Start with the Beastmaster Contract

22 Interesting Lin Qianyu

"Can I trust you?"

"Of course I can!"

"Then we can form an alliance, right? We'll each get half of the points."

"Does this count as cheating?"

"The rules don't say we can't form an alliance, so how can this count as cheating?"

"Then let's do it."

This evil alliance was heard by Lin Qianyu who was hiding in the bushes.

"Initial Realm Level 5, Initial Realm Level 6, and one of the Green Grass Mushrooms is a wood element. It feels a bit risky to fight two of them.

Turtle, what do you think?"

"Eh, eh!": I think I can beat them, Two-legged Beast, should I just go up and fight?


"Eh, eh!": Really!


Hearing Turtle say this, Lin Qianyu was also a little moved.

However, what Lin Qianyu didn't expect was that Turtle actually had such a combative side. She originally thought that Turtle was lazy and greedy, but she didn't expect that he had such a side. This gave Lin Qianyu a little surprise.

"Turtle, after hardening, use your claws to pounce on it. Aim at the sandstone lizard and then use your water claws to hit it. See if you can kill it first."

"Hey, hey!": Look at me, biped, I want to eat delicious food when I get back after the job is done!

I understand. This is still greed, but Lin Qianyu agreed directly. At most, she would go to the buffet restaurant again.

"Go, my turtle!"

After hardening twice, the turtle's shell was covered with a layer of white aura, and then the turtle lowered its body, exerted force on its limbs, and used its front claws to increase its strength, and pounced directly on the sandstone lizard from the bushes.

When Guigui crossed the bushes, there was a sound, and the two people outside heard it.

"Who's in there!"

"Sandstone lizard!"

One question, one voice with a little despair.

In an instant, before it could react, the sandstone lizard was directly thrown to the ground by the turtle. When it screamed, it was solved by the turtle's two water claws.

"Tugui! Lin Qianyu, it's you! You're sneaking up on me!"

"Sandstone Lizard, stand up, Sandstone Lizard!"

"That's enough, who will tell you to be martial in a field battle? And stop shouting, Sandstone Lizard has fainted."

The moment Sandstone Lizard fell to the ground, Lin Qianyu didn't cover herself and came out of the bushes directly.

"Turtle, go after the Green Grass Mushroom again."

Taking advantage of the moment when the two people on the opposite side were a little stunned, Lin Qianyu commanded Turtle to pounce on the Green Grass Mushroom again.

"Green Grass Mushroom, use the seed machine gun!"

The Green Grass Mushroom's envoy was a little slow to react. When Turtle pounced on the Green Grass Mushroom's face, he began to ask the Green Grass Mushroom to resist, and of course he was pounced to the ground by Turtle.

The energy of the seed machine gun was not successfully charged and was directly interrupted by Turtle, and then he was knocked to the ground by two heavy claws.

"Green Mushroom!"

"I'm sorry, you've been eliminated. Did you press the alarm yourself? Or did you press the alarm yourself?"

"You!" x2

The two were speechless, not knowing what to say. In this case, there were surveillance cameras, so how could they say they didn't surrender? They couldn't deny it, so they could only say that they lost in a more beautiful way.

"I surrender, but I was careless this time. I will get it back next time."

Then the two pressed the alarm button directly.

"Oh, by the way, please give me the food. Anyway, you've been eliminated."

"Damn, you're killing people! Here, I'll give you everything."

"Thank you, I'll leave first, Turtle is leaving."

Pick up the food and water, greet Turtle and prepare to leave. With the points taken, there's no point in staying here.

"Oh, is it eliminated so soon? And two at a time."

When the two pressed the alarm, the outside world got the information, and it was indeed a bit unexpected that the elimination occurred less than an hour after the start.

"Let's see what's going on."

Then the surveillance was turned on, and this unethical scene was seen.

"It's this young man. It seems that he can find this kind of displacement method not only in the ring, but also in outdoor battles."

"Oh, member Huang, do you know him?"

"A few days ago, the breeding house held a competition to promote the city's agency rights for energy blocks. This young man used the displacement method just now in the finals and unexpectedly defeated the Fire Spirit in the ring to win the championship."

"Fire Spirit? This is a bit interesting."

"Indeed, he can develop such a thing for a beast like Tugui, which means that there is a promising future."

"Then we have to pay attention to him next."

What Lin Qianyu didn't know was that the member of the Beast Taming Association invited by the school this time was the guest of the Freshman Beast Taming Cup last time, and he also promoted him.

In the examination room, the deeper you go, the denser the trees are, and the denser the branches and leaves are. If there were no traces of several roads on the ground, it would be really dark and terrifying.

Turtle was beside Lin Qianyu, his eyes moving around alertly.

However, a subtle voice came from where Lin Qianyu had just passed.

"Turtle, water is spraying from the left rear!"

Hearing the voice, Lin Qianyu determined the direction and directly commanded Turtle to attack from the left rear.

Instantly, water sprayed out of the turtle's mouth, breaking the dense branches on the left rear, and a miserable cry came from it.

A bamboo green snake fell directly to the ground. After being attacked by the water spray, it did not escape, but stretched its snake head on the ground and spit its snake tongue at Lin Qianyu and the turtle.

"A bamboo green snake of the seventh level of the initial realm? Good thing I have encountered this.

Turtle, continue to spray water to attack, harden, and then use heavy claws to pounce on it."

Lin Qianyu ordered, and the turtle immediately sprayed water to attack, quickly attacking the bamboo green snake, and then instantly began to crouch again, exerting force on its limbs, and the heavy claws strengthened the burst and pounced directly at the bamboo green snake.

The water spray was dodged by the bamboo green snake, but this pounce was not so easy to dodge, the key is that the burst speed of this pounce was too fast.

The extremely heavy weight of the turtle directly pounced on the bamboo green snake, pressing the snake's eyes a little protruding.

And the bamboo snake that was pressed down could only be controlled by the turtle.

Three heavy claw strikes killed the bamboo snake directly.

When facing a beast with a master, the turtle would be careful when attacking, but if it encounters a wild beast, the turtle would kill it directly.

And this time, because the turtle did not hold back, the bamboo snake died miserably. When Lin Qianyu got closer, she refused to take it away again.

And there was food for disarming, so there was no need to worry about food and drink.

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