Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$180 Selection ends [Please subscribe, recommend, and vote monthly! ]

Not every member of the school team can defend the ring.

Generally, the people who defend the ring are some members of the school team with lower rankings.

And there are certain subsidies for being the defender.

Lin Qianyu originally wanted to be the defender. Snake's strength has reached the eighth level of the transformation realm, and Longlong is not bad either, reaching the sixth level of the transformation realm. Because Nong Yan Falcon joined the team late, his strength is only the eighth level of the awakening realm.

Among them, although Snake and Longlong seem to be a little low in level, for them who have mastered special skills, their real strength must not be based on paper strength.

However, that's all. Although Snake, Longlong and Nong Yan Falcon alone can be regarded as a strong fighting force, they can defeat the students who come to participate in the freshman selection, but it is far from the effect required for the assessment.

After all, these two basically want to fight quickly.

However, if they encounter sophomores and juniors, it's not necessary. Whether they can beat them is still a question. At this time, they have to play with turtles.

But the strength of the turtle is really too strong compared to those students who participated in the selection. With that claw, it basically killed one by one.

And if that's the case, there will be no challengers, so how can we evaluate the strength of the students?

So, Lin Qianyu could only sit aside and watch the show with Jiang Dunbin and others.

Seeing many beast masters being beaten up on the stage, Lin Qianyu was amazed and enjoyed it very much.

However, it's okay to watch for a short while, but if you watch for a long time, you will get visual fatigue.

Because there are many people participating in the selection, the time is very long, which caused Lin Qianyu to go from being excited to being listless.

The selection lasted from morning to afternoon.


Lin Qianyu yawned with his hands on the table, looking at the selection below with lifeless eyes.

But at this time, Lin Qianyu saw something interesting.

Li Mingqi came on the stage, and the school team member who evaluated him was a sophomore student.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this guy got beaten so badly."

Looking at Li Mingqi who was struggling to hold on under this school team member, Lin Qianyu couldn't help but gloat.

After all, it was really fun to watch others being beaten.

Although Li Mingqi was beaten, he persisted and successfully entered the second round.

Although the selection of school team members has not yet ended, the first round of assessment has already ended.

There are only more than 70 candidates left out of the 200 candidates who participated in the selection, and among these more than 70 people, they have to compete for the last 31 school team places.

The probability of success or failure is 50%, and at this time, you have to do your best.

After the second round of assessment, the number of people who entered the school team has been born.

No more, no less, exactly 31 people.

The on-site instructor also gave a temporary ranking based on the on-the-spot performance of these 31 people.

However, the selection has not yet been completed. Next, students who passed the first round but did not pass the second round will have a chance to challenge those who passed the second round.

This time, almost all the students who did not pass the second round used this challenge opportunity.

Gu Yan

However, except for a student with a disgusting playing style who succeeded in the challenge, the rest failed.

As for this person's disgusting, Lin Qianyu was also very surprised.

The contracted fire attribute beast and poison attribute beast relied on burns, poisoning and absolute defense to wear out the opponent.

Although the playing style is indeed disgusting, winning is winning. The outcome is the finality. Except for the unlucky guy who was disgusted, the others have nothing to say.

However, when looking at this boy with a sunny smile, there is a strong sense of vigilance.

After all, losing is losing, but being so disgusting is something no one wants!

Although the quota for entering the school team has been filled, the school team selection this time has not ended. The next step is the real ranking challenge within the school team.

Because the senior students left school, the rankings of the original school team members were raised. As for Lin Qianyu, she was lucky to be ranked in the top ten.

Li Mingqi, who had just joined the school team, was temporarily ranked 59th because of his poor performance in the second round.

The next three challenges for each person depended on whether they would seize this opportunity to move up the ranking.

And obviously, very few people seized it.

For example, Li Mingqi succeeded in one of the three challenges and moved his ranking to 51st.

He challenged the 49th and 50th in the remaining two opportunities, but lost both.

Compared with the beast control teams of the two people, his beast control team had shortcomings, and it was this shortcoming that made his overall strength a little different from that of the two people.

However, in this ranking challenge, some people not only challenged the new members of the school team, but also shifted their targets to Jiang Zenghua and Lin Qianyu.

Because among the old members of the entire school team, only Lin Qianyu and Jiang Zenghua were freshmen, and they looked easier to defeat.

Some juniors and sophomores set their sights on these two people.

However, with Jiang Zenghua's powerful attack, the eyes fixed on him disappeared and turned directly to Lin Qianyu.

However, this did not make Lin Qianyu angry at all, and she even felt a little eager to try.

After receiving the challenge, Lin Qianyu immediately summoned her four free-range beasts back to the beast control space, and then dared to come here, looking forward to the start of the battle.

After all, this also added a bit of fun to Lin Qianyu's boring time.

Then, when Lin Qianyu summoned her four beasts, the face of the challenger on the opposite side was extremely pure.

And looking at Lin Qianyu's four beasts, and then looking at his own three beasts, he didn't expect that a freshman was actually an intermediate beastmaster, and then looking at his own strength, he felt a little jealous.

And in just a few seconds, he directly and decisively admitted defeat.

This made Lin Qianyu lose all the fun.

"What the hell, I finally had some fun, but it was gone in an instant."

"Okay, just put these four beasts out, and others will know your strength without even sensing it. If he continues to challenge, he's either unsure or stupid. Do you think a student who is about to enter his senior year and can join the school team has this confidence?"

"That's true, but after watching the challenge for a day, it's really a bit boring."

Lin Qianyu wasn't complaining, he just felt bored and wanted to have some fun, but the fun suddenly disappeared, and he got depressed.

Looking at Lin Qianyu, Jiang Dunbin didn't know what to say.

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