Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$110 Lin Qianyu who can't get hard [asking for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~]

When Longlong left her head, Lin Qianyu was able to avoid the strange looks from others and the harassment from women.

Lin Qianyu: Women will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword!

After arriving at a playground with few people, Lin Qianyu summoned Longlong again.

But this time, the dragon that was summoned poked its head around to make sure that there were no ferocious two-legged beasts, and then flew up to Lin Qianyu's head.

Longlong: Sufu〃?〃.

However, Lin Qianyu, who had long been accustomed to Longlong's behavior, didn't say anything because he was now looking at Longlong's information on the system.

Race name]: Wind Dragon

[Racial attributes]: Dragon, flying

[Racial Level]: Epic Elementary

[Race level]: Initial level three

[Racial Skills]: Wing Attack, Feather Roost, Dragon's Fury, Dragon Tail, Bite

[Evolved form]: Lanfeng Dragon

[Evolution conditions]: Break through the awakening realm and automatically evolve

[Potential]: Extremely high

[Racial Name]: Wind Dragon

[Cultivation Plan]: Take the Wing Stone to increase the aura affinity of the flying attribute.

Taking jade ambergris increases the affinity of dragon attribute aura.

Eat ambergris and green lotus fruit in a one-to-one ratio to increase movement speed.

Nightshade flowers and Panlong ginseng are consumed at a ratio of one to one to enhance the strength of physical attacks and energy attacks.

Use Kongqing Liquid and Dragon Marrow Liquid to apply to the whole body at a ratio of one to one to enhance physical defense and attack strength.

[Training Plan]: Speed ​​training to improve speed and explosive power.

Attack speed training, tempering the release speed of skills.

Attack power training to improve physical attack power.

Energy attack training to improve energy attack power.

Lin Qianyu instantly felt paralyzed when he saw the dragon breeding plan on the system panel.

With the increase of knowledge and experience, Lin Qianyu knew all the above cultivation resources, and Lin Qianyu also knew the price.

Basically, they are all mid-to-high-end products!

I'm so stupid, really, I just thought that as long as the racial level is high, it will be fine, but I forgot that the higher the level of the beast-controlling race, the more expensive the resources to cultivate it!

"Yummy, yummy!": I'm hungry!

Longlong's cry attracted Lin Qianyu's attention.

After a lot of effort and enduring the pain of his scalp being pulled, Lin Qianyu caught Long Long in front of him and stared at him.

"Yummy, yummy!": What are you going to do?

Longlong asked Lin Qianyu while eating his own fingers.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Yummy, yummy!": That Bingbing one just now!

"Let's go then."

Taking the initiative to put Longlong on her head, Lin Qianyu stood up and walked to the convenience store.

Lin Qianyu's originally depressed mood suddenly felt better after seeing Longlong's movements and expressions.

From now on, I'm afraid I will have to work hard for Longlong's milk powder money!

In the afternoon, Lin Qianyu went to activate the student card. Now Lin Qianyu has officially become a freshman at Imperial University's Beast Control Academy.

Then, he took Longlong to the training hall that Lin Qianyu could use for free for training.

Dragon Dragon is a beast that has a balanced development of both attacks. There is no outstanding point in physical attack and energy attack, and it is the kind that can be used in both.

The speed of Longlong is the most prominent feature. As you can tell from the name, Longlong is a beast master whose specialty is speed, so Lin Qianyu's first training goal is Longlong's speed.

Unlike Snake's training speed, Longlong's speed training requires training in a gravity training hall.

Under certain gravity conditions, press Longlong.

However, the idea was good, but when it came to the actual situation, Lin Qianyu ran into difficulties.

When Lin Qianyu wanted Longlong to enter the gravity training gym, Longlong refused to go in.

He forcefully pulled Lin Qianyu's hair back to prevent her from getting in. Lin Qianyu used force and almost pulled off her own scalp.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!": I can't go in, I can't go in, I can't go in, I can't go in!

Longlong, who was crying, made Lin Qianyu's head spin.

Regardless of whether they were Turtles or Snakes, they didn't feel any rejection towards the training at first, and just listened to Lin Qianyu's words and trained obediently.

But when it came to Longlong, Lin Qianyu had no other options.

First, Longlong is a little female dragon, and secondly, Lin Qianyu still can't be tough on a cute little dragon like Longlong.

However, in the end, after all kinds of neglect, all kinds of comforts, all kinds of promises of benefits, and all kinds of good words from Lin Qianyu, Longlong reluctantly let go of Lin Qianyu's hair, and flew back with tears in his eyes. Go inside the gravity training gym.

As the door of a separate room was closed in the gravity training hall, through the glass door, one could see the dragon wings fluttering and standing in the center of the room, blinking its innocent eyes.

Because he could see Lin Qianyu through the glass door, there was nothing unusual about Longlong.

Outside, Lin Qianyu slowly controlled the gravity, starting from 0.1 times the gravity and slowly increasing it.

Because Longlong had not undergone other training, Lin Qianyu added 0.1 times gravity and 0.1 times gravity.

And it's not increased directly, it's only increased every one minute, and it's only increased every other minute.

As time goes by, you can see the increased gravity felt from the frequency with which Longlong flaps its wings.

After 1.7 times the gravity, Longlong's wings flapped at a very fast frequency, almost fanning out a shadow.

Maintaining this gravity, Lin Qianyu did not continue to increase it, but watched Longlong outside the door.

One minute, two minutes, as time went by, until ten minutes later, Longlong's wings flapped at a rapid frequency, and then with slow flapping, he landed directly on the ground of the gravity room.

Seeing this, Lin Qianyu turned off the gravity and opened the glass door.

Then he saw a green shadow pounce directly on his head.

Lin Qianyu was so scared that he bent his knees to hide, otherwise it would be really bad if he was pounced on by this.

"Meow! Meow!"

In the end, Lin Qianyu's head returned to the state of wearing a green dragon hat.

But to Lin Qianyu's surprise, Longlong did not cry after coming out of the gravity room, but seemed to be in a good mood.

This made Lin Qianyu feel at ease.

As long as Longlong doesn't resist training, other things will be easy to handle. Otherwise, if Longlong really resists training, Lin Qianyu will have no choice but to accept it and keep Longlong as a pet.

If this happens, Lin Qianyu will waste a contract position.

Fortunately, this worst situation did not happen to Lin Qianyu, and things are developing in a good direction.

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