Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$174 School team official selection [Please subscribe, please recommend, please vote monthly! ]

Time passed.

The four beasts contracted by Lin Qianyu were trained in an orderly manner according to the plan he made.

In addition to the necessary improvement of skill mastery.

Turtle trained physical strength and body power.

Snake trained speed, attack speed, and poison attribute aura.

Longlong was fully developed in all aspects, speed, strength, physique, long-range attack, etc.

As for Nong Yan Falcon, it trained various disgusting beast skills, flight speed, etc.

However, what made Lin Qianyu feel a little bit wrong was Longlong.

"By the way, why has Longlong been so serious recently?"

Originally, Longlong's training time was the same as that of Turtle and Snake.

But the difference is that Turtle and Snake will practice extra, while Longlong will run back to the dormitory to watch drama as soon as the time is up.

But recently.....

"Did Longlong get stimulated by something?"

Lin Qianyu saw Longlong's various efforts and diligent training.

In the hurricane area, he supported the energy circle and flew against the wind.

This was the training method that Longlong hated the most in the past.

Strong hurricanes will make Longlong need more strength to flap his wings, and once the energy surrounds, it will increase the resistance and consume more energy.

Originally, Longlong hated this kind of training method the most, but in the past, Lin Qianyu asked it to obey, but now, it is its own request, which makes Lin Qianyu very strange.

But now seeing Longlong working hard, Lin Qianyu is very happy.

What Lin Qianyu doesn't know is.

Longlong used to rely on being the smallest of all the beasts, so he was very delicate, but now there is a beast that is smaller than him and even works harder than him, which makes Longlong a little afraid that he will be surpassed.

Comparing Turtle and Snake, Longlong worked hard directly. Maybe he will not be the strongest beast among Lin Qianyu's contracted beasts, but he definitely does not want to be the last! Absolutely not!

But no matter what Longlong thinks, Lin Qianyu is very happy now. The four beasts under his command can work so hard, and the improvement of strength is just around the corner.

However, while training, Lin Qianyu discovered another thing, his money was not enough again!

The extra money earned before, in addition to paying off the money owed to Jiang Dunbin, there was still a little left, all of which was used to buy the cultivation resources of Nong Yan Falcon.

However, they were all some basic cultivation resources or slightly higher-level cultivation resources. For example, the awakening stone, this thing, Lin Qianyu didn't even look at it.

However, even now, Lin Qianyu's money is not enough to spend.

In desperation, Lin Qianyu could only go out to earn extra money again.

Imperial University, the Dean's Office of the Beast Taming Academy.

Dean Dongfang sat in the office for the first time, listening to Vice Dean Gong talking about something.

"Old Gong, you should lead the team to this college league. Anyway, you have led the team so many times, and this time is not bad."

Hearing Vice Dean Gong talking about the college league, Dean Dongfang interrupted him directly and wanted him to lead the team to participate in the college league instead of himself.

"Can I still refuse?"

"Of course not!"

Gu Yu

Hearing what Dean Dongfang said, Vice Dean Gong also shook his head with a wry smile.

In other schools, the Beast Taming Colleges have professors, and the deans would like to live in the college to teach students.

As for the Beast Taming College of Imperial Capital University, except for himself, the six professors are running away faster than each other.

In the first few years of his tenure, he was still conscientious. Later, seeing Dean Dongfang often kicking his feet, they also ran away together. In the entire college, except for himself, basically no professors or above are in the school for a long time.

But the strange thing is that even if these people do this, the Beast Taming College of Imperial Capital University is not declining at all. Although there are some ups and downs, it is still among the best in the country.

It is precisely because of this that even the president of Imperial Capital University does not care. Anyway, as long as the school does not have any problems, let them do whatever they want.

It is also because of this that Vice Dean Gong is almost responsible for all kinds of trivial matters in the Beast Taming College, but fortunately, there are many associate professors to help, otherwise, Vice Dean Gong is estimated to become a boiled egg.

Moreover, the dean of the Beast Taming Academy usually leads the team in the college league. However, since Dean Dongfang took office at Imperial Capital University, except for the first year when he went, Vice Dean Gong led the team afterwards.


In late June, approaching July, something happened to the school team.

In order to welcome the upcoming college league, the school team has begun to select 20 regular players.

Ten main players, 10 substitutes.

In the school team secret realm, in the central battle hall.

Sixty school team members are distributed around.

Lin Qianyu is also among them.

The battle field in front is no longer the original ring shape, but is composed of the size of four football fields, and there are two command platforms on the left and right sides.

On the command platform, two figures can be seen.

In the front field, each has a powerful beast.

Thunder Fire Lion!

Magma Rhino!

"The Thunder Fire Lion's charioteer is a substitute member of the school team, ranked 18th."

"The charioteer of the Magma Rhino is ranked 22nd in the school team. Although the ranking is a bit different, the overall gap is not too big."

Standing next to Lin Qianyu was Jiang Dunbin, who was also introducing some school team members that he had never seen before.

"Even though he won, he was only a substitute, but even as a substitute, he still had a great chance to play in the college league."

Lin Qianyu understood this, but why was it a one-on-one duel? Isn't it a team battle?

"Brother, why are they fighting one-on-one in the ring instead of all beastmen fighting?"

"The college league has two fighting modes. One is the ring round-robin battle, where beastmen fight one-on-one. Five school team members take turns to fight. If the beastmen of the five members of a school team lose their fighting ability, the other school team will win."

"The other is a group battle, just like you said, all beastmen are summoned to fight in various complex terrains, and group battles require beastmen to fight together."

"It is precisely because of this that among the ten main players of the school team, five are members of the group battle, five are members of the ring round-robin battle, and the same is true for substitutes."

After hearing Jiang Dunbin's words, Lin Qianyu also understood. It was nothing more than the difference between a single duel and a group fight.

But Lin Qianyu was more interested in what Jiang Dunbin said, fighting in various complex terrains. How are these various complex terrains formed?

Lin Qianyu had never encountered such a situation, so he was also relatively curious.

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