Start With a Fake University

Chapter 857: Recruitment plan for the new class

Ding Yue estimated that the bottleneck of engine technology, domestic research institutions, it is estimated that it will be difficult to break through for a while.

It also takes five years.

Maybe even longer, ten years.

But a person engaged in aerospace, how many ten years in his life?

Therefore, Ding Yue must let his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences strengthen his efforts, hoping that the top technical talents trained by his Aerospace College of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can break this bottleneck.

Even if it is impossible to break this bottleneck by itself, it is also possible to cooperate with the space agency to study engine technology together, so that the two sides may complement each other and be faster.

But it depends on whether the NASA side is willing or not.

Anyway, Director Chen said just now that he himself is very willing to cooperate with the Aerospace Administration of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Aerospace in technical research.

"I hope our cooperation can go further. my country's aerospace industry still has a long way to go."

Director Chen said with emotion.


Ding Yue agreed with what Director Chen said.

Cooperation needs to be more in-depth in order to better contribute to the domestic aerospace industry.

"Principal Ding, it's getting late. I'm glad to chat with you again this time. I have a meeting to start later. Principal Ding, I won't entertain you."

Director Chen raised his hand and glanced at his watch, then said to Ding Yue with a smile.

"Well, alright, Director Chen, go and do your work."

Ding Yue nodded quickly.

Director Chen, as the deputy director of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, this time the Fat Five was launched for the last time. After the successful launch, there must be some follow-up meetings for Director Chen to preside over.

"I'll call a car to take you."

After Director Chen finished speaking, he asked the assistant who was not far behind to call for a car, and then sent Ding Yue away from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.

At this time, outside the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, Huang Youjie, Xu Bin, Wen Ruohan, Zhang Yu, Lin Zhirou and others were already waiting here for Ding Yue, because Ding Yue sent Lao Huang a WeChat message just now, saying that he was waiting Came out in a while.

"Brother Yue, this way."

Huang Youjie was far away when he saw Brother Yue coming out of the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, and quickly waved.

After Ding Yue saw Lao Huang and the others, he trotted over and said with a smile, "Director Chen didn't invite me to dinner, let's go, where shall we eat?"

Before entering the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, Lao Huang asked if he wanted to wait for Ding Yue to have dinner together. Now he has the answer. It seems that Director Chen is really busy. Hahaha.

"Hee hee, Principal Ding, I have already booked the restaurant."

Wen Ruohan replied with a smile.


Ding Yue nodded with satisfaction. As expected of being his personal secretary for so many years, he did things properly.

that's it.

Ding Yue and his party went to eat, and after dinner, they all went back to the hotel to rest.

The next day, Ding Yue and the others set off from Jiuquan, continued along the Hexi Corridor, and soon arrived in Lancheng.

In Lancheng, Ding Yue received a call from Zhu Youzhao, director of the Department of Film and Television of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Director Zhu said that they had also arrived in Lancheng.

So ever.

Ding Yue decided to meet with Director Zhu and the production team of "Hexi Corridor" in Lancheng, and then start his self-driving trip.

In Lancheng, Ding Yue chose a good hotel and had a sumptuous meal at the hotel to wish the success of the filming of "Hexi Corridor". At the same time, Ding Yue also met the production team of the food documentary "A Bite of Xia". those familiar faces.

Seeing them, Ding Yue remembered the way the Academy of Film and Television made his fortune, and couldn't help but sigh.

In the blink of an eye, many years have passed.

In the team, there are obviously a lot of new faces. It should be from the freshmen of each previous class, who have selected outstanding students to replenish fresh blood.

After all, a production team cannot always be static. It needs to constantly replenish new blood to keep the entire team active. In addition, the production tasks of the entire team are gradually increasing every year. It is impossible to rely on the shoulders of the original team. Against increasingly heavier tasks, right?

Isn't this exploiting people, so many new members have been added.

"Classmates, I am very happy to see that you are in high spirits, and you can make a documentary for the history and humanities of our Xia Kingdom, and convey a spirit."

Before dinner, Ding Yue stood up and briefly said a few words to his classmates to encourage them to work hard and shoot seriously, and produced a wonderful and excellent documentary "Hexi Corridor".

"Then you will go deep into the Hexi Corridor, I can, I will tell you my expectations here. I hope everyone will go to the audience as much as possible under the premise of ensuring their own safety during the shooting process. Show the charm of the Hexi Corridor, tell the story of the Hexi Corridor well, and present the Hexi Corridor to the audience in an all-round way from various aspects such as geography, geomorphology, history and culture."

Ding Yue said to the students and employees with a serious face.

In the filming and production team, some of them are still students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. The first batch of members have graduated at this moment, and their identity should be regarded as the employees of Feiyue Media under their own Feiyue Group.

"It must live up to Principal Ding's expectations!"

"We'll do our best!"

"Don't worry, Principal Ding!"

"As long as we have the support of Principal Ding, we will definitely go all out."

"Make the most exquisite pictures and tell the best recorded stories!"

Everyone at the scene responded excitedly to Principal Ding's expectation and entrustment.

"All right!"

Seeing that everyone is so confident, Ding Yue is relieved. The next filming and production process will be handed over to them. Ding Yue only needs to wait and watch the finished film when the time comes.

The gathering in Lancheng was regarded as a boost to the filming and production team of the documentary "Hexi Corridor". After the encouragement of Principal Ding, every team member was full of energy.

After the gathering in Lancheng, Ding Yue "parted ways" with the team led by Director Zhu. They went west and went to the other side of the Hexi Corridor, while Ding Yue went east.

When going to Chang'an, the ancient city of thousands of years, Ding Yue received some documents and plans about the new enrollment plan from the office of the Academic Affairs Office of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.


In the blink of an eye, it's time to recruit new students again.

It is already late June, the college entrance examination has already ended, and it is time for college entrance examination students all over the country to fill in their volunteer applications. Usually, colleges and universities all over the country will spontaneously promote a wave of publicity in order to attract more students. .

But well.

Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences does not need these operations at all, and the annual results are the best admissions brochure for Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

In addition, there are many graduates of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, as well as college students, who are trying their best to recommend their alma mater Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences for those college entrance examination students.

Since last year, the enrollment of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has become a very hot topic.

After all, the number of students enrolled last year exceeded 100,000, which is almost a handful in domestic colleges and universities.

Therefore, this year, more college entrance examination freshmen have set their sights on Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Of course, except for those with lofty aspirations who want to go to Qinghua University or Yancheng University, and early Those students who have already planned their university.

Many students who do not know which college they should go to, and who are very confused about their choice, gradually begin to set their sights on Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

A few years ago, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was still a "pheasant private university" among the freshmen of the college entrance examination. Now, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has already become the existence of the key domestic universities, and is recognized by everyone as the first in China. The private university, the former Xiguang University, also had to retreat to the second place.

Xu Dongcheng, President of Xiguang University, was convinced by this point. The Xiguang University he ran was indeed not as rapid as the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Besides, President Xu Dongcheng and President Ding Yue have a very good relationship, and there is a very close professional cooperation between the two private colleges and universities, so President Xu Dongcheng does not care about his position as the No. 1 private college in Xiguang University. It was taken away by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

This is a good thing. It is precisely because Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has raised the ceiling of domestic private universities, and Xiguang University has grown a lot with Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences in the past two years.

"Director Qi, how many do you expect our new recruits will be this year?"

Ding Yue asked Director Qi Chunsheng this question.

"If there is still no threshold, this is really difficult to estimate. In the past year, the influence of our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has continued to rise."

Director Qi Chunsheng answered truthfully.

This is not two or three years ago. At that time, it can be estimated, maybe 30,000 to 50,000 people or something, but it is different now, the times have changed, and the domestic Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is no longer the kind The disdainful attitude of "scoffing" has turned into a beautiful cradle of countless dreams of college and life.

Here, you can give full play to your professional ability. As long as you have the ability and ideas, you can get the support of the school. Which student does not want to come?

"Like last year, the top faculties and majors have begun to set up thresholds, and some developed faculties and majors, or the more popular traditional faculties and majors, have begun to set undergraduate admission lines."

Ding Yue thought about it for a while. At present, there is only one way to limit the enrollment of a certain number of people.

After all, if there is no threshold, there will be too many people coming. Even if the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has a campus area of ​​more than 7,000 mu, and the South Campus is still under construction, it will not be able to withstand more and more so many students.

Last year, several core departments of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, that is, the Department of Computer Science, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the School of Architecture, and the School of Medicine, have added thresholds for undergraduate admissions.

But despite this, the number of students enrolled in these faculties is outrageous.

That's right, many of those college students who have been admitted to ordinary undergraduates, or even those who are serious, and even some of the top colleges and universities in China, are willing to study at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Therefore, Ding Yue's suggestion is that this year, not only the core departments of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Computer Science, but also some other popular ones, such as the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, which has been invested by Ding Yue, can start to set up undergraduate admissions The score line is set to screen out a more outstanding group of students. In this way, it will be easier to train, and the upper limit of the trained talents will be higher.

As for some other newly-built departments and majors, as before, there is no threshold for admission scores for the time being.

For the time being, this is the only way, Ding Yue really can't think of a better way.

"Well, President Ding, I think so too. This year, we have several departments in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences with very good professional potential, so we can set the threshold for undergraduate admission scores."

Qi Chunsheng fully agreed with Principal Ding's suggestion and idea: "But"

"Director Qi, do you have any other questions? Just say it."

Seeing Director Qi Chunsheng, Ding Yue seemed to have something else to say.

"President Ding, if we expand the thresholds for undergraduate admissions of several faculties and majors, then according to the system we established last year to exempt undergraduate students from tuition fees and grant scholarships, the income from tuition fees will decrease this year, and the expenditure on scholarships will increase. will increase."

As the director of the Academic Affairs Office, Qi Chunsheng will still think about the problem from the perspective of the school's "making money".

After all, Qi Chunsheng knew very well that this was a private college, not a charity. Private colleges wanted to make money. Otherwise, how could they support the operation for a year?

However, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is different from ordinary private universities.

"It shouldn't be a big problem, right? How many gaps can there be in a year?"

Ding Yue asked.

"At least 100 million or more."

Director Qi Chunsheng replied. UU reading

"Oh, it's only 100 million. That's not a big problem. Let's implement it according to the previous year's bonus and the tuition-free policy for undergraduates." Ding Yue said without hesitation.

One hundred million, which means that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has only made one hundred million less than before.

Earning this 100 million less is actually not a loss for Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. After all, it is a less profit, not a loss of 100 million.

Even if Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will not be directly proportional to the tuition fees in terms of operating expenses in the future, it doesn't matter. At that time, the economic benefits of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences' feedback to Feiyue Group may have already made Ding Yue the richest man in the world. the throne.

So this is not a problem in Ding Yue's view.

"Okay Principal Ding, then we will follow some policies from last year. After the Office of Academic Affairs has made a detailed report, I will send it to Principal Ding for you to take a look at."

Director Qi Chunsheng said in surprise.

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