Start with the Beastmaster Contract

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When Lin Qianyu stepped forward to summon the turtle, the battle was about to break out.

"Explosion of flames!"

On the field, balls of fire, under the spell of the Li Yan Master, rushed towards the turtle, and instantly turned the entire field into a world of flames.

For the Li Yan Master, flames are its origin, and fighting in flames can bring considerable improvement.

And, in the fire field, the turtle held up the water shield to resist the attack of the flames on the field. Looking at its smart eyes looking around, it is known that the pressure it faces is basically equal to no.

The Li Yan Master, like the final form of the Fire Spirit, the Fiery Fire Spirit, is an elemental type of beast, but the difference is that the two are cherished differently.

If the Fiery Fire Spirit needs a certain amount of money, then the Li Yan Master needs not only money, but also power, because only extremely high power can have such a powerful beast.

From the perspective of Venerable Li Yan, it is known that the status of the White Elephant Envoy in front of him is not low in the White Elephant Country.

However, for Lin Qianyu, status may be very useful in the White Elephant Country, but it is basically useless outside the White Elephant Country.

Facing the field that has turned into a fire field, Turtle performed Raging Sea and Turtle's water attribute aura turned into water source around the turtle's body, colliding with the flames on the field.

Some flames were extinguished by the water source, and some water sources were evaporated by the flames. The collision between the two caused a burst of water vapor to rise above the field, making it difficult for people outside to see the scene in the field.

Facing Turtle's Raging Sea, Venerable Li Yan began to attack fiercely.

As a beast of the fire element, most of the skills he has learned are of fire attribute, not all of them, and the fire attribute is indeed at a disadvantage when facing Turtle.

The White Elephant Kingdom's envoy also knew this situation, so he planned to use the powerful flame output ability of the Li Yan Zun to directly destroy the turtle's defense and get rid of the turtle in one fell swoop.

Fire bombs, fire balls, fire bombs, jet flames, and other skills were all thrown at the turtle, trying to break through the turtle's defense.

However, the turtle did have countermeasures. The defense of the water shield, the slow attack of the raging sea, and the blocking of the water tornado directly blocked the attack of the Li Yan Zun.

Even Guiguo could advance in the attack of the Li Yan Zun and approach it.

"This Li Yan Zun is quite powerful, but its controller is a bit too arrogant. It dares to show its long-range attacking beast directly, and its command is not very good. In addition, its attributes are restrained, and it does not understand the characteristics of Jiao Crocodile Turtle. It has no tricks that can subdue Qianyu's Jiao Crocodile Turtle's attack. From the moment it uses explosive flames to change the venue and is blocked by the water shield, this battle has basically become a foregone conclusion."

"As long as it can't break the Jiao Crocodile Turtle's defense, it will become a fish on the chopping board after being approached by Jiao Crocodile Turtle. It can be controlled by anyone."

Zhang Mingxuan said to the group of soldiers behind him. While analyzing the situation, he also gave them a lesson, which can be regarded as improving their horizons.

Some of the soldiers behind Zhang Mingxuan could understand what they heard, but some were a little confused. However, they all remembered Zhang Mingxuan's analysis carefully.

The battle did not last long, about seven or eight minutes.

The fire skills released by the Liyan Master were constantly blocked by the turtle's skills, or they directly attacked the turtle's defense, which did not cause any major damage.

Until the turtle advanced to the side of the Liyan Master with the attack, and then, with the Dragon Burst, the sweep of thousands of troops was first, followed by the Dragon Claw with the Dragon Claw, under the double attack, the Liyan Master fell directly and lost the ability to fight.

And the turtle won the victory with an overwhelming advantage. Until the Liyan Master lost the ability to fight, the spiritual energy in the turtle's body was still quite sufficient.

At this time, Lin Qianyu did not intend to let the turtle go.

Now the intermediate envoys on the Chinese side are not as many as the intermediate envoys of other countries on the opposite side, and there is no way to be rotated.

However, since it has been on the stage, let's fight to our heart's content!

Anyway, Lin Qianyu doesn't care about the priority of the exploration, just take it as accumulating combat experience.

At this time, the envoy on the opposite side is a Crescent Moon Kingdom envoy, and the beast summoned is a Crescent Moon Warrior.

The humanoid beast, with muscles all over its body, looked so radiant under the sunlight.

The crescent mark on its forehead gave this crescent warrior a hint of weirdness.

Seeing this crescent warrior, Lin Qianyu frowned slightly.

This crescent warrior was stronger than the Li Yan Zun just now, and it was much stronger.

If this crescent warrior faced a beast of the same level, it would probably be able to resolve the battle quickly, but, by chance, it met Turtle.

Although the two sides did not have any restraint in terms of attributes, there was indeed a huge gap in their combat characteristics.

The crescent moon warrior has fighting attributes and is good at melee combat. He is a typical explosive beast. It is famous for its high attack power and high movement speed. If other beasts face it, there is probably nothing that ten of them can do, but with the turtle Facing the turtle's defense, it can only be said that one thing defeats another.

On the field, there was a strong defense stacked up on the turtle's body. The crescent moon warrior performed the cross slash several times, but it had no effect.

However, the crescent moon warrior's envoy didn't know if he was out of his mind. After it had no effect, he did not choose other methods, but chose to continue the attack.

A punch, a kick, bang~bang~bang hit the turtle's defensive shield, but it really had no effect.

Even if the shield can be knocked down by one or two layers, the shield that was knocked down will be replaced again in the next second. The defense of this iron-shell turtle makes it difficult for this crescent moon warrior to use it. There is no way.

The defensive and counterattack tactics adopted by Guigui directly consumed the crescent warrior's huge physical strength, although there was also an element of the crescent warrior's envoy not believing in evil.

However, in the end, because the crescent moon warrior was too exhausted to defend or dodge, he was directly knocked down on the field by Turtle's claw, and ended up losing his ability to fight.

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