Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$117 Worse than the two-legged beast with two buns in front! [Seeking monthly tickets and recommenda

"So, which professor do you want to choose?

How about choosing Professor Yu with me? He is a professor who specializes in water-attributed beast control. Your Jiao Crocodile Turtle also has water attributes, which is also a good choice?"

"I'd better think about it."

If it weren't for the invitation from Dean Dongfang and Vice Dean Gong, Lin Qianyu would probably choose Professor Cao.

Unlike Professor Yu, who specializes in water-attributed beast control, Professor Cao has contracts with beasts of multiple attributes, and among his main beasts, there is a beast with water attributes and dragon attributes like the turtle, Canglan Dragon.

However, regardless of Dean Dongfang's identity, the generous conditions he offered to Lin Qianyu were too much!

As the two talked, they followed the large group to leave the playground.

The rest of the people who were eliminated early also left after the battle.

The playground, which was quite lively just now, was instantly deserted.

However, at the very end, Lin Qianyu chose to click the accept button on Dean Dongfang's invitation notification.

She officially became Dean Dongfang's apprentice.

There was no scene of a tutor, professor, associate professor, dean, or vice dean fighting for him.

This made Lin Qianyu a little disappointed, but for Lin Qianyu, he would have a teacher who was a cash machine (crossed out) in the future!

The next day.

When other colleges started military training, the students of the Beast Control College took a day off.

Lin Qianyu didn't know whether others took a day off or not, but he didn't take a day off.

Because the credits earned from the freshman ranking battle yesterday had been credited to Lin Qianyu's account, Lin Qianyu was now wandering around the training grounds of the Beast Control College.

The credits received were not particularly many, only 220 credits, and even Lin Qianyu was wondering if the person who counted the credits had made a mistake.

But after a careful calculation, it was found that this was quite reasonable.

The 1,000 credits that defeated the ten sophomores were divided equally among 17 people, and each person finally got 58 or 59 credits.

Although at the beginning, Guigui eliminated others crazily in the front, but after such calculation, the 220 credits were really reasonable.

With the credits, Lin Qianyu ran directly to the training hall, ready to bloom!

Lin Qianyu didn't go to other places, but she came to the aura hall first today.

Although the aura outside is also in a very rich state, how can natural aura compare to compressed, gathered and classified aura?

That's how the aura hall came into being.

In the aura hall, with only five credits per hour, you can enjoy aura that is several times richer than outside.

Whether it is a single-attribute beast or a dual-attribute beast, it can be enjoyed.

So, Lin Qianyu opened a four-hour single room for Turtle and Snake, letting them go in and enjoy it.

As for Longlong, he wanted to follow Turtle in at first, but was finally brought out by Lin Qianyu.

For a beast that is just in the cultivation stage, entering such a training ground with rich aura is like forcing the growth of seedlings, which will cause the foundation of the beast to be unstable.

The Muer sheep at the beginning is a living example.

With such an example, Lin Qianyu dared not take the risk.

And Longlong was caught by Lin Qianyu and brought to the Gravity Dodge Hall to train its speed and dodge ability.

Unlike the traditional gravity hall, the Gravity Dodge Hall has various mechanical attacks inside, which trains the reaction and dodge ability of the beast in the gravity environment.

Especially for the flying beast or the flying beast, the effect is very significant.

It is precisely because of this that the fee of 20 credits per hour is enough to make Lin Qianyu feel distressed.

But there is no way, the credits must be spent after they are earned, otherwise why bother to earn credits?

Since Longlong had entered the Gravity Hall before, he was not very resistant to entering the Gravity Dodge Hall this time.

Then, when it was just a gravity environment at the beginning, Longlong was still very adaptable, but when there was a mechanical attack, Longlong was a little confused.

At the beginning, a few small mechanisms could still be avoided, but the number of mechanisms increased later, and it was in a gravity environment.

Coupled with the rapid increase in physical consumption, Longlong was hit by several mechanisms.

The attack power of this mechanism is not great, but the pain it causes is very strong.

The moment his body was hit by the mechanism, tears welled up in Longlong's eyes, which made Lin Qianyu outside feel a little bit reluctant, after all, this was also the cub she raised.

But in the end, Lin Qianyu still couldn't help but look at it.

If Longlong hadn't shown interest in fighting before, Lin Qianyu might have kept it as a pet.

But in yesterday's freshman ranking battle, Longlong was obviously interested in fighting.

In this case, Lin Qianyu must cultivate Longlong.

Otherwise, Longlong's excellent talent would be wasted.

In the gravity dodge hall, Longlong was hit directly when he dodged at the beginning, but when he was fighting, he found that his two-legged beast didn't come in to comfort him, so he was very angry.

Then, the dragon's wrath counterattacked the mechanisms that attacked him.

From the beginning, if you don't dodge in time, you will be hit. In the end, you simply don't dodge and just stay where you are, and directly use Dragon's Fury and mechanisms to fight back.

It looks comfortable and relaxed.

This made Lin Qianyu look helpless.

After all, this is a skill that Longlong was born with, and you can't say that you can deprive it of its skills.

Then, Lin Qianyu, who saw this scene outside, increased the gravity multiple, accelerated the speed of the mechanism's attack, and added more directions for the mechanism's attack.


Longlong began to be embarrassed again.

The original ease and comfort disappeared in an instant, and became extremely embarrassed.

Not only did he dodge desperately, but he also had to spend energy to maintain his balance and flight in the air, otherwise he would be crushed to the ground by gravity.

In the air, Longlong is still very flexible, but if he lands on the ground, with his short legs and big tail, can he run fast? If he can't run fast, he doesn't have the ability to do it, you know?

After a while, Longlong began to pant.

The frequency of the dragon's wings flapping decreased a lot, and the distance from the ground was gradually shortened.

It can be seen from this that Longlong's physical strength has been almost exhausted.

"Meow! Meow! Meow!": The biped is a bad guy! Even worse than those bipeds with two buns on their front!

In the Gravity Dodge Hall, Longlong cursed Lin Qianyu loudly, but it was soundproof inside, so Lin Qianyu couldn't hear Longlong's curses~

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