Start with the Beastmaster Contract

146 Encounter [Ten thousand rewards plus second update, please subscribe!]

Huayun Mountain is not a desolate mountain. This mountain range is also well-known in the imperial capital.

Every spring, many people come here to enjoy the spring.

Therefore, the mountain road leading to Huayun Mountain is very wide and not rugged.

After walking for more than ten minutes into Baiyun Mountain, one of the sophomores proposed to split up.

"If we search like this, when will we be able to find the traces of the poachers? I think it's best to split up. Our strength is not weak. Acting alone is the most efficient way."

After hearing what the sophomore said, the official member of the Imperial Capital Beast Taming Association who led the group shook his head and refused.

"No, although you are strong, compared with this group of vicious poachers, you are just newcomers.

You are strong, but how do you know that the poachers are not stronger than you?

And even if you are stronger than them, you can beat one person, but can you beat a group?

Facing the poachers rushing over, what are you going to do?"

The official member of the Beast Taming Association paused and continued.

"Although you may have experience in completing large-scale group tasks, since your team leader has ordered you to do so, you must do so.

When you encounter a poacher gang, if you can hold them off until your team leader arrives, hold them off. If you can't hold them off, save your own life. This is the most correct way to deal with it!"

The sophomore who proposed the division just now opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything to refute.

After all, what the official member of the Beast Taming Association said was so reasonable.

"Forget it, let your flying beasts go up to the sky to investigate and see if they can find any movement."

Hearing what the official member of the Imperial Capital Beast Taming Association said, the flying beasts among the five people including Lin Qianyu also went up to investigate.

As for Jiang Dunbin, except for the Thunder Dragon, which could not fly, the other three beasts could take off, so the scene of three dragon beasts going up to the sky together was as beautiful as a painting.

Longlong also went up to the sky, but Lin Qianyu did not dare to let Longlong, an awakened beast, go to investigate alone, and let it lie on the body of the Oath Blade Dragon and let the Oath Blade Dragon take it.

Half an hour later, the beasts that found nothing flew back to rest.

The trees in Huayun Mountain are not as strong as those in the primeval forest. The beast flying in the sky can see the movement on the ground clearly as long as the distance is not too far. In the past half an hour, nothing was found, which proves that the poachers are well hidden, so there is no need to waste energy by flying the beast in the sky.

However, just when Lin Qianyu and his party were about to set off again, they heard a loud "bang" from not far away.

The whole ground seemed to shake.

When Lin Qianyu and others looked up at the place where the sound came from, a burst of smoke and dust flew up into the sky.

Deep in Huayun Mountain.

Yu Huahong was riding a flying beast alone, carrying a wood and a dual-attribute awakened sesame ball to sense and search in the sky above Huayun Mountain.

"Numb, numb!"

"You mean you feel the aura of various attributes surging down there?"

"Numb, numb!"

"It seems to be here, Ling Yunlong, slowly descend!"

After hearing Yu Huahong's command, Ling Yunlong flapped his wings twice, and then he also restrained his breath and slowly descended.

Afterwards, Yu Huahong also summoned the rest of his beasts.

In addition to Ling Yunlong of the King Realm and Awakening Ma Qiu of the Commander Realm, there are also Spark Dragon, Golden Armor Dragon and Flower Leaf Dragon of the Lord Realm.

When you become a professional beastmaster, you can contract the seventh beastmaster.

But Yu Huahong didn't do this, or most professional beastmasters didn't do this.

The reason is that too many resources are needed to cultivate beastmasters, and the resources on hand are not enough to cultivate so many beastmasters.

Especially Yu Huahong is a dragon beastmaster, and dragon beastmasters are large gold-eating beasts that eat resources.

Under this high resource consumption, ordinary professional beastmasters will not contract all the contract positions.

Unless they meet a particularly suitable beastmaster, or one with extremely attractive talents, a professional beastmaster will usually contract five beastmasters.

It is relatively common to invest all resources in one's main beastmaster.

Of course, if one is a big dog owner, then it is really an exception. As long as the cultivation resources are sufficient, one can contract as many beastmasters as possible.

Huayelong was guarding Yu Huahong, Jinjialong was at the front, Lingyunlong was ready to raid the formation, and Awakening Maqiu was ready to control the situation at any time.

Sparkling Dragon was ready to output crazily.

In this way, one person and five beastmasters carefully groped and rushed into the passage of a cave in front of them.

At this time.

The scarred man in the cave suddenly changed his face after hearing the cry of his beastmaster.


Jinjialong gradually approached the passage of this cave with the dual protective skills of tempered defense and hardening.



The passage suddenly exploded, and with the splash of smoke and sand, circles of earth-yellow spiritual energy ripples spread out.

The first to bear the brunt was the golden armored dragon near the front.

"Absolute defense!"

After sensing this terrifying spiritual energy fluctuation, Yu Huahong also issued a command.

The Mosaic Leaf Dragon immediately stood in front of Yu Huahong and put up absolute defense, while the other four beasts also put up absolute defense to face this terrifying spiritual energy fluctuation.

Although it maintained absolute defense, and its body was also supported by steel defense and hardened, the golden armored dragon was still pushed back a long distance by the terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations.

His feet carved two extremely deep marks on the ground.

"Rock explosion! Got caught."

However, when this spiritual energy fluctuation dissipated, Ling Yunlong directly used Dragon Dive!

The rich dragon-attributed aura covered Ling Yunlong's body and rushed directly into the smoke zone of the explosion. The dragon-attributed aura covering his whole body seemed to tear the air apart, making a roaring sound.

However, an earth-yellow spiritual energy beam shot out of the smoke zone of the explosion, directly colliding with Ling Yunlong's Dragon Dive.

At the same time, a big golden bird rushed out of the smoke and dust area, its sharp claws carrying strong electric current rushed directly towards Yu Huahong.

However, the Mosaic Leaf Dragon protecting Yu Huahong was not a vegetarian either. The strangulating vines protruded directly from the ground and struck the big bird's claws.


Waves of spiritual energy explosion shock waves spread out in all directions, and the trees nearby that had been hit were hit again.

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