Start With Signing in Extreme Yang True Fire Chapter 104

Heavenly Fire Sect, South, a quiet valley in the mountainside.

The sea of velvet flowers is still undulating with the wind and waves.

After leaving yesterday, Xu Xin naturally hurried to find the directory of this time Central Plains pill merchant. She easily found the basic information of that surnamed Jiang pill merchant.

After all, in order to participate in the selection meeting, these pill merchants have already handed over their basic information to Heavenly Fire Sect.

In this way, Heavenly Fire Sect can get to know them better and pave the way for choosing partners in the future.

So after getting the information, Xu Xin could not wait to give this information to Old Pill immediately, but unfortunately the agreed time was the second day.

The waiting time has always been unbearable. After a night of tossing and turning, it finally arrived at the agreed time.

Xu Xin dressed up and waited early at the High Level by the pavilion.

A short while later, as soon as the fire flashed, Jiang Chen showed his body.

"How is it, have you found it?"

Although it is a tone of doubt, Jiang Chen is very sure, after all, for Xu Xin to get the other party's information, it is not Difficult, but rather simple.

If he can't do this thing well, then he will doubt Xu Xin's ability to do things.

"Fortunately, I got it."

Xu Xin said respectfully, not knowing if it was unintentional, when she handed over the jade token that recorded the information, He straightened his chest.

The full chest, supporting the vestments, has the feeling of having some peaks on the chest.

However, Jiang Chen didn't even look at it. He took the jade token, his mind moved, and a message immediately entered his mind.

For a long time, he put away the jade token and sighed with a nostalgic expression on his face.

'It really is them...'

The nostalgic tone contained complex feelings, Jiang Chen did not hide it, so this scene was clearly seen by Xu Xin .

"Okay, you did a good job."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he returned the jade token to Xu Xin, and then it turned into a golden fire, in an instant It has been disappeared.


Xu Xin did not expect that Old Pill would leave so suddenly, she wanted to say a few more words, but didn't expect so.

"Could there be something wrong with this surnamed Jiang pill merchant?"

Xu Xin said to herself, she had read the message in the jade token, and didn't think anything was wrong.

Here is a detailed description of the pill merchant from Central Plains, the city where his Pill Shop is located, and his basic strength.

It's just a pill merchant in a small town in Central Plains. In front of the Heavenly Fire Sect's size, it's nothing at all.

For such a pill merchant, there are enough dozens who come to Heavenly Fire Sect this time.

"But why is Old Ancestor only interested in this Jiang Clan Pill Shop, and the feeling just now, nostalgia, nostalgia..."

Suddenly, Xu Xin Thinking of the same expression when she missed her family before.

Could it be that an unbelievable thought popped up in her mind in an instant.

'Could it be that Old Ancestor was born in this Jiang Family! '

"Damn, the selection meeting is about to start now, I have to hurry up, otherwise Jiang Clan Pill Shop will definitely lose the selection."

Suddenly, Xu Xin quickly reined in his fire and rushed towards the Pill Refining Palace.


Meanwhile, in a chamber of the Pill Refining Palace.

Although everyone from this Reverend is present at this time, there is still some time before the selection meeting.

In the council hall, seven pill merchants from Great Pill, headed by Zhang Peng, are gathering together.

"didn't expect, there are still a few small Pill Shops who haven't left yet, and they dare to come here."

"Yes, a group of toads, they still dream of eating swan meat, really Overestimate one's capabilities!"


With me waiting for the seven, you have no chance!"

The director of the Seventh Pill Shop, each with a mocking sneer , looked at Jiang Luo and other three people in a bad way.

"Hehe, everyone, it's good to have them here, we can just witness us becoming the partner of Heavenly Fire Sect in Central Plains."

Zhang Penghehe smiled, but there was no sarcasm on his face , is still a group of peace.

But those who are familiar with him know that he has a nickname called the Laughing Tiger.

It has always been one thing in front of others and one behind others.

He has a kind face in front of people, no matter who he is facing or what he encounters, he always has a smile on his face. After the person, this person will immediately change his face, that is a revenge, and he will retaliate ten times and a hundred times.

Immediately, as Zhang Peng's words fell, these people immediately laughed again.

That's right, the seven of them were not only allied, but also contacted Elder Hao, who is in charge of Heavenly Fire Sect, in advance, and got the other side's approval.

After all, Heavenly Fire Sect is looking for a partner, naturally the stronger the better. Their seven alliances have already surpassed the remaining nine.

Then naturally, there is no need to make any more choices. The result is actually obvious when they are in the alliance.

At this time, there can be a few losers, watching the scene, the feeling of winning is more real and more fulfilling.

"Okay, let's start, don't waste time with these wastes."

Zhang Peng said with a smile, and then greeted the others to move forward, Came to the center of the chamber.

Jiang Luo and the other three also looked angry at this time, but they were not strong enough and were doomed to fail, so how dare they say anything.

Even if it is said, it will only be regarded as a loser's argument, and it will not do any good other than make jokes for nothing.

Soon the time came, and Elder Hao came to the throne.

"Okay, everyone, I won't say more nonsense, I have read the information you submitted before. Your strength is not bad, but my Heavenly Fire Sect is currently limited in medicine pill production. Naturally We can't satisfy everyone."

"Therefore, only some of you can be selected to become our Heavenly Fire Sect partners."

Elder Hao said solemnly.

Of course, now it's just a cutscene, he's already secured a partner for Central Plains.

"However, the Zhang Clan medicine pill shop in Jinyue City, Liu's Pill Shop in Fushan City... and so on are more powerful."

"I declare , In the end, there are many Pill Shops in Central Plains, and the one who became the partner of this case is..."

Immediately, Elder Hao's eyes looked towards Zhang Peng and the others, and a smile appeared on his face.

This scene fell into the eyes of the others in the chamber, and naturally knew that the result was obvious, that Heavenly Fire Sect Elder Hao chose Zhang Peng and the others.

Jiang Luo's face also showed unconcealed disappointment. Sure enough, the miracle did not happen, and they still lost the election.

And Zhang Peng and the others had the smiles of winners on their faces, and they were even ready to step forward and accept this victory.

"Master, wait a minute."

At this time, the door of the conference hall was slammed open by a surge of mana.

Immediately, a silhouette still flashing fire rushed in, and the person who came was Elder Hao's discipline, that is, Xu Xin, who made a big splash at the Pill Refining Convention.

More rumors, this woman's Pill Refinement Technique is Heavenly Fire Sect Old Ancestor's personal biography!

So Xu Xin's status is very special in Heavenly Fire Sect at this time, even Elder Hao should be taken seriously.

As soon as this woman came in, she went straight to Elder Hao, and then whispered sound transmission.

But for a moment, Elder Hao, who was originally unperturbed, was shocked.

"What? It's so!"

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