Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$150 Transition Chapter [Please recommend and monthly vote! ]

The next day.

The awakening stones and cultivation resources purchased yesterday were also delivered directly to Lin Qianyu's dormitory by the breeding house.

When the cultivation resources arrived, they were naturally used.

Among them, Lin Qianyu went to the breeding house on campus to rent a machine to make the cultivation resources that should be made into cultivation food.

And the rest were all cultivation resources that the three beasts could use immediately.

Lin Qianyu led the snake, who was carrying a bunch of boxes of cultivation resources, to the training hall.

This behavior was not very common on campus, after all, there were too many people who let their beasts carry things.

In the training hall, the three beasts lined up in front of Lin Qianyu and shared the fruit.

Awakening Stone Lin Qianyu ordered three for the snake, one wood attribute awakening stone and two poison attribute awakening stones.

Turtle got one dragon attribute awakening stone, and Longlong got two flying attribute awakening stones.

The prices of awakening stones of other attributes are the same, but the price of awakening stones of dragon attributes is 500,000 more expensive, which once again verifies the gold swallowing of dragon-type beasts.

It was rare for ordinary people to see the scene of absorbing awakening stones, but here, it appeared six times.

After the awakening stones were absorbed, the rest was to swallow what should be swallowed and apply what should be applied.

After more than three hours, the cultivation of these three beasts was finally over.

And Lin Qianyu was half dead tired, especially when applying the strengthening liquid to the turtle, Lin Qianyu climbed up and down, applying everywhere, and the turtle could not lie down, and some places could not be applied if he lay down, so Lin Qianyu borrowed a ladder to climb up and down.

The hard work of this period of training, plus the addition of these cultivation resources.

The strength of the turtle has been improved to the sixth level of the transformation realm, the snake has been improved to the fourth level of the transformation realm, and the dragon has been improved to the seventh level of the awakening realm.

The improvement of the beast's strength has made Dean Dongfang's goal of entering the school team set for Lin Qianyu a step forward.

However, this is only an improvement in external force. To truly improve strength, one still needs to rely on one's own training and efforts.


"Turtle, continue to use Dragon Claw."

"Snake, continue to use Energy Leaf Blade."

"Dragon, continue to use Feather Blade Whirlwind."

Turtle's mastery of Dragon Claw has reached 77% of the skill mastery during this stage of training.

Snake and Dragon have also mastered more than 60% of their skills.

In addition, there is not much time left before the final exam, so Lin Qianyu is thinking about working overtime to train the skill mastery of her three beasts to see if she can come up with a unique training method before the final exam.

But now it seems that except for Turtle, Snake and Dragon are indeed a bit behind.


After class, Lin Qianyu went to Yu Huahong to discuss the cultivation of dragon beasts.

At first, when she saw Lin Qianyu coming to communicate with her, Yu Huahong was very happy to have a deep exchange with Lin Qianyu.

But with Lin Qianyu's various soul-searching questions, Yu Huahong was a little overwhelmed.

"Brother, I feel that the Dragon Explosion skill is more suitable for sweeping thousands of troops. Do you want to refer to it for reference..."

"Brother, is the Dragon Rising skill more suitable for Dragon Dive? Do you want to refer to it for reference..."




The continuous modification of the skills to adapt to the skills made Yu Huahong feel a little overwhelmed.

And the key is what Lin Qianyu said. If you think about it carefully, it really makes sense.

Then, Yu Huahong directly read the book all night and let the beastmaster conduct experiments. The results confirmed that what Lin Qianyu said was really right.

Changing the skills to adapt to the skills will indeed increase the power a lot.

But Yu Huahong is still a little scared when he sees Lin Qianyu now.

Because in addition to asking these questions that can be answered through experiments, Lin Qianyu also asked a lot of questions that require Yu Huahong to take out the book to study again, which is fatal.

If his peers asked him, he could still say he didn't know, but if a junior like Lin Qianyu asked him, it would be embarrassing for him to say he didn't know.

Helplessly, he stayed up late to study, but the consequence of staying up late to study was that several of his hair, which was not outstanding to begin with, fell off.

For Lin Qianyu, the communication with Yu Huahong enriched his knowledge.

Some of them were about the special cultivation methods of dragon-type beasts, and Lin Qianyu also heard a lot from Yu Huahong.

However, the problem is that these cultivations are not suitable for turtles, but some are suitable for dragons.

Because Yu Huahong's trump beast Lingyunlong has the same attributes as Longlong, which is a dual-attribute beast with dragon attributes and flying attributes.

However, the positioning between Lingyunlong and Longlong is different.

One is a strong attacker and the other is a protective hand. With different positioning, some cultivation methods cannot be completely copied, and can only be used as a reference.

And Lin Qianyu really combined these cultivation methods with Longlong's positioning and found a cultivation method that the system did not prompt.

And in an instant, the system information was immediately updated to include this cultivation method.

This cost Lin Qianyu another sum of money, but it was worth it.

And it was not just Yu Huahong. He did not let go of any of the teachers of the wood attribute elective course, the water attribute elective course, the flying attribute elective course, and even the poison attribute elective course that Lin Qianyu did not choose. He asked all of them directly.

At the beginning, these teachers were just like Yu Huahong, and it was easy to deal with them, but later, Lin Qianyu's questions became more and more in-depth, so these teachers had to pick up the textbooks again.

In the end, when these teachers saw Lin Qianyu, they were all exhausted.

And in the end, Lin Qianyu also went to find Dean Dongfang to ask some questions, hoping to find a method suitable for turtle cultivation again.

When he asked those teachers before, Lin Qianyu also found a method for snake cultivation, but there was no method for turtle cultivation, so he went to find Dean Dongfang.

On the first day, Dean Dongfang was very pleased to have such a studious student, and he was able to deal with it easily.

On the second day, it was a bit difficult.

On the third day, Dean Dongfang needed to think for a long time.

On the fourth day, Lin Qianyu simply couldn't find anyone.

Fortunately, according to Dean Dongfang's method of breeding the Berserker Dragon, he also found a breeding method suitable for turtles.

However, after buying the breeding resources one by one, Lin Qianyu became a pauper again.

After deeply realizing that money was more suitable for him than credits, Lin Qianyu found a breeding house outside the school to be affiliated with, which was also a supplement to his poor life.

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