The end of the practical class is the end of school. After all, the classes in the morning are theoretical classes, and the afternoon is all about practical classes, so it is still very reasonable.

"Come on, come on, before going home, let's go to the public battle arena in the square to have a fight."

The get out of class had just ended, and before he returned to the classroom to pack his schoolbag, Hu Liu couldn't wait to drag Lin Qianyu to the public battle arena in the park to compete.

It was probably Tu Gui's speed just now that gave Hu Liu the feeling that this beast-controlling thing was nothing more than that.

"What's the rush? I can't run. I'll go up and get my schoolbag first."

For students who live on campus, the schoolbag is optional, but for day students, the schoolbag must be carried. Even if there is nothing in the schoolbag, it is difficult to explain to their parents when they go home. This is enough to go up and get the schoolbag.

In the city, due to the great destructive power of the beasts, battles cannot be easily carried out, and the battles are restricted to the ring.

Low-level beast masters have less destructive power and can fight in places like public arenas. However, high-level beast masters must fight in a ring with professional protective measures. Otherwise, the losses incurred will not only be borne by the master, but also the master. The charioteer who commands the beasts will also face jail time.

Near the No. 3 Middle School where the two studied, there was a large square built with the theme of beast control. In addition to the public fighting arena, it also included a series of measures to serve the beast control.

For example, there are beast-taming restaurants, beast-taming centers, beast-taming supermarkets, and venues specializing in beast-taming training, but these all require money.

Outside, it is rare for an emissary to summon his own beast and take it with him, but in the square, the emissary is basically surrounded by his beasts.

However, these ones that can be seen are basically contracted beasts raised as pets. Although they look cute and good-looking, they are weak in combat ability.

After all, many grandparents have a lot of time after retirement. Coupled with physical limitations, they cannot be as crazy as they were when they were young. In addition, their children may be busy with work and do not have much time to accompany them. At this time, contract a royal beast to come. Perfectly solved this problem.

He can look after the house, has high intelligence, and can communicate through contracts, which greatly enriches the daily life of the elderly.

And as the strength of the beast master increases, more power will be fed back to the master. At this time, it will not only enrich daily life, but even strengthen physical health.

The two looked left and right. Hu Liu looked lonely, while Lin Qianyu collected a lot of information about beast control.

The figures of the beasts in the system illustration gradually lit up. Although there was no reward after collecting the illustration, for Lin Qianyu, when the illustration was lit up, there was an indescribable feeling of comfort. Maybe it was Collectability is at work.

On the open-air square, guardrails are used to divide public battle arenas the size of basketball courts. This is where low-level beast masters fight.

It was already afternoon when school was over. At this time, there were already many people in the square. There were already many people fighting in the public battle arenas in front, and there were even many spectators watching around them.

Among them were ordinary people who had not yet contracted a beast master, and some who, like Lin Qianyu, had just become a master for a short period of time. There were also some grandparents holding their own beast masters and watching happily.

After all, it is engraved in my bones that I like to watch the excitement.

There were five public battle arenas, and the first four were all fighting, so Hu Liu and Lin Qianyu came to the last public battle arena, ready to start their first battles since they contracted to control beasts.

As a burst of white light lit up in front of both parties, Tu Gui and Xiaoyan Niu were directly summoned.

They are both beast masters in their initial form, and they have only just contracted, and they have not undergone any systematic training. It can be regarded as an evenly matched battle.

[Racial Name]: Little Rock Bull

[Racial Attribute]: Earth

[Racial Level]: Rare and Low

[Race level]: Initial level one

[Racial Skills]: Impact, Stomp

[Evolutionary form]: Rock cow

[Evolution Conditions]: Automatically evolve after level breaks through the Awakening Realm

[Potential]: Average

Although the two beasts are both at the first level of the initial realm, the attribute of Xiao Yanniu is tightly restrained by Tu Gui.

"Qianyu, let me show you the strength of my little Yanniu, hit it, hit it directly!"

"Turtle, water flow claw attack blocks the impact."

The horns on Xiao Yanniu's head showed an earthy yellow aura light, and it directly hit the turtle. After hearing Lin Qianyu's command, the two claws in front of the turtle showed a dark blue aura light, waiting for Small rock cow close up.

Both sides are beast masters of the melee combat type, and their skills are basically the kind of punching to the flesh. In addition, Tu Gui's positioning is to defend and counterattack, and he can respond to all moves by staying still.

When the little rock bull was about to hit the turtle, the turtle directly exerted force on its hind paws, stood up for a moment, and pressed down with the help of its weight on the front paws filled with aura, holding down the impact of the little rock bull.

However, the button was pressed, but the turtle still took a few steps back. There was no way, the impact of running was still very strong.

But the rough-skinned and thick-flesh turtle was not harmed, almost unscathed.

"Turtle, spray water!"

Upon hearing Lin Qianyu's command, a water-blue stream of aura emerged from Turtle's mouth and sprayed directly towards Little Yanniu's head.


The little rock bull screamed after being hit by the water spray from the turtle, and was pushed back a long distance by the impact of the water spray.

"Little rock bull, are you okay?"

Seeing that his little rock bull was hit by a full water spray, Hu Liu was instantly anxious.

However, the next second, the little rock bull also shook his head and stood up, but his condition was definitely not good. Due to the attribute restraint and the full water spray at close range, the little rock bull was now almost at a low health.

"Turtle, spray again."

Take advantage of his illness to kill him, this is a rule that Lin Qianyu abides by. After all, the battle commanded by the imperial envoys will not give you the opportunity to hesitate, and the competition is all about reaction speed.

Turtle's water spray hit the little rock bull again, knocking the little rock bull to the ground directly, and the victory was decided in an instant.

"My little rock bull!"

"Stop crying, just go to the Beast Taming Center for treatment."

This kind of battle between low-level beasts will cause injuries, but it will not be a life-threatening problem, and the Beast Taming Center is set up here to treat the beasts in battle.

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