Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$103 Youth is like this [asking for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~]

After coming out of the hospital, Lin Qianyu learned that Turtle and Snake had no hidden diseases, and then fed them, and nothing happened.

Go back to Qingfeng City?

That's tomorrow's business. Today is a day for the candidates who came down from the examination room to rest.

Although it's possible to work non-stop, it's not necessary.

Open WeChat and reply to the messages sent by family and friends who Lin Qianyu thinks are close to her one by one, and then it seems that nothing happened.

As for the class group, Lin Qianyu directly blocked it and didn't even bother to look at it. If there is anything important, the class teacher will directly @it, and it won't delay him from knowing.

In this way, Lin Qianyu sat on a seat in the shade of the Beast Control Square, Snake was basking in the sun in a sunny place, and Turtle was lying next to her and taking a nap.

After the college entrance examination, Lin Qianyu's playful mood came up.

This time, Lin Qianyu planned to go to the beach in Zuohai City to blow the sea breeze and look at the sea and snow-capped mountains.

Although Qingfeng City is located in the southern region, it is not close to the sea, but to the mountains. Therefore, as a southerner, Lin Qianyu rarely has the experience of going to the beach to play, and he can't swim.

However, the present is different from the past. With Guigui, even if he can't swim, Lin Qianyu can even ride Guigui to travel in the ocean. As long as he doesn't commit suicide and doesn't encounter the fierce beasts in the ocean, there is basically no big problem.

If you think of it, you must do it, otherwise it's just talk.

However, when he arrived at the beach, Lin Qianyu was a little disappointed.

There are many people on the beach, many beasts, and many people wearing swimsuits, but most of them are men. What's this?

There are women too, but why is the snow mountain covered tightly!

And why are they all big sisters who can be Lin Qianyu's elders! What about the little sisters? Aren't there little sisters all over the beach? This is unreasonable!

And when he just entered the beach, the sign that prohibited swimming and the consequences were at his own risk directly reduced Lin Qianyu's desire to stay to the extreme.

He even thought about buying a swimsuit or something, and inviting a pretty lady to ride a turtle to swim in the sea.

In the end, that's it?

But it also satisfied Lin Qianyu. She saw the sea, well, it was beautiful, and blew the sea breeze, which was very salty and humid. She didn't see the snow-capped mountains, but only saw rocky mountains, so she gave a bad review.

A not-so-pleasant beach trip ended just like that. Lin Qianyu didn't even take off her shoes to feel the coolness of the sea water.

The next day.

At the gate of Qingfeng No. 3 Middle School.

The students of No. 3 Middle School, who had rested for a day in Zuohai City, got off the bus in high spirits.

This college entrance examination, which took nearly ten days, is finally over!

Although the students don't know their college entrance examination results, it doesn't mean that they can't look forward to their future college life!

And it's not just that.

After the college entrance examination, senior high school students can play and surf without worries!

Under the suggestion of several classmates who are good at dealing with things in the class, it is proposed to have a post-exam dinner.

To commemorate the hard work of the past year.

Lin Qianyu had found excuses to refuse the previous gatherings, but this time, Lin Qianyu did not refuse. After all, the end of high school was something worth remembering.

The time was set in the evening.

However, when Lin Qianyu arrived at the place in the evening, she found out that it was not just their class that had a dinner, but all the students in the entire grade of the Beast Control Department had come.

Not only the students, but also the theoretical teachers of the four classes, the head teacher, the practical teacher Qi Dehua, and even Zhou Yuanqing were invited, but Zhou Yuanqing did not come because of special circumstances.

A large group of people gathered together, even the students who usually had some conflicts, at this moment, temporarily put aside the conflicts.

After tonight.

The students who can be admitted to college and those who cannot be admitted to college are likely to take two completely different paths.

When they meet in the future, looking back on the past, they will probably be people from two different worlds.

In this gathering, several division leaders were the biggest targets of concentrated fire, and a group of people toasted to several division leaders with complicated emotions.

Even the girls who usually don't drink alcohol were the same, their faces flushed after drinking.

Then came the few people who usually performed well, and Lin Qianyu was taken great care of.

Whether they knew each other or not, familiar or unfamiliar, even the class teacher and Qi Dehua came to toast him.

Lin Qianyu didn't know how much alcohol he could drink, he only knew that he couldn't drink that much, but he didn't spoil the fun, he could only say that he tried his best.

Among them, Hu Liu was the one who toasted the most.

Originally, his grades were considered to be in the middle level of the entire No. 3 Middle School, but this time he performed well in the actual test of the college entrance examination. It is preliminarily estimated that he has a score of guaranteeing a second-class and striving for a first-class.

Family members know their own affairs. Hu Liu knew that his talent was not that strong, and the beast he contracted was just a very ordinary beast.

But since he got the training plan designed by Lin Qianyu himself, the strength of the little rock bull has increased very quickly, and it has also evolved into a rock bull very quickly.

And after Lin Qianyu passed the exam to become an intermediate breeder, she once again helped Hu Liu improve and add breeding programs, and it was free of charge.

In the eyes of others, Lin Qianyu is a genius, but in Hu Liu's eyes, Lin Qianyu is not only a childhood friend, but also a great help to her.

So Hu Liu was very grateful to Lin Qianyu, so grateful that before Lin Qianyu even took a sip of wine, Hu Liu swirled two bottles of Snowflake down.

In the end, among all the people present, Hu Liu was the first to fall down.

At this dinner, some people were as happy as Hu Liu, even if they fell down, their mouths were still grinning.

Some people just cried while drinking.

They drank one cup after another, and tears couldn't stop falling from the corners of their eyes.

Some were sad about parting.

Some were sad about not performing well in the practical exam, feeling that they had failed the exam and could not get into college.

For a whole year, the efforts I made, the support and efforts of my family, these heavy pressures, were directly vented today with the help of alcohol.

This party is also a small microcosm of ordinary beast control candidates.

Some people laughed, some people cried.

Some people succeeded, some people failed.

All the emotions of the past year were vented directly at today's party and under the influence of alcohol.

After the toast storm, it was the youth of this group of students.

Some boys confessed to the girls they liked under the influence of alcohol, and some girls also confessed to the boys they had liked for a long time, and there were quite a few.

If Lin Qianyu hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have known that there were so many hidden dog couples in the school.

These emotions that were usually buried in the heart were also vented directly today.

Some confessions were successful, hugging each other and laughing, and some confessions failed, and they were depressed and drank alone.

Lin Qianyu saw it in her eyes and sighed that the youth is also like this.

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