Start with the Beastmaster Contract

157 Sure enough, this dragon is useless [Please subscribe, please recommend, please vote monthly! ]

It has always been the challenged team that declared the winner.

But at this time, the roles of both sides were reversed.

After Lu Changgeng admitted defeat, he recalled the beast and walked out of the ring. He was in a daze.

He lost, which is an undeniable fact.

But what he didn't understand was that he lost despite his strength advantage.

He really couldn't figure it out.

On the field.

Longlong flew to the side of Snake, surrounded Snake and began to watch. It didn't expect that the Snake, which usually didn't like to move, was so fierce.

Although Longlong had been staying by Lin Qianyu's side just now, fulfilling the important responsibility of protecting her, he didn't take action.

But he just saw the decisive bite of Snake.

"Okay, don't bother Snake. It's a little injured. Let it go for treatment."

Lin Qianyu looked at the Longlong flying around Snake, walked over and pulled its tail to stop it from flying around, and then let Snake go to the equipment used to treat injuries for treatment.

After Snake crawled in, the instrument door closed directly, and a lot of misty liquid sprayed out from inside, which quickly covered Snake's body.

Snake's originally not serious injuries were gradually recovering, and the status displayed on the panel outside the instrument also showed that it was recovering quickly.

As for Turtle, it didn't need to go in originally, it consumed its spiritual energy and physical strength, but it couldn't resist Lin Qianyu's insistence, and after Snake came out, it also went in to recover.

This game, the victory was a bit beyond Lin Qianyu's expectations.

Originally thought that even if it won, it would be a miserable victory in the end, but unexpectedly, Lu Changgeng's command had some problems.

However, even so, the strength of Turtle played a great role. It was able to suppress the Broken Tiger and the White Eyebrow Kung Fu Ape for a short time, creating the best opportunity for Snake's strong attack.

Caught off guard, the White Eyebrow Kung Fu Ape was abolished, and the opponent's main beast was solved.

The victory was established.

If Lu Changgeng's command had not been wrong, then Lin Qianyu would probably win this game, and it would also be a miserable victory.

The turtle and the snake will be lifted into the treatment instrument.

And there is also the possibility of losing.

However, no matter what, Lin Qianyu is the final winner!

That's enough.

"Lin Qianyu, welcome to join the school team!"

The associate professor looked at Lin Qianyu and said with a smile.

"Especially since you are only a freshman this year, this is even more amazing. After entering the school team, work hard. I hope to see your name in the list of 20 main players of the school team soon!"


Lu Changgeng, who was not far away, froze.

Similarly, some people who heard it also turned their heads and suspected that there was something wrong with their hearing!

This is a freshman!

It's just a freshman who has been enrolled for half a year!

How can these sophomores and juniors who barely entered the school team survive! How can they survive!

They studied one or two years more than others, but they are not as good as those who studied for half a year. This book has been read into the dog's stomach!

Except for some people who knew Lin Qianyu's background, the rest, whether it was the five challenged members of the school team, or the onlookers, or the challengers, looked at Lin Qianyu with three parts of shock, three parts of envy, three parts of suspicion, and one part of jealousy.

Some people who didn't know Lin Qianyu's background were curious about his origins, his identity, and who his mentor was.

However, there were also some people who had heard of Lin Qianyu's name at the time, but didn't pay special attention to him. Now they felt that this name was a little familiar.

After thinking and thinking, thinking and thinking, they couldn't remember, so they took out their mobile phones to check.

After all, this is an open secret realm, and there are even instruments for treating beasts. It is normal for mobile phones to have signals.

"I went there!"

"He was one of the freshmen who defeated the ten sophomores in the freshman ranking battle! And he performed extremely well!"

"He is also the disciple of Dean Dongfang!!!"

Hearing someone's exclamation, many people turned to look at Lin Qianyu, and then turned to look at Jiang Dunbin.

People who are familiar with Jiang Dunbin know that he is not a person who likes to watch the fun. He is usually either training or on the way to complete a mission. It was thought that it was a coincidence to meet him here today.

But now it seems that he came here to support his junior brother!

Compared with this incident, the victory of more than a dozen freshmen over ten sophomores is not impressive enough.

Because, in terms of strength alone, Lin Qianyu can only be said to be one of the best freshmen in this freshman class, not the strongest freshman.

And it is precisely because of this that people feel shocked.

"Has he become so strong in just one semester?"

"This kid is so terrifying!"

"I'm so envious. If I also have Dean Dongfang as a mentor, I guess I can do this!"

After Lin Qianyu won the battle, this school team challenge did not end directly.

After all, Jiang Zenghua did not challenge him in the end.

And Lin Qianyu continued to stay and watch the battle.

After all, Lin Qianyu still looked forward to Jiang Zenghua, a man with black all over his body, turning over!

Lin Qianyu is now a member of the school team. She is extremely relaxed as she stands next to Jiang Dunbin.

Jiang Dunbin is still very optimistic about this junior brother, and introduced several people around him to him.

Now, everyone is a member of the school team, and there is no harm in getting to know each other.

On the side, Lu Changgeng did not leave directly. After completing the treatment of the beast, he continued to stay here.

Although he lost, he also had one last chance.

As long as he defeated one of the four school team members, he could replace them and re-enter the school team.

And on the field, the battle also began.

Jiang Zenghua challenged Zhou Hao.

Speaking of which, today, Zhou Hao was the one who played the most times. I don’t know if it was because he ranked last in the school team, looked weaker or what, anyway, he was the one who was challenged the most times.

But he was not annoyed. With the equipment that can quickly treat injuries, it is not a bad thing to be able to fight many times.

On the ring, Zhou Hao was still the three beasts.

And Jiang Zenghua was the black bear, the primitive crocodile and the sharp blade mantis.

After not seeing it for a few months, the young mantis has evolved into a sharp-toothed mantis, and has also entered the realm of transformation.

And looking at the positions of these three beasts, the sharp-toothed mantis is still the strong attacker.

Look at this sharp-toothed mantis, and then look at the dragon dragon.

Sure enough, this dragon is useless!

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