Start With a Fake University

Chapter 890: Former opponent, now teammate

After the public bidding meeting on the Pharaoh side ended, Ding Yue led the team back to Xia State and returned to his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

There will be three months for Feiyue Construction Company to prepare. After three months, the project of New Kailuo City will start on time. During these three months, Feiyue Construction Company needs to recruit five construction teams. There are hundreds of construction teams.

And the construction team that needs to be recruited must be a good enough construction team, and they must be recruited as soon as possible, because after recruiting people, they have to go through relevant procedures, etc. After all, the construction site this time is not in China. , but in the pharaohs.

Originally, this matter was quite urgent for Feiyue Construction Company.

But to Ding Yue's surprise, there was someone who stood up to help.

This person is Liu Haicheng of the Xia State Construction Engineering Bureau, who Ding Yue thought was extremely arrogant.

In the office of the president of the administrative building of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Liu Haicheng came to find Ding Yue in person.

"Principal Ding, I think you need to do a lot in just three months to prepare for the construction of New Kailuo City, right?"

Liu Haicheng was still smoking his cigar and said to Ding Yue with a smile.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Ding Yue didn't have a good impression of Liu Haicheng.

Because he refused to cooperate with his Feiyue construction company at the beginning, it can be said that this person's arrogance and ignorance are fully displayed.

But today.

This Liu Haicheng doesn't seem to be "yin and yang weird", but looks very sincere.

"Principal Ding, I'm here to help you."

Liu Haicheng said sincerely: "I know that it was a big mistake that I refused to cooperate with you Feiyue Construction Company, but now you represent the infrastructure madman to build the world-renowned New Kailuo City. I think our Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau should provide you with some help."

Seeing what Liu Haicheng said, Ding Yue was slightly taken aback, and then asked, "Do you know what help we need?"


Liu Haicheng nodded and said confidently: "You Feiyue Construction Company are indeed very strong, especially in urban planning, architectural design and other fields, but you also have disadvantages, don't you? Otherwise, you would not have come to find us and tried to get along with us. The State Construction Engineering Bureau has cooperated.”

It seems that this Liu Haicheng is a smart person. Apart from the arrogance he showed at the beginning, other aspects are not bad. Now he quickly understands that Feiyue Construction Company asked Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau for cooperation in order to cooperate. what.

That's right, Feiyue Construction Co., Ltd. is indeed top-notch in urban planning and design in this new project of Kailuo City, and no one can match it. It can plan an oasis city for the Pharaoh Kingdom, and there are corresponding Tech to help.

However, in terms of manpower, it is indeed a bit stretched, because Feiyue Construction Company has not prepared such a large-scale project before, so the manpower has to wait for the new Kailuo City project to be recruited.

And the lack of manpower is the disadvantage that Liu Haicheng said.

This is also a disadvantage that Ding Yue, An Yujia, and Director Chen Ping are all aware of. At the beginning, they wanted to join hands with Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau to make up for this disadvantage and ensure that they can successfully win the new Kailuo City project. .

Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau is a very large-scale enterprise with numerous construction teams.

"It seems that Liu always knows very well. Yes, we still lack a construction team. The time is only three months, and it will take some time to go through the corresponding procedures for the recruited construction team."

Ding Yue nodded and said truthfully.

"In terms of procedures, our Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau is very experienced, and this time it is to build a new city of Kailuo for the pharaoh. The pharaoh will definitely give you a green channel, and the domestic procedures can also be completed soon. Done well, it's not a big problem, how about the manpower? How many manpower do you lack?"

Liu Haicheng explained, and then asked again.

It is not a big deal to go through the formalities for the workers of the construction team to go abroad to work. This is because the Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau has rich experience, and as Liu Haicheng said, this time is for the construction of Pharaoh's Xinkai. Luocheng, a huge project that has attracted international attention, will definitely help from relevant domestic parties.

In this way, Feiyue Construction Company faces only one problem, that is, to recruit five high-quality construction teams within three months.

At this point, Ding Yue thought that Liu Haicheng, the head of the Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau, might really be able to help.

"Then Mr. Liu, how are you going to help us? Although your Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau has many construction teams, most of them are outsourced construction teams, right? This time we are not looking for outsourced construction teams. It is to be able to sign our Feiyue Construction Company and join the Feiyue Construction Company.”

Ding Yue asked.

"Although most of the construction teams of our Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau are outsourced, we can recommend them to you."

Liu Haicheng said: "I will introduce some powerful and high-quality construction teams to you. I don't charge the introduction fee hahaha."

Liu Haicheng jokingly joked.

"In that case, it's really great, it saves us from spending energy and time looking for it, but we signed a construction team with Feiyue Construction Company, and the requirements are very high, Mr. Liu, you can recommend us high-quality construction that meets the requirements. team?"

Ding Yuedan asked calmly.

Since you want to join your own Feiyue construction company, it must be a high-quality construction team. I don't want a bastard.


Liu Haicheng is still very confident in this aspect, and the decades of construction engineering field have been in vain? You must know that Liu Haicheng also came up step by step from the bottom.

"Actually, there are many high-quality construction teams in Tianfu. As you know, Principal Ding, Tianfu is one of the main areas for migrant workers, and many migrant workers actually work on construction sites. We For the projects generally outsourced by the Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau, at least one-third of the construction team is from the Bashu side of Tianfu."

Liu Haicheng introduced.

"Any recommendations?"

Ding Yue asked suspiciously.

Of course, Ding Yue knew that, after all, of the three existing construction teams of Feiyue Construction Company, one of them was recruited from the Tianfu area, and the other two were composed of students from the School of Architecture of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

There have been a lot of students from the School of Architecture, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences in the past two years, and most of them are actually unable to reach the level of Yanagawa Jie and the others in the professional field. In this case, it is also a good choice to be a construction worker in the front line. , but it will be more tiring, but it will make a lot of money.

After all, not every student of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is a genius. Compared with the student base of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, geniuses are only a few. Like Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei, they are naturally even fewer. It looks like a lot. That's because Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has 200,000 to 300,000 students, and the base group is large, so it is more likely that top talents like Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei can be born.

"Naturally there is."

Liu Haicheng nodded with a smile and said, "Ten years ago, at that time, I was not the person in charge of the Xia Guo Construction Engineering Bureau. At that time, I knew a construction team from Tianfu. The State Construction Engineering Bureau has some projects that are handed over to them for construction, and I think you don't need to worry about their strength, Principal Ding."

"Is this a relationship account?"

Ding Yue smiled and asked.

"Principal Ding, don't get me wrong. The reason why I entrusted the Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau to them is because of their ability and the attitude of the person in charge of the construction, not because of relationships."

When Liu Haicheng said this, he seemed to have some contempt for the word "relationship".

That's right.

Although Liu Haicheng is a little arrogant, he can still stick to principles. Under his leadership, the Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau has developed quite well over the years.

"just kidding."

Ding Yue said calmly.

"I see it, Principal Ding, this team, I'll help you recommend it? As for whether it's used or not, it depends on your Feiyue construction company. I'm just helping to introduce it."

Liu Haicheng shrugged and said.


Ding Yue nodded.

Therefore, Liu Haicheng took out his mobile phone on the spot and called Chen Jianjun, the person in charge of the construction team: "Principal Ding, let me tell him."

Ding Yue kept silent and asked Liu Haicheng to call Chen Jianjun.

When making a call, Liu Haicheng stood up from the sofa and paced to the floor-to-ceiling window: "Hello, Jianjun."

"Mr. Liu!"

On the other end of the phone came the voice of a middle-aged man.

"Mr. Liu, it's a pity that the Xia Jian Bureau did not take down the project of Pharaoh's New Kailuo City." Chen Jianjun said regretfully on the phone.

"There are some regrets, but it doesn't matter. It's our Xiaguo construction company that got the project of Xin Kailuo City, you know, Lao Chen of Feiyue Construction Company?"

Liu Haicheng sighed and said.

Liu Haicheng still feels a pity that Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau failed to win the project of Xin Kailuo City, but on second thought, Renjia Feiyue Construction Company was able to win the project of Xin Kailuo City, It is their strength and efforts that the planning and design of the oasis city is very good, there is no doubt about this mother.

"Feiyue Construction Company, of course I know. I knew this construction company before they got the new Kailuo City project. They are still very strong."

Chen Jianjun replied.

"What it means now is that Feiyue Construction Company needs to expand its scale and want to directly sign some construction teams. You know, Lao Chen, that you are engaged in construction. Xin Kailuo City is very large and needs manpower. Your team is good, so I'm going to recommend it to Feiyue Construction Company."

Liu Haicheng said things directly.

"That's a good thing! Mr. Liu, are you going to recommend us to Feiyue Construction Company... Wait a minute, direct signing? Does it mean that you sign directly into Feiyue Construction Company? Isn't it an outsourcing model?"

After Chen Jianjun heard the words, he was first excited, and then very puzzled.

Because in what Liu Haicheng said just now, he said that Feiyue Construction Company would expand its scale and directly sign some construction teams.

Usually, I take my fellow villagers from my hometown to work on the construction site. They are all outsourced. The biggest project I have done is a project outsourced by the Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau. I have never had the idea of ​​directly signing a contract with a construction company.

"Old Chen, direct signing is a good thing, the future of Feiyue Construction Company is limitless, and if the project of Xinkailuo City is completed, it will be internationally famous, not worse than our Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau, but old Chen, you also know that our Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau is a state-owned enterprise, and if you want to come in, you need to prepare, so we can only engage in outsourcing cooperation with you."

Liu Hai idiom said earnestly: "But Feiyue Construction Company is different. This is a private company. After you enter, you can enjoy the benefits and wages of the construction company. I believe that Feiyue Construction Company will definitely not treat our workers and friends badly~www Mr. Liu, can I have a chat with this…Gong Chen?"

When Ding Yue heard what Liu Haicheng said on the phone, he prepared to explain to Chen Jianjun the benefits of signing his own Feiyue construction company.


Without thinking about it, Liu Haicheng handed the phone to Principal Ding.

After Ding Yue took over the phone, he politely said to Chen Jianjun on the phone, "Hello, Chen Gong."

"Hey boss."

On the phone, Chen Jianjun's tone was very respectful.

"Chen Gong, don't call me the boss, just call me President Ding. I'm Ding Yue, the president of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. That's it, about your direct signing of Feiyue Construction Company, I can make the final decision. I'll go first. Let me tell you what are the advantages of signing directly to our Feiyue Construction Company, okay?"

Ding Yue also respects hard-working workers.

"Well, Principal Ding, you said."

"That's right. After your entire construction team signed in to our Feiyue Construction Company, you still manage the team. The company will pay employees a basic salary of 3,000 yuan every month."

"Ah? Three thousand yuan?"

When Chen Jianjun heard this, he was a little overwhelmed. He thought that after signing with Feiyue Construction Company, he would only pay 3,000 yuan a month. Would this be able to support people?

"Ah no, Chen Gong, you probably didn't understand what I meant, 3,000 yuan is the basic salary per month, that is to say, your construction team is in our Feiyue construction company, regardless of whether you have any work to do, each You can get a basic salary of 3,000 yuan a month, and just like you are working now, when you usually have projects to do, you should get as much as you want."

Ding Yue explained it to Chen Jianjun seriously.

"So that's the case, and this good thing?" After Chen Jianjun figured out what was going on, he suddenly became a little excited.

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