Start with the Beastmaster Contract

172 Evolution, get the Flame Falcon! [Please subscribe, recommend, and vote monthly!]

On the first day, Lin Qianyu felt that the aura of the Flame Smoke Bird had increased, and even its feathers became softer and brighter.

The second day.....

The third day...

On the fourth day, the Flame Smoke Bird flying over the crater suddenly landed next to the crater.

Red light bloomed.

A burst of fire enveloped the Flame Smoke Bird, but not long after, the red light turned into red-black light, and a huge light cocoon enveloped the Flame Smoke Bird.

Lin Qianyu had been staring at the Flame Smoke Bird from the outside. Although there were some subtle changes in the first three days, they were only subtle changes after all.

And today, the Flame Smoke Bird is officially about to start its evolution!

It is not in vain that Lin Qianyu has been following here for the past few days, suffering from the high temperature.

At this time.

The huge red-black light cocoon stood there quietly, like a huge egg.

And here, only Lin Qianyu was watching the evolution of the Flame Smoke Bird.

As for Longlong, he came with curiosity on the first day, but he didn't come on the second day. According to him, he would rather go for training than stay here and be roasted!

Time passed.

Lin Qianyu waited, waited, waited...

An hour and a half passed, and there was still no change in the red-black light cocoon that wrapped the Flame Smoke Bird.

If Lin Qianyu hadn't looked at the system panel and found that the information of the Flame Smoke Bird was normal, he would have almost suspected that the Flame Smoke Bird was roasted in this red-black light cocoon?

But it would be visually fatigued to keep looking at the red-black light cocoon.

But Lin Qianyu had nothing else to do except staring at the red-black light cocoon.

The mobile phone and other things were placed outside. After all, the temperature here was so high. If the mobile phone couldn't stand it and exploded directly, it would be really fun.

As for Lin Qianyu, because the physical fitness of the envoy was stronger after all, it was still within his tolerance range, although it was indeed very hot...

Not long after...

Crack~, crack~, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack~

Cracks appeared on the red-black light cocoon, and the next moment...


With a sharp cry, a firebird broke through the red-black light cocoon and spread its wings over the crater.

It has expanded several times since the Flame Smoke Bird, and its wings are spread out, about one or two meters long.

Its originally black feathers have turned red-black, and the feathers on its neck, tail feathers, feathers, and the tips of its wings are red.

The red-black and red colors echo each other, forming a majestic falcon!

It is surrounded by fire-attributed spiritual energy, and when it spreads its wings and flies, it seems to be dragging a long tail flame.

It reflects it, majestic! Brave! Fortitude!

It is a falcon!

Nong Yan Falcon!

After evolution, Nong Yan Falcon has completed the steps from house sparrow to the top of the bird food chain!

"My Zhuo, it seems a bit handsome!"

Looking at the Nong Yan Falcon flying high above the crater, Lin Qianyu murmured.

Looking up, the Nong Yan Falcon is still surrounded by a strong red glow, and the strong fire-attributed spiritual energy surrounds the Nong Yan Falcon, forming a ball of red brilliance!

[Race name]: Nong Yan Falcon

[Race attributes]: Fire, Poison


[Race rank]: Elite middle

[Race level]: Awakening Realm 1st level

[Race skills]: Burning, Sparks, Poison Sting, Poison Mist, Poisonous, Air Blade, Absolute Defense, Poison Claw, Sludge Attack, Electric Spark, Mud Bomb, Smash, Lava Storm, Hot Wind, Fiery Turbulence, Energy Flame Attack, Shadow Poison Attack, Venom Shock

[Evolution form]: Lie Yi Diao

[Evolution condition]: Automatic evolution after breaking through the Transcendent Realm

[Potential]: Very high

Lin Qianyu opened the information of Nong Yan Falcon in the system panel.

Nong Yan Falcon, who broke through to the Awakening Realm and successfully evolved, directly comprehended five skills, three fire skills, and two poison skills.

Among them, Fiery Turbulence is the exclusive skill of Nong Yan Falcon or Lie Yi Diao.

Fiery turbulence: Fire attribute skill. After using this skill, a field is formed around the body. In this field, the power of fire attribute skills is slightly increased, and other beasts in this field have a chance to burn it!

This is a powerful skill, and this skill can only be learned by the Nong Yan Falcon clan.

After closing the panel, seeing the Nong Yan Falcon flying high in the crater, Lin Qianyu directly gave an order: "Nong Yan Falcon, fly into the magma!"


Hearing Lin Qianyu's order, Nong Yan Falcon flew high, leaving only a black shadow in the light.

However, in an instant, Nong Yan Falcon swooped down from the air again, like a meteor falling to the ground, rushing into the magma in a crater.

Nong Yan Falcon, plunged in.

The hot and boiling magma surged, engulfing the figure of Nong Yan Falcon. In the blink of an eye, there was no movement in the magma, as if the Nong Yan Falcon that plunged in was melted.

But Lin Qianyu is not worried about this.

The Nongyan Falcon tribe lives near the crater, but they do more than just live there. They are the darlings of fire, playing and drinking in the magma.

This will not only not cause any harm to it, but also has a lot of benefits for it.

At this moment, the Nongyan Falcon is using the power of the magma to complete its last step of transformation.

The magma in the crater was calm for a few minutes.

Suddenly, it surged violently.

The next moment, a sharp cry came from the magma.


The magma in the crater of this volcano exploded, like a column of flames rising into the sky, but the next moment, the orange-red magma flew around.

It fell on the ground around and emitted a sizzling white smoke.

This made Lin Qianyu feel as if it had added a little workload to the students who had taken on the task of dealing with these magma ash.

And above the flame column, a huge fireball rose into the sky.

Like a small sun, it radiated endless light and heat in the school team secret realm!

In the fireball, a black shadow with its wings spread out faintly. The fireball exploded instantly, and circles of dazzling halos spread out.

The Nongyan Falcon rose to the sky, and the light was dazzling, which made Lin Qianyu squint at it.

Evolution, completely completed!

This last step was what Lin Qianyu saw in a book, which detailed the living habits of the Nongyan Falcon clan and some things to pay attention to when evolving.

And the final strengthening after evolution by jumping into the magma was also seen in a book, although Lin Qianyu forgot which book it was.

However, just based on the records in the book, Lin Qianyu would not let the Nongyan Falcon jump directly into the magma.

Lin Qianyu asked many breeders for this information, and the result confirmed the authenticity of this information.

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