyu to be mentally prepared.

After Dean Dongfang said this, Lin Qianyu became extremely interested in the rules of the third stage of the inheritance battle.


The day when the third stage of the inheritance battle began.

More than 300 people gathered in an empty venue in batches according to the competition area.

A group of leaders from various provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions, and special departments were all standing on a high platform in front of the open space, looking expressionlessly at the more than 300 imperial envoys below.

In front of them, there were four people standing.

One of them was Dean Dongfang, and Lin Qianyu didn't know the other three.

Dean Dongfang could stand in front of the master-level imperial envoy, which proved that his strength, identity, and status were much stronger than those of the master-level imperial envoys, which was naturally self-evident.

It was impossible for a legendary imperial envoy, plus some gossip, so Dean Dongfang was most likely a titled imperial envoy.

And Lin Qianyu, as a disciple of Dean Dongfang, was very impressive in this wave, although few people knew about his relationship with Dean Dongfang.

Among them, an old man with white hair and a childlike face spoke, and his voice was full of energy, making people wonder if this person's white hair was dyed.

"The rules of the third stage of the inheritance war are open-air indiscriminate fighting!"

"However, compared with ordinary open-air indiscriminate fighting, it is slightly different. This time, your opponents are not only the imperial envoys and wild imperial beasts present, but also some cult members and terrorist organization members we have captured!"

"Therefore, the third stage of the inheritance war is a very dangerous and even life-threatening game. Cult members and terrorist organization members will not joke with you!"

"So, if you want to quit, you can quit, but you need to sign a confidentiality agreement and cannot disclose the rules you heard today!"

Hearing the old man's full-blooded words, there was a small commotion at the scene, but it soon quieted down.

After all, the 300 imperial envoys at the scene are not delicate flowers in the garden.

It's just that this behavior of putting cult members and terrorist organization members into the secret realm seems to be a little exciting?

"Okay, no one quits, then sign a life and death agreement, receive equipment, and enter the secret realm!"

"You will know the specific rules when you receive the equipment."

The time for announcing the rules was very short, just a few minutes, but the amount of information it brought was really a bit large.

Although this behavior is indeed a bit cruel, it is not cruel to treat members of cults and terrorist organizations.

In places unknown to ordinary people, some unknown people have experienced things that are far more cruel than these.

After all, the imperial envoys who have received the inheritance will basically be the pillars of the next generation in the country. If the pillars are innocent, it will undoubtedly be a devastating blow to the country.

The equipment for the third stage is a protective bracelet and a piece of paper with detailed rules.

It is said that this protective bracelet is the latest model. In addition to being able to protect against the attacks of beasts in the extraordinary realm, it also has a sensing device that can sense the records of wild beasts, opponents, cult members, and terrorist members defeated by the contestants, and make the final score statistics.

There are no rules for wild fighting, but you cannot deliberately kill members who are also participating in the third stage. You can kill members of cults and terrorist organizations.

Defeating wild beasts, all realms of the extraordinary realm are ten points, starting from the command realm is twenty points, and the first level adds five points.

If a person defeats or kills a member of a cult organization, he or she will get 100 points. If a person defeats or kills a member of a terrorist organization, he or she will get 150 points.

Defeat the opponent and you can get half of his score. One person can only defeat and get it once. Multiple defeats are invalid.

The third stage will last for seven days. Except for the communication equipment, everything else is free. You can even store a lot of food in the space bracelet if you want.

After getting the rules, Lin Qianyu scanned it and it was almost the same as he thought. Although it was full of a hint of blood, it was in line with the meaning of this inheritance battle.

After preparation, more than 300 people will enter the secret realm in advance. Half an hour later, some members of the cult and terrorist organizations will enter the secret realm.

And along with them, there are also 30 or 40 master-level envoys and hundreds of professional-level envoys.

The rules say so, but in fact, they have also made sufficient preparations for all the players participating in the third stage. They will take action when the situation is not right, and once they take action, the person they save will be directly disqualified, no matter how much his score is, it will be invalidated.

This preparation also minimized their casualties, but it was not written in detail. After all, if it was written, some people's mentality would change.

Entering the secret realm, Lin Qianyu summoned all five beasts at the first time. Facing the unfamiliar environment, they were also extremely vigilant.

When everything was ready, Lin Qianyu glanced at the surrounding environment. There were towering trees all around. After growing for unknown years and being irrigated by the abundant wood-attributed spiritual energy in the secret realm, each tree was thirty or forty meters high, and the thickness required at least seven or eight people to hug it.

And the extremely high wood-attributed spiritual energy filled in it also let Lin Qianyu know that this was a wood-attributed secret realm.

When entering the secret realm, they entered together, but once they entered the secret realm, they would be randomly teleported to a place. Lin Qianyu sensed the surrounding situation and did not find any traces of the beasts. There was no situation for the time being.

When the Nether Shadow entered her own shadow, Lin Qianyu climbed onto the turtle's back. In this place, the turtle's huge body gave her enough sense of security.

He identified a direction and directed the turtle to move forward, with Snake at the rear and Longlong and Lie Yi Diao conducting reconnaissance from the sky.

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