Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$161 The attracted turtle [Please subscribe, please recommend, please vote monthly! ]

"Alas, there are still five days before this training camp ends! I'm so annoyed!"

Lin Qianyu, who originally had some expectations for this training camp.

After ten days of wild survival in the Taihang Mountains, he started to cry.

During these ten days, Lin Qianyu slept in the open air, eating meat roasted by wild beasts, drinking water sprayed by turtles, and sleeping in sleeping bags.

Although this is good, it is a bit torturous for Lin Qianyu, who is a little attached to the bed and has a very shallow sleep level.

After all, the Taihang Mountains at night are too restless.

In the past few days, Lin Qianyu's sleep is seriously insufficient. He feels sleepy in the evening, and then wakes up in the middle of his sleep by the restless Taihang Mountains at night.

If it weren't for the fact that his physical and mental strength as a beastmaster far exceeds that of ordinary people, Lin Qianyu would have gone to see his own ancestors now.

But these few days have not been without gains.

Longlong, who has experienced many battles, has a heavier aura on his body.

It looks more and more like a dragon beast, not like a child as before.

In addition to some resources that are really not suitable for them to eat, Lin Qianyu collected them, and the rest were reasonably matched by Lin Qianyu and entered the stomachs of the three beasts.

It is not that there is no effect at all, but it is not certain how big it is.

After all, they are just some common resources, not precious resources. If they were precious resources, they would have been taken away by hunters who entered the Taihang Mountains long ago, and there would be no chance for Lin Qianyu.

Now, Lin Qianyu sat by the fire, roasting food for the night, listening to the various sounds coming from all around, and he felt that tonight would be another tormented night.

When the barbecue in his hand was fully cooked, Lin Qianyu also distributed it to the three beasts, and then turned into a ruthless tool man, continuing to roast the skewers.

As Longlong's body expanded, his appetite gradually increased. If Lin Qianyu was not different from the past, with confidence in his trouser pockets, he would definitely be a huge buckle.

After serving his three beasts, Lin Qianyu's mission was completed.

Turtle's mouth sprayed bursts of clear water, and then Lin Qianyu washed up and turned into the sleeping bag to sleep.

In the fire, with the crackling sound of burning wood and the soft tail of the snake in his arms, Lin Qianyu had a rare good sleep.

This was a big surprise for Lin Qianyu, and it was also the first good news in the ten days since entering the Taihang Mountains.

The next day.

Lin Qianyu still lived the same as the previous few days. During the day, he rode Turtle in the Taihang Mountains and looked for any resources.

If there were wild beasts guarding, let Longlong go. If he couldn't beat them, he would change beasts. Anyway, there were three beasts.

After Turtle defeated a giant sand lizard of the tenth level of the Transformation Realm, Turtle's level stuck at the ninth level of the Transformation Realm began to loosen up.

That night, he directly broke through to the tenth level of the Transformation Realm.

In order to celebrate Turtle's level breakthrough, the giant sand lizard became their dinner.

Giant sand lizard: I was defeated by you, and it's fine if I helped you break through, but you also treated me as food, damn it!

The twelfth day in the Taihang Mountains.

"There are still three days to end the training camp, and I must have a good sleep by then!"

"Hey, hey!": Two-legged beast, take me to eat delicious food after you go out! Let's go to the buffet restaurant we went to a few days ago!

"Hiss, hiss!": I want it too!

"Mee! Mee!": I want it too!

"Go, go, go, go, go, go, as long as you go out, have a good time for a day or two!

Even the days of the college entrance examination were not as tiring as now!"

Gu Yan

Lying on Turtle's shell, Lin Qianyu said, revealing a trace of fatigue in her tone.

The sun was setting.

The Taihang Mountains were still so quiet, and the tranquility was not broken by the appearance of Lin Qianyu and his party.

In the edge of the area that was still some distance away from the depths of the Taihang Mountains.

"Let's stay here tonight, Longlong, go and help Sheshe hunt some prey. Remember, pull it over, don't drag it over!

Oh, and bring some firewood as well."

Today's harvest was good for Lin Qianyu.

The closer to the depths of the Taihang Mountains, the richer the resources. Although it was not an extremely rare resource, for Lin Qianyu, it not only trained the combat experience and strength of the beast, but also brought some harvests. Overall, it was good.

Leaning on the side of the lying turtle, Lin Qianyu watched the afterglow of the sunset shining on the Taihang Mountains. In the golden light, it was also quite special.


The turtle stood up directly.

And Lin Qianyu, who was leaning on the side of the turtle, was directly messed up by the turtle's sudden stand.

There was no thing to lean on, and Lin Qianyu almost fell down!

"I'm Zhuo, Guigui, what are you doing!"

Lin Qianyu raised her head while cursing, and found Guigui's abnormality, and couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly: "What's wrong?"

"Hey! Hey!": I feel that there is something inside that attracts me!

The turtle called out softly, but its eyes were fixed on the dark depths of the Taihang Mountains.

As time passed, the afterglow of the setting sun gradually dissipated, and the dense branches and leaves of the deep forest covered it.

As the light dimmed, the visibility in the deep forest became lower and lower.

Faintly, Lin Qianyu could even see a faint red light in the forest, which looked extremely strange.

"Hey! Hey!": I feel that this thing is very important to me!

"Going inside, that is the real depths of the Taihang Mountains!

We can hang out outside, but there may be any unknown dangers hidden inside!" Lin Qianyu understood what the turtle meant, but still couldn't help reminding him.

"Hey! Hey!"

The turtle's call had no meaning, but it looked at Lin Qianyu with a look of desire.


Lin Qianyu couldn't help but smack his lips.

This made Lin Qianyu a little difficult.

The turtle felt that there was something in the forest deep in the Taihang Mountains, which was very tempting to it.

Lin Qianyu can tell how tempting this is from the turtle's lack of attention to her reminders, eager to get what's inside.

From the turtle's reaction, it can be guessed that the things inside should not be simple.


The forest at night is dangerous, not to mention the forest deep in the Taihang Mountains.

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