Start with the Beastmaster Contract

219 Evolution [Please subscribe, recommend, and vote monthly! ]


With another long roar of dragon, a dazzling white light burst out from the turtle again, covering it from head to toe.

It was not the blue-green light when the realm broke through, but a pure white light.

Lin Qianyu was very familiar with this light, and Jiang Dunbin was also familiar with it.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know, you'll know when you look at it, it shouldn't be a bad thing."

Knowing is one thing, and saying it or not is another. Some things are better left to happen naturally than to say it yourself.

This white light did not entangle the turtle for long. With another roar of dragon, the turtle's body began to change.

The whole body began to swell, not only horizontally, but also vertically, widening and lengthening.

The spikes on the shell became thicker and had multiple stripes on them. In addition, the dragon horns became thicker and longer, and the entire body became more and more prominent. The limbs did not change much, but there was a dragon-shaped pattern formed on the scales at the joints of the limbs, and the tail fin became thicker and longer, like a fan blade.

Lin Qianyu felt that it would probably hurt if the tail slapped it.

After the evolution, the size of the turtle has risen to five or six meters in height, and the length has reached nearly ten meters. It is already a behemoth.

[Race name]: Zeyi sub-dragon

[Race attribute]: Water, Dragon

[Race grade]: Epic high

[Race level]: First level of the command realm

[Race skills]: Water spray, Water claw attack, Bite attack, Heavy claw attack, Trampling, Hardening, Rage, Dragon roar, Dragon claw, Dragon might, Water tornado, Dragon breath, Raging sea, Sinking strike, Dragon slash, Sweeping the army, Iron head, Iron tail, Heavy impact, Metal claw, Tempered defense, Water shield, Purifying power, Earthquake, Bloodthirsty dance, Chaotic dragon breath, Reverse scale, Flying pressure, Quick defense, Arm hammer, Absolute defense, Meteor swarm, Dragon dive, High pressure water cannon, Waterfall climbing

[Evolution form]: Has reached the final evolution form

[Evolution conditions]: None

[Potential]: Excellent

This is the information of the turtle displayed on the system panel. After breaking through to the command realm and evolving, the race grade has reached the epic high level, and it has also comprehended four skills, two dragon attribute skills and two water attribute skills.

"Fuck, it evolved?"

"Well, it seems to be true now."

"Should we notify the teacher? I feel that it is necessary to notify the teacher! This situation is really too rare.

If the previous evolution was a coincidence, then the current situation can almost be positioned as a new stable and special evolution path for Tugui!

This is a great discovery!"


Seeing the evolution of Tugui, Jiang Dunbin was even more excited than Lin Qianyu. Before the person involved made any move, Jiang Dunbin was already excited.

Afterwards, after Dean Dongfang arrived, there was another routine process. Finally, Lin Qianyu also notified Zhang Mingxuan to let the 92nd Beast Taming Corps know about the evolution of Tugui, let them publicize it, and then increase the price of awakened dragon attribute beasts! And shorten the time!

Lin Qianyu was fed up with waiting for dividends for more than half a year. Although the dividends were not small, the time was really too long!

And up to now, the dividends have not been given to Lin Qianyu. If Zhang Mingxuan hadn't said that it was about to end, Lin Qianyu would have suspected that the people of the 92nd Beast Taming Corps had taken away her share of the dividends.

If it had been in the past, Lin Qianyu really had no way to deal with it, but now it was different. If it was really taken away, Lin Qianyu would dare to call Dean Dongfang to make a scene. Although it was most likely that he would just take him over to communicate over the phone, what if? What if Dean Dongfang was extremely protective of his child?

Dean Dongfang's strength has always been a mystery to Lin Qianyu. She only knew that he was very strong, but she had never seen him for sale, and Jiang Dunbin also said that he didn't know, which made Lin Qianyu extremely curious.

The news that the turtle was evolved again and confirmed as a new special evolutionary path for the painted turtle was announced, which immediately caused an uproar.

Then, it caused a large wave of actions, such as a large wave of painted turtle fever, the price of painted turtles increased, and the 92nd Beast Taming Corps took advantage of the situation to raise the price of awakened dragon attribute beasts a lot.

No, this behavior did not last for a few days, and was stopped by the higher-ups, and the price was lowered. The reason was not convenient to tell Lin Qianyu, but it made Lin Qianyu feel a little bit of pity, because if the price went up, he could still make more money, but if it didn't go up, it would be a pity.

For Lin Qianyu, these few days were a double blessing. In addition to the breakthrough of the turtle to the commander realm, the breakthrough evolution of the Nong Yan Falcon also arrived.

With a sharp cry, the firebird broke through the light cocoon and spread its wings. Accompanied by flames and poison, the Nong Yan Falcon completed its breakthrough and evolution in the crater area.

[Racial name]: Lie Yi Diao

[Racial attributes]: Fire, Poison

[Racial rank]: Elite high

[Racial level]: Transcendent realm first level

[Racial Skills]: Burn, Spark, Poison Sting, Poison Mist, Poisonous, Air Blade, Absolute Defense, Poison Claw, Sludge Attack, Electric Spark, Mud Bomb, Smash, Lava Storm, Hot Wind, Fiery Turbulence, Energy Flame Attack, Shadow Poison Attack, Venom Shock, Energy Surround, Instant Shadow Clone, Flame Bomb, Hundred Fires Burning the Wild, Venom Bomb, Rain of Death

[Evolution Form]: Has reached the final evolution form

[Evolution Condition]: None

[Potential]: Very high

The Lie Yi Eagle is much larger than the Nong Yan Falcon period, and its wings are about three or four meters long.

The color of the feathers on its body has not changed, the only change is the length of the feathers.

Under the care of the larger body, the red-black color and the red color echo each other, forming a majestic eagle!

After the turtle and the Lie Yi Eagle have broken through and evolved, Lin Qianyu will come to contract his fifth beast.

At this moment, Lin Qianyu had also waited for quite some time, waiting for the turtle to break through and evolve from the ruins. Now, it was finally time to contract the shadow worm.

A bright red blood drop fell from Lin Qianyu's fingertips and dripped onto the eggshell of the shadow worm.

The blood fell on the eggshell without a trace, and was absorbed by the eggshell in an instant.

The mysterious pattern on the eggshell emitted a burst of light, as if it was coming alive and twisting.

As the surrounding spiritual energy was absorbed, a tiny spiritual energy vortex was formed and poured back into the eggshell.

The halo on the eggshell flowed, and an invisible momentum appeared and gradually rose!

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