At this time, far away in the backyard of the Riku Gong family mansion in Tokyo, a mother and son were looking at each other worriedly.

One of the mature beautiful women was pale and looked at his son with a disappointed expression.

She really didn't expect her son to be so daring, even daring to do this kind of thing, and was discovered by the maid at home.

Although she instantly let the elf restrain those maids, now that the matter has been known by those maids, there is a risk of exposure at any time.

If it is really exposed, their Lu Shenggong family will be completely finished.

"Mother, I really drank too much yesterday."

Lu Shenggong looked at the murderous aura and anger in his mother's eyes every day, and explained hard.

He himself doesn't even know what's going on? Yesterday I was hi with those children of big families until midnight, and when I went home, I went to the wrong room in a daze, and he was also desperate when this happened!

"Enough, I don't want to listen to your explanation now, the most important thing is that this matter must not be exposed, otherwise you and I are finished, you should understand the serious consequences of this matter."

"Mother, how about we simply leave those maids alone?"

When he said this, Lu Shenggong made a gesture of wiping his neck every day, and said with a fierce face.

"You can make sure that you are not discovered by anyone, now is not the ancient time, we hold the power of life and death over those subordinates, if we are discovered, the reputation of our Lusheng Palace family is estimated to plummet."

"And what do you want the rest of the family to think, I'm afraid that everyone will think that we are killing people for secrecy."

"Then threaten them with their families, make them sign a confidentiality agreement, and then send someone to monitor them 24 hours a day, and if there is any hint, directly make an accident and let them go to the king of Yan."

"Well, this method is good, as long as it takes a while, who will remember today's events, and then any accident can completely shut them up."


After eating breakfast, Shui Ye took Rita into the room again under the gritted teeth of the dome, not knowing what sneaky thing she was doing.

"Little Dome, what's wrong with you again?"

Sakurako Mizuhara felt a little relieved to see this scene, but she didn't expect that in just a few days, her own daughter accepted her biological brother.

"My brother doesn't play with me or take me out to play, I don't want to be his sister anymore."

Qiong said with a willful look.

"But you are your own brothers and sisters! This connection with the innate blood cannot be severed. "

Mizuhara Sakurako said with some amusement, seemingly not hearing the deep meaning contained in Dome's words.

"Isn't there another kind of void!"

Qiong retorted in a low voice, you can still be a lover if you can't be a brother and sister!

That's right, this world also has the god work of Fate and Void, and Dome as an otaku has not known how many times she has brushed anime and games.

"Little Dome, what were you talking about. Mom didn't hear clearly. "

"Didn't say anything, Mom, I'm going back to my room too."

Now she has to think carefully about how to raise this brother into a qualified sister?

In the room, Shui Ye leaned against the head of the bed with Duo'er's fragrant delicate body, and suddenly realized:

"Dor, Rita, I thought there was a fatal hole in our plan."

"Young Master, is there one less witness?"

"Damn, Rita, you thought of this loophole a long time ago, and you didn't even remind me."

"Young Master, I also just thought of it."

Rita blinked her silver-gray eyes and said with a sincere expression.

"I don't believe a single punctuation mark in your sentence, but this is not important, and you just said something wrong, not a witness, but a group of witnesses, this effect is the best."

"This is a grand and bustling closing performance, how can there not be enough audiences?"

A sly smile appeared on Shui Ye's handsome face, and he said with a smile.

"A group of witnesses, young master, where are we going to find a group of witnesses? And it seems that it is not good for them to gather in the trap at the same time, which will definitely arouse suspicion. "

"Have you forgotten a group that acts together every day?"

"Young Master, you mean students?"

"That's right, the destination given to us by the head of the Konoe family is this wild place between Tokyo and Chiba, so we just need to ask Kaguya to use the power of the Shinomiya family to investigate the activities of these schools."

"Young Master, you forgot that Miss Kaguya was bullied so badly by Miss Sou yesterday, and she was directly put on her head with a green hat, do you dare to call now?"

The smile on Mizuye's face stopped abruptly when he heard this, how could he forget about it, yesterday he actually forgot to make a call to care about Kaguya and Xiaoyu.

Now what? Shui Ye felt as if he was going to get cold!

"Rita, how do you say I marry Jing now?"

"You can consider it, after all, Miss Kaguya is so simple, in terms of simplicity, only the little girl we have seen in London can surpass her, young master, you may be able to make her smile by saying a few good words."

"Are you talking about that stupid little girl who reacts a few seconds slower than the average person?"

"I remember we seemed to have treated her to a big Baumkuchen."

Shui Ye pondered for a moment, and finally remembered the little girl who left a pretty deep impression in his impression.

"Yes, she said she was attracted to the scent of Baumkuchen."

"Rita, why did you suddenly talk about this?"

"Because she really impressed me, taking care of her is like taking care of a pet cat, it's fun!"

Shui Ye was instantly speechless, and sure enough, Rita's bad taste never changed.

"We will stop by London during the summer vacation, and that little girl should be grown up by now."

"Young Master, you weren't a little fart back then."

"Hmm! Everyone was a little brat. "

"Okay, now let's go find Kaguya. Duo'er, do you want to come with us? "

"At night, I don't go, I still prefer to stay at home and read than go out."

Duo'er raised the book in her hand and refused.

Sure enough, his elves are all very strange, Duo'er especially likes to read, and she is also the most serious in school classes, and she is the favorite student of all the teachers in Saint Asia Academy. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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