Start with the Beastmaster Contract

143 Skill Mastery [Monthly ticket plus third update, please subscribe! ]

"However, compared to learning stunts, you still need to improve the impact range of your beast-controlling skills first.

Moreover, you must also improve your mastery of beast control skills.

Otherwise, learning stunts is really just talk. "

Just when Lin Qianyu hoped that Guigui and the others would master the power of their unique skills in the future, Dean Dongfang poured cold water on him.

And pouring this basin of cold water down made Lin Qianyu calm down.

Also, it does seem a bit bad to want to fly before leaving.

After all, Dean Dongfang mentioned before that it is difficult to learn stunts, and even Jiang Dunbin's Red Winged Demon Dragon has only scratched the surface.

No matter how difficult it is to learn stunts, you still have to learn them. After all, if you want to increase your strength, you must master stunts.

However, in addition to learning from Dean Dongfang, Lin Qianyu also has an extravagant hope, that is, he hopes to use the system to understand and learn, instead of simply relying on the beast master himself.

The system, however, would not let Lin Qianyu down.

On the system panel, an option Lin Qianyu had never seen before appeared, [Special Skill].

Lin Qianyu clicked in, and the information about the three beasts was displayed. Then she clicked on the turtle's information, and it showed that there were no special skills available!

Clicking on Snake's information, the same thing happened with Longlong's information, both of which are currently unavailable!

Unwilling to give up, Lin Qianyu closed the system panel, then clicked [Special Skill] again, and clicked Guigui's information again. The result was still the same!

This is a bit cheating!

It’s very uncomfortable to give you hope and then destroy it directly╯﹏╰.

However, when Lin Qianyu exited the turtle information, he noticed that there was a skill mastery level in the upper left corner.

When you click on it, you will see that they are all a level of mastery of the skills that Turtle has learned.

Among them, the skill with the highest degree of mastery is Dragon Claw at 61%, followed by Sweeping Thousands of Troops, Water Claw Strike and so on.

Switching to Snake and Dragon, the same is true. The ones with the highest skill mastery are between 40 and 50 percent.

"As for the mastery of beast control skills, we generally divide them into five levels, [Beginner], [Proficient], [Little Accomplishment], [Proficient], and [Advanced].

The energy of each beast master is limited, but the skills it can learn and comprehend are extremely numerous and complex. It is impossible to say that every skill can be mastered to the level of [Dacheng].

As a master, you must select the skills among the beasts you have contracted with that are most suitable for your beasts and can play the greatest role in battle.

This is the responsibility you need to bear as an envoy.

However, you won’t be exposed to this knowledge until your sophomore year, so I’m teaching you in advance now. "

After hearing Dean Dongfang's words, Lin Qianyu also compared the mastery levels of these five skills with the skill mastery levels on the system panel.

If divided into five levels, now Turtle only has Dragon Claw and Water Claw Strike at [Small Success] skill mastery level, and the rest are only [Proficient] or [Beginner].

"Teacher, there are five levels of skill mastery. So what level of skill mastery does it require to learn stunts?"

Lin Qianyu is not stupid. Dean Dongfang pointed out the relationship between skill mastery and stunts. Coupled with the skill mastery in the system panel, Lin Qianyu almost understood why turtles and the others now understand stunts so well. No more for now.

Because the mastery of skills has not yet reached the standard of understanding stunts!

“You need to reach [mastery] in skill mastery before you can understand and learn stunts.

Generally speaking, if the mastery of a move reaches [Proficiency], it can be used in battle.

And if the mastery of moves reaches [Small Success], you can use them more smoothly in battle.

You have to know that there is a big difference between being able to use it and using it smoothly.

When the skill mastery reaches [Proficiency], it means a thorough understanding of this skill.

And when the skill mastery reaches [Dacheng], it means that you can use this skill like a body and an arm like a finger.

However, if the skill mastery reaches [Mastery], then it meets the conditions for understanding and learning stunts.

It's just that in order to master the skills of beast control to the level of [mastery], a lot of training is required.

Moreover, one also needs to rely on the beast master's own talent and understanding, otherwise no matter how much training he takes, it will be in vain. "

Got it, got it all, Lin Qianyu understood it all this time.

Seeing Lin Qianyu's expression of almost understanding, Dean Dongfang also nodded. This disciple's understanding was good and he didn't need to waste more words.

"I just took a look and found that none of your beast control skills have reached [Mastery], and even very few have reached [Xiao Cheng].

Therefore, in a short period of time, you should not think about understanding and learning stunts, but first improve your skill mastery. "

"is teacher."

Dean Dongfang's purpose of calling Lin Qianyu here today has been achieved, so he doesn't plan to keep Lin Qianyu around anymore.

Before leaving, Lin Qianyu's eyes with a hint of resentment made Dean Dongfang feel a little confused. He didn't seem to have done anything, right?

However, what Dean Dongfang didn't know was that this was because Lin Qianyu had a secret resentment towards Dean Dongfang for not leaking anything from between his fingers.

However, it was just a little regret that she didn't get anything.

But for Lin Qianyu, today was another day to expand her knowledge and improve her beast control ability, which was absolutely a sure win.

As November approached, Lin Qianyu's college life became very regular again.

Attending classes, doing tasks to earn credits, taking extra classes, spending credits to train beasts, and then looking for Dean Dongfang's beasts to expand her skills and attack range.

However, this very regular college life only lasted until mid-November.

Then it was interrupted by an urgent off-campus task.

"Off-campus mission (large group emergency mission)"

"Mission description: A group of poachers was found at the foot of Huayun Mountain in the western suburbs of the Imperial City. There is a high probability that they will enter Huayun Mountain. You need to enter Huayun Mountain to assist the Imperial Capital Beast Taming Association in the search"

"Mission level: B-level"

"Mission requirements: Have multiple or more Transformation Realm beasts, limited to 30 students"

"Mission time: no limit for now"

"Mission reward: 100 to 700 credits, depending on the mission contribution, 100,000 on-campus breeding house cultivation resource exchange vouchers"

"Mission notes: This mission is led by an associate professor, and there is half an hour left to accept the mission"

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