Seeing this scene, Leng Yan quickly pulled Shui Ye aside and warned:

"Xiao Ye, I tell you, this child's life has been miserable, since he was a child, he has no mother, in short, her family situation is very complicated, no matter who is cold, it is also a protective shell that she puts outside, in fact, the simplest of the four girls is her, you don't want to harm others."

"Mom, is your son's character so bad in your eyes?"

Shui Ye squinted at his mother and asked unpleasantly.

"When it comes to women, you know your character."

"Mom, I'm amorous and not indecent, amorous and not abusive, please don't look at people through the crack of the door, it will be easy to flatten people."

"Is there a difference?"

Leng Yan crossed her waist with her hands, she wanted to see what shocking words her son would say today.

"Yes, and the difference is great, I will be responsible."


Leng Yan didn't hold back a mouthful and spewed out, you clearly want to harm others for a lifetime, and for the first time she felt that her son's face was not ordinary thick.

"And Mom, a quasi-divine beast, are you willing to let it run away?"

"Moreover, the night is your subordinate, which is called fertile water does not flow into the fields of outsiders."

Shui Ye took out the quasi-divine beast to tempt his mother, who was a little bit of a little money, and sure enough, as expected, as soon as Leng Yan heard the quasi-divine beast, his eyes lit up instantly.

It makes sense, powerful elves, there are not too many water nights, if Xiye marries her son, this wooden palace will not belong to their family in disguise.

It's really a pity to miss it like this, and the night and the water night have a night word in their names, so thinking that the two of them are quite fate, it is simply unreasonable to miss it.

Leng Yan found another reason for himself to feel at ease.

"Okay, I agree, but don't use the next three indiscriminate methods."

"Hey! Mom, you may also underestimate your son's charm, I don't disdain to use that kind of method at all, it's too shameful. "

Shui Ye said with a confident look.

After carefully observing her own son, even Leng Yan had to admit that Shui Ye inherited her and Shui Lintian's genes, this handsome and not masculine appearance, for the average little girl, her son may just need to hook his hand.

After reaching a consensus, the mother and son walked back without changing their faces.

"Sister Yan, what were you discussing just now?"

"Eh, hey, hey! Just now, I talked with Xiao Ye about some family affairs, just some small things, don't care. "

"But why do I think that Sister Yan, your smile is a little ill-intentioned?"

Li Xiaoyue, a girl who usually did not speak, suddenly asked.



"I feel that way too."

The other three girls followed.

"Woohoo! I'm so sad, we've been good sisters for years, you don't believe me. "

Leng Yan instantly played and possessed the body, that is, it was said and dropped, so that Shui Ye could not bear to look directly.

"Sister Yan, every time you shout injustice, you always hide from us that you are ready to do bad things secretly."

You also know that we have known each other for many years, so we will not know what kind of personality you are.

"No, just no."

Seeing this, Leng Yan's mouth suddenly stiffened, and he firmly denied it.


The four women have nothing to say, and when they encounter such a dead-faced captain, they don't have any way, they can't force Leng Yan to say it.

At this moment, the black dark cloud above Duo'er also began to change, and as time passed, this dark cloud had gathered more and more thickly, and now it was dark as ink.

Suddenly, the inky dark cloud cracked a gap, and the thunder light inside flickered, and one after another heavenly thunder fell from it, instantly striking the big pink ball of light.

As if the horn of attack was sounded, the dense heavenly thunder like a thunder snake jumped out of the crack, submerging the big pink ball of light in the thunder.

Under the continuous thunder, the layer of pink light that wrapped Duo'er also became lighter and lighter, and finally it seemed to hear a clicking sound, and that layer of pink light was smashed by the thunder.

Duo'er's body was directly bathed in thunder light, and suddenly let out a scream.


When Shui Ye saw this scene, he felt that his heart was about to clench, his eyes flashed with silver, his spiritual power suddenly exploded, and he subconsciously wanted to teleport to Duo'er's side, and then he was quickly hugged by the cold eyes next to him.

"Stinky boy, you're crazy."

"That's a test exclusive to elves, and I'm afraid your little body will be electrocuted into coke as soon as you enter."

Leng Yan can't wait to pry open the head of this little bastard to take a look, for the sake of a woman, he doesn't even want his life, besides, Duo'er hasn't had an accident now!

"Mom, let me go, my brain is clear now, and I just reacted subconsciously."

At that moment just now, because of the violent fluctuations in emotions, Shui Ye's spiritual power instantly broke through from the elite level to the quasi-heavenly king, but it also exhausted his energy, so he said in a weak voice.

"Xiao Ye, I didn't expect you to be a superpower, it's too much, even this is hidden from my mother."

Leng Yan sat on the grass holding Shui Ye, and a malicious smile appeared on his face.

"Mom, what do you want to do?"

A bad premonition rose in Shui Ye's heart, and he quickly asked.

"Of course, it's bullying my good son."

"Let you hide your mother, let you bully your mother, make you despise your mother."

Leng Yan pulled Shui Ye's face with one hand, and reached under his armpit with the other hand and began to tickle the journey.

"Aha! Mom, I know it's wrong, don't scratch it anymore. "

"Xiao Ye, you are still as afraid of itching as when you were a child!"

Leng Yan showed a little devilish smile, scratched harder, and from time to time took a hot breath in Shui Ye's ear.

"Rita, help, save me."

Seeing that Mizuya's plea for mercy had no effect, he asked Rita for help again.

"Young Master, this is a family affair between you and Madame, even if I want to help, this little maid can't help!"

Rita watched the show with a smile on her face, pretending to show a helpless look.

Even the little maid who obeys her master occasionally gets jealous!

That's right, seeing Shui Ye's desperate look towards Duo'er, her little maid was jealous again.

"Hahaha! Rita, you little vinegar jar, and mother, I despise you, you bully me when I can't walk yet, tickle me, you still mean to say that I bully you, hahaha! "

Because of the explosion of spiritual power, Shui Ye now even has no strength to move his body, so he can only shout on his mouth.

Come on, madam, I support you.

Rita showed a dangerous smile when she heard this, and silently gave Leng Yan a thumbs up in her heart, indifferent to the miserable appearance of the water night, the young master is sometimes too naughty and her maid is also very distressed, there is really no way!

Leng Yan's face turned red when she heard this, this is her black history, she didn't expect Shui Ye to remember it now, she thought that Shui Ye was so small and must have no impression of those things.

(PS: Guys, do you owe it first, five more really tried my best, how much you owe more cute new are remembered, guaranteed to pay it back, it's really not okay to pay it back in the next book, smiley face /)

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