Start With a Fake University

Chapter 864: True 1 heart 2 use

"You are welcome here, as music moves you."

"Let's all do our best to outdo ourselves."

"You are welcome here, anyone with a dream is amazing."

"With courage, there will be miracles~"

Ding Yue directly sang a classic song "Welcome to the North" on the earth in his previous life, but made a small adaptation. Originally, he was going to adapt "North" to "Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences", but he couldn't stand the fog. City University of Arts and Sciences This is six words, two words are changed to six words, obviously the rhythm of the whole song may be wrong.

Therefore, Ding Yue finally chose to adapt "Northern Region" to "Here", and only sang it to these freshmen. They obviously understood that "Here" naturally refers to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

The meaning of the lyrics is also concise and concise. Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences welcomes them, and let them all work hard to surpass themselves. If they have dreams, everyone is a great existence.

And if you have the courage, you can create miracles.

This lyric is very suitable for Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Ding Yue also thought for a while that the lyrics of this song would be suitable for his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, so he sang it to the students.

"What song is this?"

"I haven't heard of it."

"I don't know, but the melody is nice and the lyrics are great."

"Principal Ding sings so well."

"It's a very nice song, do you know what this song is called?"

"I don't know, just ask Principal Ding."

The students all felt that the song sung by Principal Ding was very good, and the rhythm and rhythm were just right, but they had never heard this song.

Ding Yue learned that in this parallel world, although Xia Guo had hosted the Olympic Games before, the song "Welcome to the North" was not included in the songs of the Olympic Games.

Not to mention, as the students said, this song is indeed quite appropriate.

"Principal Ding, what is this song called?"

"Yes, Principal Ding, why haven't I heard this song?"

"Principal Ding, is this a new song?"

"It's a nice song, Principal Ding, you sing really nicely."

The students asked.

Ding Yue smiled, then nodded and said: "This is indeed a new song, it was a melody created by my friend before, didn't you just let me sing, I just thought about it, filled in some words, and sang it to everyone already."

good guy!

This wave of Ding Yue is indeed Versailles.

In just a few minutes, he filled in this phrase with the melody of a song, and sang this so-called "song". The students were all dumbfounded. How could Principal Ding be so talented?

"Fuck, Principal Ding is awesome!"

"That's a good word!"

"I think the words are really awesome."

"The melody is very good, the words are better, Principal Ding, you are amazing."

"I adore you so much, Principal Ding."

"Principal Ding, why are you so talented?"

The freshmen said excitedly.

Ding Yueguai scratched his head embarrassedly, and said calmly, "I've been in contact a lot, so I'm so impressed."

Since the atmosphere has reached this point, Ding Yue can't say that this song was copied from the earth in his previous life, he can't, so he can only follow it and feel the feeling of being praised.

"Okay, Brother Yue, it's pretty cool!"

"Brother Yue has always been talented, did I say it before!"

Huang Youjie and Xu Bin were also impressed by the talent of Ding Yue who sang a song in just a few minutes, not exactly a song, but a new song.

The reason why it's not a song is because after Ding Yue picked up the microphone, he didn't sing a complete "Welcome to the North", but the chorus part.

Fortunately, only the chorus part is sung, so the explanation is more reasonable. After all, it is just a few lines of the chorus part. If the whole song is sung with so many lyrics, and it is said that the lyrics are improvised, who would believe it? Ah?

"Cough cough."

Ding Yue coughed lightly, and then enjoyed the praise and worship of the freshmen.

"Okay, okay, the big guys continue the welcome party, I have said this, and sang the song, but let go of my old bones."

Ding Yue handed the microphone to the new student beside him, and then quickly fled into the crowd.

But I can't stay here any longer, otherwise the freshmen will think of new activities, so I don't have to toss myself, I just came to watch the orientation party, and I was even stared at by the freshmen.

When the students saw that Principal Ding was so "cute", they all burst into laughter, and then the music played, and the freshmen continued their orientation party, and they couldn't keep tossing Principal Ding.

Seeing this, Ding Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the freshmen were full of youth and vigor, I couldn't help feeling emotional. After attending the welcome party for about an hour, Ding Yue, Lao Huang and A Bin left the five cafeterias together.

According to the energy of the freshmen, it is estimated that they will be able to enjoy the welcome party until twelve o'clock in the morning.

So ever.

Ding Yue called the director of the school's security department and asked the security department to send more people. In addition to ensuring the normal order of the orientation party, after the party was over, the students had to go to their dormitories. In the school, the safety of the students must also be guaranteed, right?

"Don't worry, Principal Ding, I'll let the night shift staff keep an eye on it."


After Ding Yue told the director of the security department, he returned to the apartment building with Lao Huang and Xu Bin.

"Sleep. New students are reporting these days. Brother Meng is too busy. Take a good rest for two days, and then there is the opening ceremony."

Ding Yue did not delay Lao Huang and A Bin's rest time, and let them go back to rest early.

"Goodbye Brother Yue."

"Brother Yue, good night."

After Huang Youjie and Xu Bin said goodbye to Brother Yue, they went back to their apartment.

After Ding Yue came to his apartment, he took a bath, and the moment he lay on the bed, he felt relaxed instantly, and there was a sense of relief after he was busy with one thing.

"Huh, the registration for the freshman is finally completed."

Ding Yue let out a long sigh of relief and was about to close his eyes slightly and go to sleep.

Just at this time!


"Congratulations to the host for completing the [Freshman Registration] quest and getting the quest reward-level 4 high school treasure chest!"

The system prompt sounded in his mind again.


Participate in the whole process to complete the registration of freshmen in person, and there are still hidden quest rewards?

This made Ding Yue feel a little surprised.

After all, it's a quest reward that was picked up for nothing, and it's also a level-4 high school treasure chest.

Although he didn't get the level-5 high school treasure chest like before, the level-4 high school treasure chest can actually be opened to the black technology that is ahead of the world's top level, so Ding Yue began to look forward to it.


Ding Yue moved his mind slightly, pulled out the system panel, and then opened the inventory.

In the inventory, there is indeed a fresh Level 4 high school treasure chest!

"Open the treasure chest of the fourth-level high school!"

Ding Yue said.


"Are you sure to open the treasure chest of the fourth-level high school?"



"Congratulations to the host for opening the treasure chest of the fourth-level university and obtaining [pollution-free papermaking]!"


Ding Yue was stunned when he saw that he had opened a level 4 high school treasure chest and got the reward.

Pollution-free papermaking!

Nowadays, human papermaking technology can be said to have reached its peak, and the pollution itself is very low. Although this pollution-free papermaking technology is quite powerful, paper can be made without pollution, but it does not seem to be very practical.

You know, in this day and age, there are very few places where paper is used.

Unlike in the past, when words wanted to be expressed, they were basically written on paper, but now that Internet technology is so developed, typing has become a basic skill mastered by most people.

"This thing, it's tasteless to eat, it's a pity to abandon it, it's boring."

Ding Yue shook his head helplessly, then his mind moved slightly, and instantly put away his system panel, then got into the bed and fell asleep.

To be honest, what came out of this fourth-level college treasure chest really didn't make me very excited.

But this is not surprising.

Ding Yue has opened so many treasure chests in the fourth-level colleges and universities, and not every fourth-level college treasure chest can be opened with black technology. Many fourth-level college treasure chests often open like this, but it is actually quite interesting. thing.

Only the fifth-level college treasure chest can open every good thing, this is what the system told Ding Yue.

"Good night."

Ding Yue said good night directly in the void, and didn't know who to say it to, and then went to bed.


For the next two days, Ding Yue was basically in a "rest" state, occasionally listening to Director Qi Chunsheng of the Academic Affairs Office reporting on the arrangements and news of the new students after their registration.

But only two days off.

Because on the third day after the registration of freshmen in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will hold the opening ceremony and the new military training mobilization meeting.

This is a major activity that must be carried out after the registration of freshmen every year.

After all, every year, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences welcomes a new batch of college students, and at the same time, college students in other grades are also starting school, so every year at the end of August and the beginning of September, almost all colleges and universities across the country will hold the opening session. Ceremony or new military training mobilization meeting.

However, in general, many colleges and universities will combine the opening ceremony with the new military training mobilization meeting.

This is the case with Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

From the opening ceremony of the first freshman and the military training mobilization meeting for freshmen, this year is already the fifth opening ceremony and military training mobilization meeting for freshmen.

Every year at the opening ceremony and the new military training mobilization meeting, Ding Yue will give a speech.

This speech is very important, because Ding Yue wants to impose various learning BUFFs on the freshmen in this speech, so that their studies in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can be more like a duck to water, so that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can Cultivate talents.


This year's opening ceremony and new military training mobilization meeting Ding Yue's speech, to change the way.

The students still have to arrive at the on-site assembly of the sports playground, but Ding Yue can no longer go to the scene. After all, it is difficult to gather more than 170,000 freshmen in the central stadium alone.

Since there is no way to gather all the students in one playground, they have to be spread out.

There are several stadiums in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. In addition to the huge scale of the central stadium, the other stadiums are not bad. They are all built according to standard football stadiums.

This is not.

The afternoon before the opening ceremony, Xiong Yang, director of the Cultural and Sports Department, came to find Principal Ding.

Originally, Principal Ding was playing games with his friends in his apartment, but since Xiong Yang, director of the Culture and Sports Department, was looking for him, how could he not be there?

Wouldn't that be equivalent to ignoring the government, no, it should be ignoring the school.

So ever.

Ding Yue had to ask Director Xiong Yang to come to his apartment to find him.

Ding dong!

The doorbell rang.

"Da Bai, go and open the door for Director Xiong."

Ding Yue was playing games and didn't have time to open the door. After all, he was in a team battle at the moment.

Dabai took small steps and came to the door and opened the door.

"Hello, Dabai."

It was Director Xiong Yang at the door. After he saw Da Bai, he said hello.

"Hello Director Bear."

Da Bai also greeted him.

"Please come in."

Dabai said.


After Director Xiong Yang entered the room, he put on the shoe covers handed over by Da Bai.

"Director Xiong is here, sit down, sit down, whatever you want."

While Ding Yue was fighting a team fight, UU reading said to Director Xiong Yang.

"Okay Principal Ding."

Director Xiong Yang saw that Principal Ding was playing a game, so after changing the shoe covers, he walked into the room.

Principal Ding's apartment is still very large, and the decoration style is also very good. The most important thing is that there are many advanced smart home equipment in it.

Principal Ding is so rich and still lives in the school's apartment. He is really not a simple person.

"Principal Ding, why don't you wait for you to finish this game?"

Director Xiong Yang came to report to Principal Ding in detail about the opening ceremony tomorrow. Seeing that Principal Ding was playing a game, he was ready to wait until Principal Ding finished playing.

"It's alright, brothers Ness!"

Ding Yue shook his head and said, at the same time this team battle has been won.

You know, Ding Yue, Lao Huang, A Bin and Jian Zihao, as well as Xiong Jiahao, the opponents in this game where the five of them played black, but the professional team of Bangziguo, and now they have won the team battle, they have occupied a huge advantage. .

Next, as long as you play steadily and don't wave too much, this one will basically be won.

That's right!

Ding Yue and the others have already started beating up the stick players in their stick suits.

"Well, that's fine."

Director Xiong Yang saw that Principal Ding was really not an ordinary person. He could listen to his work report and communicate with himself while playing games.

Don't say it yet.

Ding Yue has long since cultivated this ability to do both.


In two or three minutes, Ding Yue and his teammates won this LOL game. The professional team of Bangzi was beaten violently!

"Director Xiong, are the preparations for the opening ceremony and the new military training mobilization meeting ready?"

Ding Yue turned his chair around and asked Director Xiong Yang.

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