"Shui Shao, please forgive me for being stupid, how can Lu Shenggong Taihe become a feud with Lu Shenggong Taihe?"

The guard general also asked with a puzzled look.

"Hey, hey! For a woman, of course. "

"Less water, you mean?"

The guards also saw the curve of the corner of Shui Ye's mouth slowly hooked in the dim light, and an incredible idea suddenly appeared in his heart.

"What do you think of Riku Miya Taiwa's wife?"


The guards also suddenly felt that he was a schoolboy in front of Shui Ye, and Shui Ye, who was sitting opposite him, was the big demon who controlled everything behind the scenes.

This is really terrible, and now it is not ancient, if this kind of thing is exposed, I am afraid that the Lu Shenggong family will never be able to turn over.

"Patriarch of the Guard, you shouldn't want to retreat, right?"

Shui Ye saw the fear revealed in the eyes of the guards, and asked deliberately.

"Shui Shao, what is this, my guards will also be eager to kill this female godman Yin day and night for more than ten years, if this matter is successful, my guards are willing to follow the lead of Shui Shao, and there is no second thought."

The guard general also lowered his head in front of Shui Ye and said respectfully.

"It seems that the head of the guards is afraid that I will cross the river and tear down the bridge!"

Mizuye looked at the guards who expressed his surrender, lightly tapped his fingers on the glass tabletop, and said in a playful tone.

Ring the bell!

The guards also heard this rhythmic knock, and the cold sweat on his head immediately flowed, but he did not expect his careful thinking to be seen so quickly.

That's right, he was indeed afraid of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge at night, and after solving Lu Sheng Gongtai and father and son, he also solved him by the way.

This is not impossible, and the chances of it happening are still very high, after all, only the dead will not reveal secrets.

This is a battle for the throne of the Sakura Kingdom, and no matter how careful you are, you can't be too careful.

Since this is the case, he might as well show loyalty first, anyway, Mizuya will become the regent of the Sakura Kingdom in the future, and what about his guard's loyalty to the regent, this is a natural thing.

"Shui Shao is thinking a lot, I have never had this kind of idea in Xia, but Shui Shao will definitely become the regent of the Sakura Kingdom in the future, then the loyalty of my Konoe family to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent is a matter of course."

"The head of the guards doesn't have to be nervous, I'm not the kind of person who likes to cross the river and tear down bridges, I still prefer that win-win way of cooperation."

Shui Ye showed a faint smile, but this guard general also had no difference between the devil's smile in his eyes, so frightened that he quickly raised his right hand and vowed:

"There is no need to say much about Shui Shao, the Guards have already decided to be loyal to Shui Shao, and if they have two hearts in the future, they will definitely not die well."

"Guards Patriarch, you really misunderstood, I didn't mean that."

Shui Ye said with a smile on his face, he really didn't mean that!

He still won't cross the river and tear down the bridge and kill his partners together, which really doesn't match his pure and kind style!

"Shui Shao, this is the token of the head of the Guards family, see the token if you see the head of the family himself, can mobilize a large part of the strength of the Guards family, I know this is nothing to Shui Shao, but please Shui Shao must accept it."

The guard general also gritted his teeth when he heard this, and simply took out a metal token from the space equipment that looked like a shield, but was only the size of a baby's palm, hung his head, and respectfully handed it to Shui Ye.

"Well, I know that if you don't accept this token today, I'm afraid that you won't even sleep well in the evening."

"Rita, since this is the kindness of the head of the guard, then you put it away."

Shui Ye sighed helplessly.

"Yes, young master."

Rita took the token and put it away.

Listening to Shui Shao's tone, it didn't seem to be fake, could it be that he really guessed wrong? Shui Shao really didn't plan to cross the river and tear down the bridge.

The guards with their heads bowed also had a sense of doubt in their hearts, and suddenly felt that they were fools.

But stupid also has the benefit of being stupid, anyway, from today onwards, their Guards family will belong to the forces of less water.

And as long as it can solve the problem of Riku Miya Tai and father and son, Shui Shao will become the regent of the Sakura Country, and the status of their guards will also rise with the water, and there are a lot of hidden interests that follow.

Moreover, Shui Shao has divine beasts on his body, and it is basically impossible to have anything difficult for him in this world, and their guards are at most following Shui Shao to shake the flag and shout.

Thinking about it this way, their Guards family simply made a lot of money.

If it weren't for Shui Shao still here, the guards would also want to laugh a few times at this time to express the excitement in his heart.

"Patriarch Guard, since you have buried this hatred in your heart for more than ten years, presumably the information about the Lu Shenggong family should have been investigated very clearly, right?"

"Shui Shao is right, I have been secretly investigating all the information of the Lu Sheng Palace family over the years, and all the useful information is in this U, which has been sorted out in categories."

"Opportunities will only be reserved for those who are prepared, do you think I'm right?"

"Shui Shao is right, I have been collecting their information continuously over the years, also in order to find an opportunity for revenge one day, but I didn't expect this day to arrive so soon."

"Okay, U, I'll accept it, the head of the guard, what you need to do is to do the same as usual, don't expose any horse's feet, and cooperate with Riku Miya Taiwa's performance, this should be his last performance."

"Yes, I see."

"Also, have you decided on the time and place of the seduction?" I'm in charge of doing it, and if nothing else, tomorrow I'll have Taihe Riku put a green hat on his head, or it was given to him by his son. "

"After five days, I must return to the Xia Federation to participate in the college entrance examination finals, and if these five days are not done, we will have to wait for a while."

"Please rest assured that if I don't complete the task in these five days, I will commit suicide in the next temppuku."

The guards also gritted their teeth and assured that the opportunity for revenge was imminent, and if he watched it slip away again, he would probably go crazy.

What's more, a long time means an increase in variables, and these days are the days when Lu Sheng Gong Taihe is the most proud, and it is also the time when Lu Sheng Gong Taihe has relaxed his vigilance the most.

As the saying goes, a man will be stabbed when he floats, and if he does not seize this God-given opportunity, the guards will not forgive himself.

(PS: A flower is also love, he Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for an evaluation)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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