After a brief friendly greeting, the four mentors began to introduce Vice Dean Gong, Lin Qianyu and Jiang Dunbin to the four exchange groups.

And when Jiang Dunbin was introduced as the captain of the championship team of this college league, the "foreign friends" behind the four exchange groups who were obviously here to "make trouble" became obviously excited, just like Mo Quan seeing Huang Jinxiang.

"Are they gay? Why are they looking at us in a weird way? They look like they want to eat us?

I heard that foreign countries are very chaotic, especially the existence and spread of cults, not only men and women, but also men and men, women and women, men and beastmen, and women and beastmen.

Did you see the news a few days ago? It was about several high-level envoys from the White Elephant Country who joined forces and raped a female giant stone sand lizard. According to the news report, they even made the giant stone sand lizard foam at the mouth.

Are they just enthusiasts of this kind of weird fetish? This is so disgusting."

Jiang Dunbin, who was standing aside, got goosebumps instantly when he saw the eyes of this group of people, and then whispered to Lin Qianyu.

"Fuck! Is it true! So awesome? Can they do this? Won't it rot?"

Lin Qianyu was also shocked when she heard the news. This is really fun. Normally, they are all high-level envoys and should have a certain status, but this kind of play is really NBplus.

"They are a serious exchange group, not a psychotic cult like the Beast Encyclopedia. They are showing a strong fighting spirit, not the kind of thing you think in your mind."

A teacher on the side almost choked when he heard what Jiang Dunbin and Lin Qianyu said, and then explained to them.

Although there are indeed many people abroad who are influenced by the cult ideas of the Beast Encyclopedia and they often mess around, these exchange groups are all serious people. The non-serious ones have been kicked out long ago, so why would they come to China.

"Oh, fighting spirit, that's okay, teacher, please continue."

Hearing the teacher's explanation, Jiang Dunbin and Lin Qianyu also shut up and waited quietly for their exchange.

The polite words did not last long. Soon, the four teachers took the four exchange groups away, leaving Vice Dean Gong, Lin Qianyu and Jiang Dunbin behind.

"What's going on? They just left us and left first?"

"Four instructors go and help arrange their accommodation, otherwise they are unfamiliar with the place and it is easy to cause some unnecessary trouble.

Let's go, let's go back first."

As he said that, Vice Dean Gong waved and asked Lin Qianyu and Jiang Dunbin to follow him out of the airport.

"You have to keep in good shape these days, especially Qianyu. You are now the captain of the school team. They will probably choose you to challenge."

"However, time is not urgent. They originally wanted to challenge you immediately, but they were stopped by their team leader."

"They mean to visit our college for a few days, understand the customs, teaching methods, and training venues of different schools, and then communicate with us."

"I guess they want to collect some information about you, so that they can defeat you. You don't even need to think about it to know what's going on."

"And this time, you can only win and not lose in the exchange war. Although it is semi-official and semi-private, if you fail, our school will look bad, and they don't know how to promote us abroad, so you can only succeed and not fail."

"In the next few days, I will also give you their information and information. You should also learn more about it and don't underestimate the enemy."

Deputy Dean Gong said as he walked, while Lin Qianyu and Jiang Dunbin also walked and listened, listened, listened, and the expressions on their faces were also a little more solemn.

In the next few days, in the Imperial University Beast Taming Academy, you can see a group of foreigners wandering around the campus accompanied by a tutor.

They walk here and there, and even ask the tutor if they can try it out when they encounter training measures that have not been used before.

These common training measures are basically universal in domestic university beast taming academies, and there is no confidentiality. Just try it out. As long as it complies with the rules, there is basically nothing wrong.

However, some exchange groups are really shameless, pushing their noses and getting more and more.

For example, the exchange group from the Chicken Country proposed to enter the Imperial University's school team secret realm to gain experience after learning that they were allowed to enter the ordinary training measures.

Then, as soon as they said it, they were directly rejected by the tutor who accompanied them.

Just kidding, it's already good to let you enter the ordinary training measures, and you still want to enter the school team secret realm. You are ugly, but you think beautifully.

To use an analogy, it's like the secret room in your home that contains many secrets. Would you let an outsider in? Especially if you know that this person has some bad intentions?

It's good enough that they didn't give you a big slap, but you still want to go in.

Moreover, the secret realm is very, very, very rare in the Chicken Country, a small island country by the sea.

It is said that the secret realms in the entire Chicken Country are less than the number of hands, and they are all controlled by the government of their country. There are no private ones, and they are basically not used unless necessary.

It is not like in China, where strong and famous schools basically have one or two secret realms, and the finals of various competitions are held in secret realms. This treatment is simply envied by people in small countries.

After all, the creation of secret realms depends on the legacy of our ancestors.

In China, the land is vast and the heritage is long, and there has never been a break. Until now, secret realms are still emerging continuously.

In fact, it is not just the Chicken Country, but also the Monkey Country and South Korea. Small countries, how many heritages can there be.

The White Elephant Country is better. Although the heritage of this country has a break, it is still a long heritage, which is much better than the other three countries.

However, compared with China, it is not very good. After all, the heritage that has never been broken is not a joke.

After being rejected, the exchange group of the Chicken Country also blushed. Of course, it was not ashamed, but angry. After all, in the Chicken Country, shame does not exist at all.

They value the spirit of "bowing and apologizing". It seems that as long as they bow and apologize, everything will be fine and others will forgive them.

If you don't know them, you will think they are very polite, but if you know them, you will know how ridiculous it is.

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