Start With a Fake University

Chapter 861: Principal Ding came to welcome the new students in person?

August 23.

Today is the first day of registration for the freshmen of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. This day is destined to be full of busyness on the campus of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

In addition to the school staff and student unions responsible for admissions, the sophomores, juniors and seniors who have just entered the senior year have also actively organized themselves to assist the school in welcoming the new students to Wushu City University of Arts and Sciences.

The students all know that there are at least 100,000 freshmen coming to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences this year. With so many freshmen coming to report, as seniors and seniors, why don't you come to entertain them?

If you are lucky, will you be able to meet the one in your mind?

Even if you don't think about this kind of thing, even if you just do your best for your alma mater, that's a very fulfilling thing.

not to mention.

It is said that Principal Ding will also come to the front line today to provide various "services" for the freshmen's reports. The majority of students have followed Principal Ding and devoted themselves to the great cause of receiving freshmen's reports.

"How does it seem that there are more staff than expected?"

Ding Yue came to the gate of his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences early in the morning, and saw that there were still many people here.

"Principal Ding, it's like this. Originally, we arranged some people, but the students in our school are very enthusiastic. Many students have joined the volunteer guild to help us receive new students."

Qi Chunsheng, Director of the Academic Affairs Office, explained beside Principal Ding.

"Hahaha, so that's the case. Are those in blue jackets our volunteers?" Ding Yue asked again.


Director Qi Chunsheng nodded and replied.

Seeing that the students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences are so active in helping the school welcome new students, Ding Yue's heart feels very warm, what does this mean? This shows that these students have a strong sense of honor and pride, and their education in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is quite successful.

"Come on, students, let's hang this banner here."

At the school gate, a counselor in charge of welcoming new students brought a group of students ready to install a banner on the gate at the school gate. The ladders have already been moved, and they are still very tall engineering ladders.

"It's hanging a banner."

Ding Yue also came over to join in the fun.

It's still early. The freshmen who came to report on the first day should be still on their way from the city or the university town at this moment. Only a few have arrived and lived in Wucheng a few days ago. The freshmen of the hotel in the University of Arts and Sciences have already started to report.

"Good morning, Principal Ding."

"Headmaster Ding is here."

"Principal Ding!"

"Good morning, Principal Ding."

"Principal Ding, are you here so early?"

After seeing Principal Ding, the students greeted each other.

"Hello classmates, the classmates have worked hard, remember that the volunteers will pick up the meal tickets when the time comes. All of our volunteers have meal allowances." Ding Yue also greeted the students with a smile.

When it comes to food supplements, this is a benefit of the Student Volunteer Association of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences when freshmen register every year, that is, those who participate in volunteers to welcome new students, although they say that there is no hard work, they are volunteers after all. Well, but there will be food supplements for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and it is still a very rich meal supplement. You can't treat our student volunteers badly when you eat this.

"Is this hanging a banner?"

After Ding Yue came over, he asked, "Why didn't you hang up before?"

It stands to reason that the banner should have been hung up long ago, right? It's not like I'm here now, and I'm still cramming my feet. This is not the style of our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

"Principal Ding, no, the banner was indeed hung before, but some classmates made a new one. We think this new one is more interesting, so we're going to replace it with this new one."

The counselor teacher explained.

"Oh oh."

When Ding Yue heard the words, he realized that this was the case. He glanced at a banner that had just been taken down. It vaguely said that new students were welcome to report. It was indeed too common.

Ding Yue raised his head and looked at the newly written banner.

I saw a red banner saying that this is Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, the place where your dreams come true!

Cough cough!

This banner is a bit interesting and has that flavor.

The freshmen who registered at that time came to the gate of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to see, my dear, the place where dreams come true, how exciting?

"There's a car coming."

"Should it be a freshman reporting?"

"Foreign license, it should be."

At this time, the sun in the east has risen, and at the same time, a car with a license plate from outside the city is slowly driving towards the school gate of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

When I saw a car approaching, there was a staff member who was responsible for guiding it.

For cars, there is a parking lot next to the entrance of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and there is also a parking lot on the campus of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Every year when new students report, there will be many cars driving over, most of them. They are all photos taken from other places, from all over the country in Xia, from all over the world.

But since people are here, we have to make arrangements for them, right?

In previous years, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was able to arrange all the freshmen families who came to report by car, and this year is the same. After all, they already have rich experience.

"Are new students reporting? Come and stop the car here."

The staff guided the driver to the next parking lot.

Among the freshmen who come to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, there are actually more wealthy families, at least from well-off and petty-bourgeois families. Thousands, even tens of millions of cars have them.

However, all kinds of cars are from previous years.

The first car that came this year was the one just now. Ding Yue glanced at it. My dear, isn't it the leap forward new energy vehicle produced by Feiyue Technology?

It looks like true love!

Immediately after, another car drove towards the gate of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Good guy, it's another Leap Future New Energy Vehicle.

"The two cars that came this morning are Feiyue Future New Energy Vehicles."

"Hahaha, this new energy vehicle developed by our school is selling really well."

"What do you think, Feiyue Future New Energy Vehicles are the cars with the highest monthly sales."

"Look, look, the third car is coming, or Leap Future!"

"Fuck it!"

The three cars that came in a row were all Feiyue Future New Energy Vehicles. This guy showed Ding Yue a strong sense of accomplishment.

Finally, the fourth car that drove over was no longer a Feiyue Future New Energy Vehicle, but a Mercedes-Benz.

Although domestic Feiyue·future new energy vehicles are selling very well, it is impossible for all of them to be Feiyue·future, right? There has to be some market for other brands of cars.

"It's more obvious to put the sign of the parking lot in that position."

The security captain at the school gate gave instructions to another security guard.

It may be because the parking lot's guide signs were not in place, so the four vehicles that came in a row were all ready to drive into the school after they drove to the school gate.

According to the registration plan of the freshmen of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, after the parking lot next to the outside is full, then put the car in and let the parents of the students park their cars in the parking lot on campus and other suitable parking places.

This is also very convenient to manage and maintain order. Otherwise, if the cars come to the school, if they all go into the school, and then they are all parked indiscriminately, wouldn’t it be a direct mess?

Originally, when the freshmen of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences registered every year, the school would appear to be crowded. If these cars were still parked indiscriminately, would it be worth it?

However, fortunately, the planning of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is not bad. Even if it is parking, there are special staff or volunteers to guide the parking positions on campus, and strive to prevent car owners from parking their cars indiscriminately. .

A car that is not a Feiyue Future New Energy Vehicle just came, and another one is coming soon, which is still a Feiyue Future New Energy Vehicle.

It can be seen how popular Feiyue Future New Energy Vehicles are in the market!

Gradually, more and more private cars drove to the gate of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and there were also buses from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences from the airport, railway station, bus station and other places. Those places bring new students here.

Every year, when the freshmen register, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will arrange the school bus for the whole school, and go to various transportation hubs to pull the freshmen who come to register, and directly provide one-stop service, which will take you from the airport or train station to Wucheng Arts and Sciences. University report to the scene.

Of course, this is nothing to brag about. After all, many colleges and universities basically do this when they receive freshmen.

"Come on, let's give the door where this car enters. The school bus is bringing the freshmen, let the school bus go in first."

The security captain in charge of order at the school gate told everyone.

Soon, there was no one on the side of the exclusive channel for vehicles, and the campus bus slowly drove towards this side.

Ding Yue stood by, watching the scene where the scene seemed chaotic, but was actually welcoming the new students in an orderly manner. He felt quite satisfied, and everyone did a good job.

After several campus buses drove into the school, Ding Yue came to the school gate, and like a staff member, went over to greet the new students, and the secretary Wen Ruohan and Da Bai followed behind, quite conspicuous.

"Welcome to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, are you sending your children to report?"

Ding Yue greeted the family of three and asked the parents with a smile.

"Are you Principal Ding?"

The young boy in the middle of the couple recognized Ding Yue's identity at a glance.

After all, Ding Yue, as the president of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, has missed his face a few times. With such a handsome appearance, as long as he has watched relevant videos, he will definitely recognize Ding Yue, otherwise Ding Yue will not be in the past. I was recognized by many people on the way to travel by car during the summer vacation.

"Yes, it's me."

Ding Yue didn't hide it either. Since he was recognized by the freshman, he should admit it generously.

"Principal Ding, are you still here to welcome the new students in person? I'm so excited that I was greeted by Principal Ding on the first day of registration!"

The new student was immediately excited.

His parents also looked at Ding Yue in surprise and said, "Are you the principal Ding of Wuchengweili University?"

"That famous Principal Ding?"

The boy's father asked in surprise.

"Hello, your child will be handed over to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, please rest assured, in the next four years, or even longer, I believe that he will be able to learn something in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. You won't be disappointed."

Ding Yue calmly said to the parents.

This is really shocking to the parents.

The head of a school, a rich man worth hundreds of billions of dollars, can actually put down his worth. When the freshmen were registered, he personally came to the school gate to greet the freshmen, and he looked so approachable, which really subverted their views on this Principal Ding. view.

"We are relieved, of course we are relieved. Your kid will be at school in the future, but you have to obey the school's arrangements and study hard, you know?"

The middle-aged man immediately educated his son on the spot.

The freshman who registered for the report looked dumbfounded. Dad, you didn't treat me like this when you were at home, did you?

"This student, what major did you apply for?"

Ding Yue asked the freshman with a smile.

"I applied for environmental engineering."

The freshman replied.

"Environmental Engineering, that is the School of Environment. After entering the school gate, go to the left and go to the Shujian Library. It should be on the square in front of the library."

Ding Yue directly pointed the way to the freshman and his parents.

Ding Yue still has some idea of ​​where the registration offices of various departments and majors are during the registration period for freshmen at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

"Okay, thank you Principal Ding."

The freshman expressed his gratitude very excitedly. Not only was Principal Ding personally greeted, but Principal Ding also showed him the way. After this wave of good guys, he will be able to play in front of his roommates for a lifetime.

"Thank you, Principal Ding. UU Reading"

The parents of the new students also expressed their gratitude to Principal Ding for his guidance.

"It's alright, it should be, let's go. There are few people at the moment, so there should be no need to line up. After a while, there will be more people in line, so hurry up and go."

Ding Yue did not delay the new students to report.

If you delay other people's time, after a while there are more people, you will really have to line up.

Now the number of students applying for majors in various departments of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is gradually increasing, even if it is a major like environmental engineering in the School of Environment, it is also a relatively popular department in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Speaking of which, Ding Yue is going to invest more capital this year in the School of the Environment, and he is also going to develop the majors of this department.

After all, the earth's ecological environment, geographical environment, urban industrialization environment, etc., are closely related to the destiny of human beings. After the talents in this area are cultivated, more professionals will be invested in the improvement of the environment.

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