Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$122 Necessary courses [asking for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~]

September 3.


The students of other colleges are still in military training, while the students of the Beast Taming College have already started classes.

When they first learned that they didn’t have to undergo military training, they were still happy. The Beast Taming College, which felt that the other colleges were really miserable, felt that they were even more miserable.

Compared with military training, the students of the Beast Taming College felt that classes were even more miserable.

The courses of the Beast Taming College, except for the four compulsory courses of "Ideology and Morality and Legal Education", "Combat Training of Beast Tamers", "Theoretical Knowledge of Beast Taming Attributes", and "History of Chinese Beast Taming and World History", the rest of the courses are electives.

The compulsory courses are not many hours, but they are all important courses.

After all, the Beast Tamers are a group of people who have mastered the extraordinary power of beast taming.

Especially for student beast tamers, ideological and moral education, popular legal education, and national history and patriotic education are indispensable.

Otherwise, if the brain gets hot and the thinking is crooked, and the beast taming goes crazy directly, the damage caused will be really too great.

This is also why these four courses are listed as compulsory courses and cannot be exempted from the examination.

Moreover, the credits of these four courses are also extremely high, which is higher than the credits of elective courses.

As for elective courses, they are different from compulsory courses, but they are the same, and they cannot be exempted.

The elective courses of the combat major are basically selected according to the attributes of the students' beasts.

The elective courses of the breeding major are different from those of the combat major. There are courses such as breeding, reproduction, and breeding of beasts.

It can be said that the elective courses of the breeding major and the combat major are basically distinguished.

However, students of the breeding major can also choose elective courses of students of the combat major, and vice versa, students of the combat major can also choose elective courses of students of the breeding major.

This is all allowed within the rules of the Beast Taming Academy.

However, although multiple cross-major selections are allowed, few students do so.

Different majors sometimes have similar but different knowledge. If they are confused at that time, it will be troublesome.

However, as long as students can finish their studies and do not fail, no one will care. But once they fail, it will be difficult to make up for the subsequent exams.

Lin Qianyu was not greedy, so she chose four elective courses of water, wood, flying and dragon attributes.

After all, sometimes it is easy to end up with greed.

Although college students' life is very relaxed and free, they still have to go to class.

The courses of the Beast Taming Academy are the most strictly enforced, stricter than those of other colleges.

As long as you are caught absent or leaving early, you will be registered, which will affect the final exam, and if the final exam is affected, it will affect the credits.

In this case, students of the Beast Taming Academy should not think about absent or leaving early.

Moreover, the class schedule of the Beast Taming Academy is quite full. The required courses are scheduled on Mondays, and the elective courses are usually scheduled in the first three days.

Although this arrangement is very tight, it is also basically to let students finish the courses in one go in the first three days.

The rest of the time is for the students of the Beast Taming Academy to choose by themselves, whether to choose to do some tasks or to rest, it is up to the students to decide.

It can be said that in a week of seven days, there are three days of classes and four days of rest.

Although the first three days are very tiring, compared with having classes every day, it is really refreshing.

However, during the four days of rest, except for some real big dog owners, most students basically choose to do tasks to earn some credits.

And today is Monday, which means that Lin Qianyu has to take four compulsory courses.

In the morning, there are two big classes: "Ideology and Morality and Legal Education" and "History of Chinese Beast Taming and World History".

In the afternoon, there are two big classes: "Combat Training of Beast Tamers" and "Theoretical Knowledge of Beast Taming Attributes".

Four big classes a day, and you can't slack off, you can only listen carefully and absorb, which can be called a nightmare for students.

The teachers of university classes and high school lecturers are completely different.

High school teachers will pay attention to the following when giving lectures, and the speed of lectures will be placed in a suitable range.

But the university teachers are very different. They don't waste time on you. They just say everything they should say. They don't care what the students are doing. If they can understand, they can understand. If they can't understand, there's nothing they can do.

Anyway, their responsibility is to teach the class well and completely. If the students don't understand, it's none of their business.

In the large class, basically all the freshmen listen very carefully and don't slack off at all.

The whole classroom is completely in an atmosphere of swimming in the ocean of knowledge.

There are all the sounds of turning pages or the pen tip and writing on the paper.

However, there is also one who is an alternative.

While the other students were busy taking notes, Lin Qianyu supported her cheek with her left palm and tilted her head to look at the teacher's lecture on the podium, without any intention of writing.

After all, Lin Qianyu's memory is different from the past.

After Guigui's strength broke through to the realm of transformation, Lin Qianyu's memory has been greatly improved.

Although Lin Qianyu cannot memorize everything she reads at a glance, it is still very easy for her to remember some knowledge points.

Others write it down in their notebooks and take it out to review after the exam, but Lin Qianyu remembers it in her mind and recalls it when she needs to review, which is more convenient and quick.

So this convenient and quick situation has created Lin Qianyu's current listening posture.

Although the teacher at the podium below also found that Lin Qianyu was different, he didn't say much. Anyway, it's up to you to listen or not, just don't cry and scream in the final exam.

During the 20-minute break after the end of this big class, Lin Qianyu also took out her mobile phone and logged on to the special information network to check which tasks can earn credits.

Originally, Lin Qianyu had the opportunity to check it yesterday, but after he returned to the dormitory last night, he was busy discussing with Longlong about changing his position.

As a result, I don't know if it's the nature of women or what, when I heard Lin Qianyu say that Longlong is too heavy, I started to make a fuss in the dormitory.

Although he didn't make a big fuss, he occupied Lin Qianyu's bed, tossing and turning on it, crying and making a fuss. Even when Lin Qianyu leaned over, Longlong's tail would come up and down a few times.

Later, in order to calm Longlong down and for him to sleep, Lin Qianyu began to coax this little ancestor.

In the end, Longlong calmed down and reluctantly agreed to Lin Qianyu that he would not lie on his head.

Later, Lin Qianyu fell asleep directly, so she didn't have time to check what tasks were.

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