Start with the Beastmaster Contract

176 Fighting the Tiger King [Please subscribe, recommend, and vote monthly! ]

Even though the college league is approaching, there are still many school team members who are challenging.

And Lin Qianyu is among them. Although he is only challenging the substitutes, it is still enough to surprise people.

Especially Jiang Dunbin, when he heard Lin Qianyu tell him that he was going to challenge the school team members, he was a little surprised.

Although Jiang Dunbin already knew that Lin Qianyu must have a beastmaster who broke through to the extraordinary realm, but in the school team, even the substitutes, their ace beastmasters, which one has not been exploring the extraordinary realm for a long time.

Not to mention the difference in level, but just this accumulation, that's different.

But when Jiang Dunbin saw the turtle, he didn't have this idea.

The dragon-type beastmaster itself is extremely strong, plus Lin Qianyu is making rapid progress, and now there is still some time before the college league of Imperial Capital University.

When the league comes, Lin Qianyu's strength will definitely be greatly improved. Although he will definitely not surpass the main players, it may not be impossible to surpass the substitutes.

However, there is only less than half a month left for Lin Qianyu.

In mid-July, the Imperial University Beastmaster Academy team must confirm the list and submit it to the college league organizing committee.

At that time, the members on the submitted list cannot be easily replaced.

Therefore, if you want to replace the official members of the school team, you can only do it before mid-July, but if you don’t have this plan and just want to challenge, it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, it’s good to accumulate experience for this group of official members of the school team.

As for Lin Qianyu, he definitely wants to replace the official members of the school team. Although he is not sure whether it will succeed, he still has such a plan.

Soon, at Lin Qianyu’s insistence, Jiang Dunbin gave him the ten substitutes for the school team and selected the person.

One of the substitutes for the school team’s round-robin battle, Peng Yunliang.

Lin Qianyu selected the target to challenge.

Lin Qianyu is definitely not good enough for the team battle. Although Guigui has already broken through the extraordinary realm, in terms of overall strength, he is definitely not as good as the substitute members who have two beasts that have broken through the extraordinary realm. Therefore, Lin Qianyu fixed his eyes on the five substitute members who were fighting in the ring.

"What the hell? He wants to challenge me?"

Peng Yunliang was surprised at first, and then he sneered in his heart after understanding the situation.

The ace beast is a dragon-attributed beast that has just broken through the extraordinary realm.

Yes, although it is a dragon-attributed beast, it has strong combat power, but the students of the Imperial Capital University Beast School, whose beasts are not strong in combat power, not to mention one of the official members of the school team, even if it is a substitute, it is not a simple substitute.

And Peng Yunliang will teach this slightly arrogant junior in front of him today how to be a down-to-earth member of the school team.

You can't be so arrogant just because you are the dean's disciple. Is this good? This is not good!

Peng Yunliang had a warm smile on his face, and he looked like a model senior, but Lin Qianyu almost guessed what he was thinking.

The two of them came directly to the imperial command platform, facing each other across the battlefield.

It was fine off the court, but once on the court, the atmosphere instantly became tense, and it was the kind that was about to explode.

Off the court, some members of the school team who were resting suddenly found that someone was going to challenge them again.

However, there were many people who challenged them at ordinary times, at least a little less, but not without, nothing strange, but this challenger made them a little strange.

"Who is this? Lin Qianyu? Captain Jiang's junior brother?"

"I Zhuo, Captain Jiang, will your junior brother be psychologically traumatized by Peng Yunliang? You know him, he always goes all out in the battle!"

"This person is interesting, he dares to challenge the substitute members in his freshman year."

Gu Xi

Listening to the chattering of the others around him.

Jiang Dunbin looked up at the sky, he didn't want this to happen, but he couldn't stop this junior brother!

However, it's better to let him suffer a blow. The road of genius growth cannot be smooth sailing, otherwise it will be a real upheaval in the future!

Standing on the command platform, Lin Qianyu's other three beasts were summoned and placed on the command platform to watch the next battle.

Lin Qianyu looked at Peng Yunliang on the opposite side. He probably didn't know the information about the turtle, but the information of Peng Yunliang's ace beast, not to mention the information given by Jiang Dunbin, has been almost dissected by the system panel.

The intelligence of both sides is not at the same level at all.

Looking at Peng Yunliang, Lin Qianyu said to him in his heart, "I'm sorry", because he had read Peng Yunliang's information and knew that he was a senior in the fourth year. This year is probably his first and last time to participate in the college league.

Although he participated as a substitute, at least he could get a chance to play.

However, Lin Qianyu only apologized for three seconds. After all, he came here with his real ability.

Competing for fame, wealth, resources, and status is reality, and there is no need to feel guilty.

If you have the strength but don't fight, that's stupid behavior.

A white light flashed.

The turtle was summoned by Lin Qianyu to the battlefield in front.

The huge turtle stood on the battlefield, and the breath from its nostrils condensed and dissipated like a cyclone.

Surrounded by a blue-green aura, it looks like a dragon, making it look extremely powerful.

On the opposite side, there is an ice-type beast.

It has a human-like body and is about the same height as an adult male. Its limbs and body are wrapped in blue-white armor and ice, making it look extremely solemn.

The red cloak behind it adds a touch of majesty to this beast.

However, the most eye-catching thing is its claws, which are slender and sharp, with a blade-like edge.

Beast: Fighting Tiger King!

Evolved from the Blade Tiger to the Broken Tiger, and then evolved into the final form!

A dual-attribute beast of ice and fighting.

Like the turtle, it is good at frontal attack.

It has no restraint relationship with the turtle. Although there is a gap in strength on paper, in Lin Qianyu's opinion, the real combat power gap between the two sides is not big.

The only shortcoming may be the combat experience of the turtle after entering the extraordinary realm.

However, this was also the purpose of Lin Qianyu choosing Peng Yunliang to challenge, which was to brush up on the experience pack and increase Turtle's experience.

When the beasts of both sides were ready, the battle officially began.

Peng Yunliang made a judgment and quickly gave the order.

In an instant, the War Tiger King exerted force on his feet, and his claws showed cold light, rushing towards Turtle quickly.

Ice Claw!

One of the most suitable moves for the War Tiger King!

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