Start with the Beastmaster Contract

197 Exchange Group [Please subscribe, recommend, and vote monthly! ]

After the freshman ranking war ended, those freshmen who were able to challenge the sophomores were almost mentally broken by Lin Qianyu's disgusting tactics.

Originally, they were happy. If they lost the challenge, they lost. That was the gap in hard power. At most, they would try their best to catch up.

However, after being treated like this by Lin Qianyu's disgusting tactics, they were instantly disgusted. Not to mention the motivation to catch up, it was good enough that they did not become collectively autistic.

Although this is a typical example of the weak defeating the strong, it is worth learning, but if the weak is others and the strong is them, that is different. It can be said to be a polar reversal.

This broke their vision of college life, because this is completely different from the college life they imagined.

As for the instigator, Lin Qianyu.

On the day when the freshman ranking war ended, Dean Dongfang called her over and criticized her for a long time.

But for Lin Qianyu, as long as there is no substantial punishment, she will scold a few words, anyway, it won't hurt a piece of meat.

Although there is a little regret, Lin Qianyu still likes the behavior of frying fish in the fish pond.

However, it is estimated that this should be the last time, which is a bit of a pity.

However, under Lin Qianyu's disgusting method, many freshmen or seniors have begun to pay attention to the cultivation of control hands.

After all, whether the control hand is strong or not is another matter, but disgusting, that is really disgusting, and it is good at messing with people's mentality.


"What is it? Exchange group?"

"Yes, it is an exchange group from other countries. The champion team of this college league is required to receive it. Well, in other words, you are required to have in-depth exchanges with them, the kind of exchanges with strength."

In the office, Vice Dean Gong said to Lin Qianyu, and put a stack of information in front of Lin Qianyu, motioning him to take a look.

"White Elephant Country, Chicken Country, Korean Country, and Monkey Country are quite interesting."

"Vice President Gong, how come there are suddenly exchange groups from other countries coming here? Is this the case when other schools win the college league championship?"

Looking through the information, there are a total of four exchange groups coming to China for exchange this time, all of which are exchange groups from neighboring countries. Except for the White Elephant Country, which may still be able to fight a little, the other three countries are typical representatives of small countries and weak people.

However, because it is an independent country with sovereignty, although I look down on it a little in my heart, I still do a good job of saving face.

"Of course it can't be like this. Although the college league has a strong influence in China, it is just average abroad. The reason why the exchange group came to China for this exchange is still due to normal diplomatic reasons."

"Or, they are here to test the ability of our next generation of imperial envoys. Anyway, when you receive them for a competition, just beat them to death. As long as there is no injury or death, there will be no problem. In fact, the worse you beat them, the happier the superiors will be.

It can not only show the strength of our new generation, but also reflect the level of education in our country. It can even make these countries recognize themselves and stop jumping back and forth in certain aspects.

Although it is said that the lion does not care about lice and can slap them to death, it is unnecessary to spend too much effort. Letting them leave naturally is the best thing."

After hearing what Vice Dean Gong said, Lin Qianyu understood only a little, but Lin Qianyu also had some changes in his views on Vice Dean Gong today.

After all, there are few simple people who play politics. It's too complicated, just like all crows are black. Although the species are different, the color is right!


Snake, who has reached the tenth level of the transformation realm for more than half a month, broke through and entrenched in a circle when training in the forest area of ​​the school team secret realm. The whole body absorbed the surrounding wood attribute aura, and then was covered by the wood attribute aura, forming a green light cocoon.

And this situation is that Snake is preparing to break through the extraordinary realm and evolve.

And this light cocoon is constantly absorbing the surrounding wood attribute aura after it is formed. If it weren't for the extremely rich wood attribute aura in the forest area, it is really possible for Snake to absorb the surrounding into a short-term vacuum environment without wood attribute aura.

Moreover, the aura absorbed by Snake when evolving is not only wood attribute aura, but also a lot of poison attribute aura. Adding the two together, the green light cocoon formed by Snake is covered with several layers of purple traces, which looks so weird.

As time went by, the green light on the light cocoon formed by the snake became more and more eye-catching, gradually attracting more wood attribute aura and poison attribute aura.

There was a purple tinge in the green.

At this time, the area where the snake's light cocoon was formed had briefly become a vacuum area of ​​wood attribute aura.

The light cocoon formed by the snake, which absorbed a lot of wood attribute aura and poison attribute aura, was also increasingly full of green light.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Perhaps the foundation of the snake was very thick this time, or perhaps the speed of absorbing poison attribute aura was not fast, and the amount absorbed was not much.

The time required for the snake's evolution was extremely long.

After more than ten minutes, the evolution of the snake was nearing its end.

Instantly, the light cocoon formed by the snake burst into a dazzling green light, full of the colors of nature and life, and some colors that frightened men.




A sound like the cracking of an eggshell sounded, and at the same time, there was a huge roar.


This made Lin Qianyu, who was standing aside, feel that the evolution was about to end.

Because neither the vine snake in the initial form of the snake nor the evolved form of the green grass anaconda would make such a huge roar.

It would only make a low sound of a snake spitting out its tongue, but the evolved Cangsen Jiao was different. Although it did not have the dragon attribute, it had a Jiao character, which was a change in the species form, and it was normal to be able to make such a roar.

Then, after the green light cocoon was completely broken, a flash of white light passed by, and a huge Jiao with two horns on its head appeared in front of Lin Qianyu.

And facing its own breakthrough and evolution, the snake once again made its own roar.

The body expanded again, making the snake not only longer, but also thicker.

Estimated to be more than 20 meters long, the snake successfully took a big step towards the large beast.

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