Start With Signing in Extreme Yang True Fire Chapter 102

"This feeling should be bloodline induction!"

"In other words, that person is a descendant of the Jiang Clan family? And my bloodline have the same origin!"

Jiang Chen's eyes flickered, and thoughts were spinning in his heart.

After the previous battle of Five Lotus Saint Sect, the Divine Pill that Jiang Chen ate before had already been digested by him.

This also makes his cultivation base almost reach the limit of the Golden Bridge Realm 4th layer, and he may be promoted to the Golden Bridge Realm 5th Heavenly Layer at any time.

And the young man he was watching was only at Dao Entry 7th Heavenly Layer.

The gap between the cultivation bases of the two is so large, and the other party has no tyrannical magic weapon to suppress him. Naturally, everything he has can't escape Jiang Chen's eyes.

Not to mention, Jiang Chen has Golden Fire Eyes, but at a glance he has taken everything that young man has in the entire scene.

The throbbing of the bloodline, the whim, these simply cannot be faked.

The person must be related to his body, which means that the person should be the Jiang Family from Central Plains.

And, it looks like that person should have come to Heavenly Fire Sect with Elder Hao and the others who attended the Pill Refining Convention this time, among those out-of-state medicine pill merchants who came to seek cooperation a member.

That's right, that's it.

If I remember correctly, the Jiang Family, where he was originally from, ran the medicine pill business in Central Plains.

The catastrophe that caused him to live in a foreign country that year, if I remember it well, was because it competed with another medicine pill Trading Company, but the other party couldn't compete, so he used shady methods.

Then, Jiang Family naturally found out, and fiercely taught him a lesson.

It can be imagined there that the family came to take revenge when Jiang Family Old Ancestor's aging cultivation base was going backwards. That's why he ended up in Heavenly Fire Sect.

But now it seems that Jiang Family should have survived that catastrophe and seems to be developing well.

The out-of-state merchants who can be brought back to Heavenly Fire Sect by Elder Hao must have a certain amount of strength themselves, otherwise Elder Hao will never bring them back.

"If I remember correctly, the Jiang Family was just one of the three Great Pill medicine suppliers in a small town in Central Plains."

So A medicine pill businessman of this level would definitely not be able to get into the eyes of Elder Hao at this time.

I'm afraid it's the level of Heavenly Fire Sect before, and I certainly don't look down on this small medicine pill merchant.

If you want to be officially recognized, you must at least be a medicine pill vendor that monopolizes a city.

In this way, Jiang Family, instead of declining, has become more and more prosperous!

Only this explanation can explain why the youth of the Jiang Clan family came to Heavenly Fire Sect.

"didn't expect to be here, at this time, to meet the descendants of the Jiang Clan family, and I don't know if the parents of this world are still alive."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh,

At this moment, even Jiang Chen couldn't help but have the idea of going down the mountain and going back to Central Plains to have a look.

This thought came so eagerly that even with Jiang Chen's temperament, in a short time, it was overwhelmed by emotions that could not be suppressed.

However, he soon got along.

"Then let's go back and have a look. It's a wish."

After a while, Jiang Chen had already made a decision.

However, he is not ready to leave now. After all, the journey to Central Plains is a long way, and there are ten several tens of thousands of li away. Even if he wants to go back and forth with his cultivation base, It takes ten days.

Always make arrangements for the things at hand before leaving with confidence.

Immediately Jiang Chen went to the depths of the southern district.


In a quiet valley in the southern district, Xu Xin alone is quietly looking at a sea of flowers in front of him.

fiery-red edelweiss,

swaying under the breeze.

"didn't expect that senior turned out to be the Old Ancestor of the sect, which is really surprising."

"Now his identity is exposed, and I don't know if he will be in the future. You will come to teach me the Pill Refinement Technique..."

Xu Xin sat on a seat beside a pavilion, reclining on the railing, looking at the sea of flowers in front of her, she couldn't help it thinking.

She won the first title of the Pill Refining Convention. Although she was happy, she most wanted to share this joy with Old Pill.

She was able to win the first place in the Pill Refining Convention, thanks to the Pill Refinement Technique taught by Old Pill.

Without Old Pill, where would she be now.

However, it's been a few days since she returned to the sect, didn't expect, and still hasn't seen Old Pill.

Could it be that Old Pill didn't want to see her.

"I knew you were here."

At this time, a faint voice sounded.

A familiar silhouette appeared on the edge of this pavilion.

"Old Pill!"

Xu Xin exclaimed in surprise, then realized that Old Pill's identity was the original Old Pill ancestor of their Heavenly Fire Sect.

How noble is her status, she is so disrespectful, I didn't know it before, but now I can't do it anymore.

"Old Ancestor, you are here."

After reacting, Xu Xin saluted respectfully.

"Hehe, what Old Ancestor is not Old Ancestor, let me call me Old Pill."

Jiang Chen's tone is beyond doubt, he is not the Old Ancestor of Heavenly Fire Sect, Naturally there is no Old Ancestor shelf.

"I thought you were ignoring me, Old Pill."

Xu Xin's mood suddenly improved, she couldn't help but whispered something.

Immediately, Xu Xin responded, and she hurriedly went to see Jiang Chen. Seeing that the other party didn't seem to hear or react, she couldn't help letting out a long relaxed breath.

But her slender neck, like a swan, couldn't help being dyed with a red glow.

"Among the businessmen who came back with you this time should be a surnamed Jiang youngster from Central Plains. You can ask me about him."

"This time tomorrow , come back here and tell me."

Jiang Chen said, although he was sure that the bloodline of that person and he had the same origin, he should be a member of the Jiang Clan family back then.

But he doesn't know the situation of this person, so he naturally needs someone to inquire.

In order to confirm the current situation of Jiang Family, otherwise, if Jiang Family moved out of the small town that he used to be, he would just go back like this, wouldn't he want to miss it.

"Got it, Old Pill." Xu Xin responded happily.

Although, even she didn't know why Old Ancestor would be interested in that Central Plains surnamed Jiang businessman. However, since it was ordered by Old Ancestor, then she would naturally pay attention.

In all these years, she had never seen Old Pill interested in anyone, that thing, and hardly ever asked her to do anything.

This is the first time Old Pill has asked her to do something, and she must do it beautifully.

"It's like this again!"

But Xu Xin, who was in deep thought, didn't know when Jiang Chen had left. There is no silhouette of Jiang Chen.

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