"Aunt Sakurako, what are you doing?"

When I came home at night, I saw Sakurako Mizuhara squatting in the corner of the wall and thinking about the wall, her eyes were red and red, and then Sakurako Mizuhara was sitting on the sofa with an angry face.

The living room was quiet at this time, giving people an unusually dull feeling.

"You asked her yourself, no wonder she didn't get good grades in school, even the elf trainer level is still a trainee, it turns out that she took all the pocket money I gave her to buy those messy things."

"When the people from Shinomiya Logistics came to help us move today, they sorted out five large suitcases of the house from her room, and they almost didn't me off."

Sakurako Mizuhara pointed to her uncontending daughter, and said with trembling anger.


Shui Ye doesn't know what to say this time, although the elven family occupies a large part of the world's resources, but under the control of the state, as long as the civilians are willing to work hard, they can still get some excellent elves, occupy high positions, and achieve a leap in class.

As far as he knew, basically every school would give proper care to civilians, such as giving resources such as elves to the first few students.

And Aunt Sakurako returned to Sakura Country with a big belly more than ten years ago to give birth to Xiaoqiu, and raised her, it can be said that this daughter is her lifeblood, no wonder she is so angry now.

"Aunt Sakurako, if Xiaoqiao doesn't like to be a trainer, then it's not good, this world is so unfair, if Xiaoqiao wants six Heavenly King-level elves now, I can also get them for her."

Shui Ye said cautiously.

Although it is not self-cultivated, elves sometimes disobey.

"Absolutely not, shouldn't the elf trainer let her be a waste house at home for the rest of her life?"

"Xiaoqiong, don't forget who your father and brother are? Your body is flowing with the blood of a trainer, once your identity is exposed, the daughter of the champion of the water system of the Thea Federation is actually a wasted house, even if you are not afraid of losing face, your father and your brother's face will be lost by you. "

Aunt Sakurako really saw all this very thoroughly, because all of what she said was indeed very likely to happen.

"Xiaoqiong, come and apologize to your mother, and then promise to study hard in the future."

"The money my mother has given me since I was a child can't afford to buy a royal family, what's the use of buying some ordinary elves!"

The petite and thin body shrunk in the corner of the wall, raised his little head, and complained angrily.


Seeing her daughter's stubborn and unconvinced eyes, exactly the same as her first love Mizu Lintian, Mizuhara Sakurako's tears flowed uncontested, pointing to her daughter who didn't know what to say.

"Rita, go and comfort Aunt Sakurako."

Shui Ye secretly gave Rita a look and signaled.

"Aunt Sakurako, how about I come and talk to Xiaoqiu?"

"Okay, but Xiao Ye, you are not allowed to spoil her anymore, this girl has been spoiled by me since she was a child, and I have no face to take her to meet her biological father."

"If you don't see it, you won't see it."

Dome's words almost made Mizuhara Sakurako angry again, but she was pulled by Rita on the side.

"Madam, believe the young master, in terms of reasoning, the young master's mouth is really powerful."

Rita, you're driving again!

Shui Ye rolled his eyes, beckoned to the dome in the corner, and said slightly:

"Xiaoqiong, sit down, don't shrink in the corner, I don't know if I thought we physically punished you, what I hate the most is violence, I always like to convince people with reason."


Qiong couldn't help but laugh when he heard this, and said with a speechless face:

"Brother, have you forgotten about demolishing General Wugao the day before yesterday? If it weren't for Sister Xiao Zuo and Sister Kaguya, I'm afraid you would have demolished the total Wugao! "

"I haven't finished talking yet, but I am not opposed to fighting violence with violence, the vast majority of people in this world cannot reason with them, after all, they still have to use their fists to speak."

"As long as we hold the power in our hands, we also hold the truth of this world."

Shui Ye slowly stretched out his palm, then suddenly clenched it, and said with a smile.

"Little Dome, do you understand?"

"Brother, I still don't understand."

"As long as the power is in hand, even if we are wrong, others will tout us as right."

"Upside down black and white?"

"You could also say that deer are horses."

"Brother, isn't this a little bad?"

Dome said with a hesitant look.

"So we have to set a bottom line in our hearts and restrain the power in our hands, such as my bottom line is not to actively bully others."

"My way of acting is that people do not offend me, I do not offend."

"But not everyone in this world is as good as your brother, even if you have power, you can restrain yourself, many people will act recklessly and indulge themselves after having power, so strength is essential, this is our means to protect ourselves."

"Brother, I see, and, brother, you are really narcissistic!"

"Good, the first problem is solved, now go and apologize to your mother, and then we will discuss the second question, is the Royal Three Family necessary for a trainee trainer?"

Dome squirmed and walked slowly to Sakurako Mizuhara, and said embarrassedly:

"Mom, I'm sorry! I know it's wrong, and I promise to work hard in the future. "

"Hmm! Just know it's wrong, and remember to work harder in the future. "

"Xiaoqiong, do you say that the Royal Three Family is really necessary for a trainee trainer?"

"I don't know."

"Don't play tricks on me, yes, yes, no, don't you know this kind of problem?"

"Brother, I think it's necessary."

"It seems that the three royal families have been deified in the minds of you children."

"Brother, the three royal families are obviously very powerful elves."

"What is the Misanjia? The three families are the representative elves of each region, one is that they are numerous, and the other is that even if they don't fight hard, they can become a quasi-heavenly king-level pokemon after two evolutions. "

"The reason why they are the three royal families is because their genes are stable enough, each of them can break through the quasi-heavenly king, which does not mean that other elves are bad, have you heard of the champion-level needle bee?" Needle bees can also break through the championship. "

"Brother, are you kidding me?"

"When will the elf of the rotten street like the unicorn be able to break through the championship, and I haven't even heard of the king-level needle bee."

"The stronger the reproductive ability of the pokemon, the greater the probability of mutation in the offspring, and the flash elf is also derived from this, once the mutation occurs, the quality is likely to be upgraded, and the worm elf is the most prone to mutation."

"High-grade or even top-quality elves, as long as you are lucky enough, you may be able to take it."

"Dome, you have to remember that once the quality of any pokemon reaches the top grade, it will not be worse than the top grade of the Royal Sanjia, and the upper and middle grades of the Royal Three are probably half each, around 50%."

"Brother, if I could distinguish the quality of the elves, I would have already gone to collect a bunch of the best elves."

"Do you think you're a god? Quality is our human talent, and you think that talent can be detected by machines. "

You didn't open the plug-in like me, Shui Ye pinched the smooth and tender little face a few times, and said angrily.

"Also, you now have a Katy dog's elf egg, the wind speed dog is a pokemon that is more powerful than the Gosanjia, as long as you train it well, the king and even the champion are not a problem."

"Hear that? My salted fish sister. "

Shui Ye rubbed his sister's face again, sure enough, he had been a dead house for many years, and his personality had become so salty.

"Pot and pot, nest eat!"

Dome nodded vigorously and replied incoherently.

(PS: I came back from car training at almost four o'clock in the afternoon, and after lunch I went to help a relative sort out the housework and clean, sad, so tired, it seems that I can't finish writing today, sorry guys)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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