Start With a Fake University

Chapter 884: Phase 1 goals successfully achieved

Latest URL: Two days later.

In a building in Kailuo City, the Management Committee of the new capital of the Pharaohs officially held the first public tender for the new Kailuo City. It is open to construction companies around the world to bid for the construction of the new Kailuo City.

Most of those who participated in the bidding this time are large and famous construction companies in the world.

For example, Kiwitt Construction Company, Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau, Eagle Sauce Bridge Company, Bouygues Construction Company, Wanxi Group, Yamato Group, etc.

However, in addition to the well-known construction companies in these countries, some not-so-top-notch construction companies also participated in the bidding, such as Feiyue Construction Company under Feiyue Group, and several other European and Asian construction companies.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, the most competitive international companies are Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau, Eagle Jam Bridge Company, and Kiwitt Construction Company.

After all, everyone knows that their strength is one-on-one, almost representing the strength of the world's top construction projects. As for those construction companies that are not first-class and top-notch to participate in the bidding, it is just to join in the fun That's it.


They didn't know that there was a company called Feiyue Construction Company, and this time it wasn't to join in the fun.

On-site tender.

Representatives of construction companies, journalists, and related staff gathered here.

"Hello everyone, I'm Liu Wenxin, a reporter from Xiaguo TV station in Pharaoh. Today is the public bidding meeting for the new capital of Pharaoh, New Kailuo City. We can see that our Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau and Feiyue Construction Company participated in this bidding meeting. Ah, there are also those large international construction companies, such as the well-known Kiwitt, Eagle Jam Bridge, Bouygues, Wanxi Group, etc. All of them are gearing up to win the $60 billion. A modern urban construction project, so who can win the bid for this huge project? Let's wait and see."

At the scene, a reporter from Xiaguo TV was reporting live.

Many domestic netizens and viewers are also watching this live broadcast. Among them, the Feiyue home streaming media platform under the Feiyue Group has obtained the domestic live broadcast right through cooperation with Xiaguo TV.

That is to say, if you want to watch the live broadcast of the public bidding meeting of the new capital of the Pharaohs, New Kailuo City, you can only watch it on the Feiyue home streaming media platform.

"Our infrastructure is crazy!"

"This must be the hahaha of our infrastructure madman."

"Don't mention it, Kiwitt and Eagle Sauce Bridge are all pretty fierce."

"Come on!"

"Get this $60 billion project."

"Let the foreigners see what a real infrastructure maniac is."

"There's no such thing as an infrastructure madman, but it's just that countless people silently carry the burden."

"Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau is very strong internationally."

"Feiyue Construction Company, is it the Feiyue Construction Company of Feiyue Group?"

"I like the architectural style of Feiyue Construction Company very much."

Netizens have called domestic construction companies one after another. Among them, Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau is the most important, because Xiaguo has the name of infrastructure madman before, in fact, most of them are the reputation made by Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau.

Of course.

Some netizens also noticed Feiyue Construction Company.

The word Feiyue means what it means in China. I believe that many young people already know it. It is a symbol of science and technology, and it is a great leader.

Various industries under Feiyue Group, ranging from culture and art to scientific and technological engineering, are blooming everywhere and have won a lot of international fame. More and more young people are proud to be an employee of Feiyue Group .

Because this Feiyue Group is indeed involved in a wide range of industries, it is very suitable for many young people to fly their dreams.

In addition to calling the domestic Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau and Feiyue Construction Company, there are also many calmer netizens who analyzed that this bidding will be a very fierce battle.

After all, the well-known and powerful construction companies in the world have all come to participate in this bidding.

Opponents like Eagle Sauce Bridge and Kiwitt Construction Company are not so easily defeated.

"I saw Principal Ding."

"It's really Principal Ding."

"I said why I can't see Principal Ding in the school recently. It turns out that Principal Ding went to the Pharaoh country to do business."

"The school of architecture has been very passionate during this time, so that's the reason."

"Come on to Feiyue Construction Company, go to the School of Architecture of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences."

Some students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences were also watching this live broadcast. When they saw a brief picture of President Ding appearing in the live broadcast, everyone was excited.

Indeed, in recent days, students have not seen Principal Ding and Da Bai in the cafeteria of the campus or on the road. This is different from before. After all, Principal Ding used to bring Da Bai together on campus. Walking around, and in the five cafeterias, you can always see the figure of Principal Ding.

I haven't seen each other these days, and the students are still very puzzled. Where did Principal Ding go?

It turns out that Principal Ding went to the Pharaoh country.


At this time, the bidding site of the Pharaoh New Capital Management Committee.

Arfate personally presided over this bidding meeting. At the bidding meeting, Arfate talked about the bids of all the construction companies that participated in the bidding, and was very grateful to these construction companies for participating in the bidding.

After all, this is a huge project for the Pharaoh to build a new capital. Without these construction companies, this project would not have been possible. After all, the Pharaoh himself did not have the construction strength to build a modern metropolis, and he could only invite money to invite Large international construction companies come to build.

"Thank you very much to every construction company who came to participate in the tender."

Arfate sincerely thanked him.


Alfate did not announce which company was the final winner, which made the bosses of the big construction companies anxious.

This is a $60 billion project. If the planning is reasonable, you can even make a profit of $10 billion from it. This is undoubtedly a huge cake for construction companies. What about thirsty?

The CEOs of Kiwitt, Bouygues, Yingjiang Bridge, Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau, Wanxi Group and Yamato Group all raised their hearts to their throats at this time.

Eagle Sauce Bridge's Pete was still confident, with a cigar in his mouth.

Adolf of the Kiwit Construction Company frowned. Arfate has not announced which construction company has won the bid, so it seems that the situation is a bit complicated, indicating that the Pharaoh New Capital Management Committee People are very confused and have more choices?

In this case, will Kiwitt Construction Company be able to stand out and get the project?

Gu Jing

At the scene, only Ding Yue was very calm.

Because Ding Yue is confident.

No one will be the winner in this tender, because Ding Yue knew for a long time that there would be no winner. " of the yearning.

Then after the discussion at the meeting of the Pharaoh New Capital Management Committee, Ding Yue believed that they would definitely make a decision that was most beneficial to their Pharaoh country, and this decision would definitely affect today's bidding meeting.

As for how it will be affected, this Ding Yue also made a prediction.

Most of the pharaohs today will not choose the winning construction company, so they will announce the second public bidding meeting, because Ding Yue knows that Alphaat has learned that his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is in the field of environmental science and botany. After the black technology research, it is bound to be of interest.

And to verify this authenticity, the most reliable way is to personally go to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences in Xia to conduct an inspection.

Since we want to investigate, we need time. The way for the Management Committee of the new capital of Pharaoh to get time is to let today’s bidding meeting fail, announce a second public bidding meeting after a period of time, and then use this gap time, Come to your own Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences for inspection.

"Principal Ding."

An Yujia, who was sitting next to Ding Yue, called Principal Ding softly when he saw that Alpha was about to announce.

Ding Yue's expression was still very calm.

As if all of this was within Ding Yue's expectations.

"After the research and decision of our Pharaoh New Capital Management Committee, I announced that no company will win the bid in this tender. After one month, we will hold the second public tender. I hope that the major construction companies can offer Our Pharaoh New Capital Management Committee has come out with a satisfactory plan, thank you all.”

Alfate finally announced the result.

This is the result of the vote of all members of the management committee of the new capital of the Pharaohs. Yes, it was announced that no company won the bid, and the second public bidding was announced a month later.

During this month, Alphaat will personally lead some members of the Pharaoh New Capital Management Committee to go to the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences in Xia State for an inspection.

After the inspection, the second public bidding meeting, in any case, will decide that a construction company will win the bid and start the construction of the huge project of the new city of Kailuo, because the management committee of the new capital of Pharaoh can no longer wait, this one The months were all squeezed out by them.

When Arfate announced the news, there was an uproar at the bidding site.

good guy!

When everyone was looking forward to which construction company would win the bid, it came out like this?

Pete from Eagle Sauce Bridge Company and Adolf from Kiwitt Construction Company were stunned.

How is this going?

What happened?

This is the question that crosses the minds of Pete and Adolf.


When Ding Yue heard Alphat announce the news, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As expected, Arafat and the members of the Pharaoh's New Capital Management Committee were still excited about the "Oasis City Project".

Action is worse than action. I believe that next, they will find Ding Yue and talk about going to Xia Guo's own Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences for an inspection.

"Principal Ding, they are shaken."

An Yujia said excitedly.

"Yes, the Oasis City plan is too big for their allure."

Ding Yue smiled lightly and said to An Yujia, "Mr. An, Director Chen, if I guess right, Alphard and the others will come to our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences for an inspection. Reception work."

"Okay Principal Ding!"

An Yujia nodded and said firmly.

This time, it seems that Feiyue Construction Company is really promising to win this construction project in New Kailuo City.

"Fake, what the **** is going on?"

Pete from Eagle Sauce Bridge Company said angrily.

Originally, according to the plan of the Eagle Sauce Bridge Company, the probability of getting the new Kailuo City project this time is very high. In addition, I have already sent a sum of money to Alphard, although the money is not enough to make the project. Alfate decided to hand over the construction project of New Cairro City to Eagle Sauce Bridge Company, but it will definitely have some influence.

In addition, the planning plan of the Eagle Sauce Bridge Company is so excellent, there is no reason to win the bid for this project!

"Why is that?"

Adolf of Kiwitt Construction Company was also very puzzled.

Liu Haicheng, who is the Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau, was very open to such a result, and muttered to the people around him: "It seems that the pharaohs have very high requirements this time, and all the planning plans of our construction companies are very important. Not very satisfied."

In fact, although Liu Haicheng is very open, he still doesn't know the real reason behind this. He just thinks that the pharaoh is not very satisfied with the planning plans of all the construction companies, and wants all the construction companies to go back and do a new one. A planning plan to participate in the bidding again. After all, Pharaoh is the first party, and the money is paid, and it is 60 billion US dollars.

Soon, whether it was Yingjiang Bridge Company, Kiwitt Construction Company, or Bouygues Construction Company, they all reacted and formed the same idea as Liu Haicheng of Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau.

"what a pity!"

"Our company's plan is so good, the pharaoh is still not satisfied?"

"Who made people pay 60 billion dollars, it's Party A's father!"

People from major construction companies complained one after another.

Liu Wenxin, a reporter from Xiaguo TV, was also very surprised to report: "It's a pity, after UU reading, after the research and decision of the Pharaoh New Capital Management Committee, no company has won the bid. It seems that Pharaoh is very interested in Xinkai. The construction of Luocheng is very demanding, and even our Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau's planning plan this time cannot enter the eyes of the pharaoh."

"Shit, didn't the company win the bid?"

"Pharaoh is tough this time."

"No way, who made Pharaoh the father of Party A this time?"

"Even Eagle Sauce's bridge company failed to win the project. It seems that the pharaoh wants a super high-quality new Kailuo city this time."

"Give it directly to the Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau, and make sure that whatever kind of international metropolis you want will be built!"

"None of the planning plans of all the construction companies satisfied the pharaoh? The requirements are really high."

Netizens watched the live broadcast, and when they learned the news, they all laughed and complained.

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