Start With Lifting The Restrictions Chapter 25


Chapter 25 Recognition

The location is an old pier in Kwun Tong, not far from the road next to it .

Fishhead parked his car outside. After Yang Chu got out of the car, he saw that there were already many Dragon-Tiger Martial Masters and staff busy driving around the pier.

The two of them didn't need to be greeted by other people, they joined directly and helped to move equipment and props together.

"Tonight's show is the highlight of the First Stage. When the time comes, there will be a lot of people, and there will be martial arts and gunfights in the middle. Everyone should set the scene first."

Fishhead I removed some gun props from a truck, and briefly told Yang Chu about the night's scene, "When the time comes, you should help the actor from yesterday to stand in for a few moves, and the rest is where to look. If you need someone, go up to fill your head, and if you want to fall or beat you, when the time comes, Jia Le will greet you."

Speaking of this, Fishhead seemed to be chatting, and pointed to the surrounding area of the pier, "This film is very expensive to rent. The big brother's big request is that the filming should be completed in one day, and no more than three days at most. This is also now, we used to shoot this kind of scenes at night when no one went in directly to shoot the scene. , Tsim Sha Tsui is on Nathan Road. At that time, the police station was impossible to close the road. We were all determined.

Once we were filming a scene of robbing a gold shop, we communicated with the gold shop in advance. Okay, let's take a scene, but passers-by saw it and thought it was a bank robbery and called the police to arrest us..."

Yang Chu nodded gently, expressing understanding.

Although this pier looks a bit desolate, it doesn't mean that people don't need money for filming.

One morning, Yang Chu was busy with the martial arts, props, drama, lighting, etc.

And Yang Chu's performance has once again attracted the praise of everyone. Although he is unfamiliar with filming, he can understand many things as soon as he hears them and learns them, showing a far superior Dragon-Tiger Martial Qualities of a Master.

While Fishhead and a group of staff were discussing setting the scene, although Yang Chu said few words, he only had a more three-dimensional picture in his mind when he only talked about the content of the audience.

Occasionally, a word or two with Fishhead on the side makes some clueless work clear.

At noon, I ate a boxed lunch at the temporary set up of the pier. Yang Chu ate two by himself, and then Fishhead asked the drama to ask for another.

After that, there was not much to do for the time being, the weather was hot, and Yang Chu also saw in small groups in the crew playing cards together, calling and betting on horses, and looking for a place to sleep.

Yang Chu found a shady place, found the books he borrowed today, and started to read. Fishhead couldn't bear his temper, and went over to the card game to take a look, but after a while he returned to Yang Chu's side and lay down for a nap.

It was almost four o'clock in the afternoon. Under the urging of an assistant director named Brother Quan and Wu Zhi Jia Le, everyone regained their energy and got busy again.

It didn't take long this time, Wu Zai, one of the male protagonists tonight, also arrived. Director San Bao and the group of Heipishan who met in front of Axe Mountain also appeared on the set.

Director Sanbao checked the situation on the set and suggested some changes. After that, he communicated with props, costumes, lighting and other departments, and talked to the characters who appeared tonight.

Yang Chu and the male lead "Wu Zai" were pulled together by Knorr and talked about a few scenes where he was going to be a double tonight.

It's not complicated. The plot of the movie is that the male protagonist and the old policeman played by Sanbao ambushed to arrest a gang trade. The old policeman played by director Sanbao found that a **** happened on the side of the dock. *In the incident, there was a dispute with the male protagonist. The male protagonist focused on tonight's task and did not want to lose the big because of the small, but the old policeman played by Sanbao couldn't ignore it and ran over to rescue.

The shot that Yang Chu is going to replace is the male protagonist, jumping from the container where the surveillance position is located to the top of a truck, then stepping on the iron fence next to the top of the vehicle to the ground, and then jumping over a truck. The truck is done.

As for the next fight, let Yang Chu act as a villain, Wu Zhi Jia Le feels that Yang Chu is not very good at reacting, and has not arranged it.

It was so busy that it was almost dark.

I still ate boxed lunches on the set at night. Those gang members who Yang Chu noticed earlier didn't receive any special treatment. They also ate boxed lunches. Standing far away did not interfere with the normal work of the crew.

"Buy the position, all departments prepare!"

At 8 pm, the crew officially started filming.

A scene before Yang Chu was directed by San Bao himself, jumping from the container, reaching for an iron rod, and turning around neatly, making it hard to imagine a person with a body over two hundred pounds. fatty, able to have more flexibility than the ordinary person.

The stand-in scene completed by Yang Chu was also done once, and the movements were clean and beautiful, which made many martial arts players applaud again.

A jumping scene, a chase scene, two fighting scenes between the police and gangsters, and the scenes to be filmed at the pier tonight, ended very smoothly.

The speed is somewhat beyond Yang Chu's imagination.

"Chu, I heard from Jia Le and I, you did a great job today."

When passing by Yang Chu, director Sam Po walked up to Yang Chu. , patted his shoulder, and praised again.

He was very satisfied with the speed of shooting tonight. Originally, the scheduling of these night scenes was a bit complicated, but the lighting, scenery and props were basically not setback.

The light is relatively dim, most of which are long-range scenes, and the requirements for the actors are not high, so it was completed smoothly.

“Asha, many thanks!”

After greeting Yang Chu and waiting for the Dragon-Tiger Martial Master, director Sanbao slapped Heipisha and the others who came to make a cameo appearance. Say hello.

They're pretty much the real identities tonight, just stand there pretending to be cool, and do a few angry emotions.

"Brother Sha, just for these two shots, we've been waiting for this fatty day."

After director San Bao left, a little brother standing beside Heipisha Some exclaimed angrily.

"What do you know?"

Heipisha shook his finger, and another little brother next to him took out a cigarette knowingly, handed it to the other party, and stepped forward to light it again. fire.


Heipisha took a nice puff of cigarette and continued: "If it wasn't for the fatty being a little out of breath in the past two years, you would think you called people big brother. , he will take care of you?"

"Then, Brother Sha, why do we still cast him?" The younger brother's face was full of confusion.

"Of course I have to vote."

Black Pisha, smoking a cigarette, looked at the puzzled little brother, patted the other's cheek, "I ask you, we will open a fan stall. Can you deposit the cash you receive in the bank every month? Can you directly use it to buy a car and buy a house? It’s black, it will be checked, it’s stupid!”

The questioning brother scratched his head , obviously do not understand.

This time, the black leather sand ignored each other, just looked at the crew members who were packing their things in the distance, each minding their own business and said: "Our money is black, but it can be invested privately. Movies, labor, costs, the tax bureau doesn't know.

When the movie is released, you go to the theater to buy the box office, and the video tapes and discs come out and stock up. When the time comes through the theater And the dividends from the issue, the money back will be in vain, and if you have paid the tax, there is no way to check you.

If you get a few more companies to make a living, you don't have to pay the tax, and it will be clean. Besides, movies on Hong Kong Island are so popular now that an investment of 3 to 5 million can earn tens of millions, and it would be stupid not to do it."

The little brother who was talking was beaten by the black skin. The words were a little stunned. At this time, he also really understood why his boss would leave other things behind and find that fatty set of things.

“Brother Sha!”

“Brother Sha!”

While he was educating his younger brother in the black sand, another car came to the open space of the pier. The two walked up and down and came to Heipisha's side.

"How's it going?"

Heipisha looked at the two people walking towards him, and asked one of the young people with ponytails with a cigarette between them. road.

"Brother Sha, that kid seems to have disappeared. We looked for someone we knew before, and they all said that we had never seen him." The ponytail young man's face was filled with embarrassment.

"I've been waiting for several days, and now you tell me I can't shave anyone? I'm good at talking, but Brother Tai is not good at talking."

Heipisha's face suddenly changed. Seriously, the young man with ponytails stared coldly said.

"Brother Sha, I really can't find it..." The young man with ponytail had a bitter expression on his face. He had been driven crazy by the black leather sand and the others these days, but there was no way, he tried every way. Well, you just can't find the person the other party wants.

Just as he was about to ask for mercy, suddenly, the young man with ponytail looked at the crowd in the distance and froze there.

"What? Lost your soul?" Heipisha suddenly froze when he saw the ponytail, a little strange.

"Brother Sha!"

The young man with ponytail pointed his finger at the crowd who were packing things in the crew, his voice trembling slightly: "Then that...that's the mullet... ”

(end of this chapter)

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