Start With a Fake University

Chapter 853: Dabai shot, easy 1 to 5!

A very small piece of jade, the starting price is as high as one million.

Ding Yue guessed that there must be some other value behind this jade, but Ding Yue doesn't know much about these jades, so he doesn't know what's tricky.

However, judging from the active participation of the big guys in the auction, this must be a good thing.

No, in the blink of an eye, the auction price has gone from one million to one million and one hundred and fifty thousand, and it is still increasing.

Ding Yue was not in a hurry to shoot.

After all, even if he raises his placard and bids at this moment, it won't help. Others will definitely continue to increase the price, so Ding Yue plans to make another bid by himself at the critical moment. Anyway, no matter how expensive the price is. , as long as Ding Yue wants to take it down, he will definitely take it down.

"One hundred and ninety thousand!"

"Mr. No. 6 bid 1.2 million! Has anyone bid more than 1.6 million?"

"Okay, our Mr. 20, bid 1.25 million!"

Originally, the big guys used to raise the price of 11,000 yuan. As a result, a price of 50,000 yuan came out, which seemed to be determined to win.

If it is not determined to win, it is to make trouble.

Ding Yue really didn't expect that in a city in the northwest frontier area, there would be so many rich people gathered here, and they would bid one million for a piece of jade.

But think carefully.

This place is originally a place rich in famous jade. Those bosses who like famous jade come here to auction treasures, it is understandable, and this small piece of jade should be a rare treasure.

Since this is the case, then Ding Yue is more interested in taking this gadget down.

"Brother Yue, more than one million, do you want to buy it?"

Huang Youjie turned his head, looked at Ding Yue and asked.


Ding Yue nodded with a smile and replied, "I bought it for a friend, I think she will like it very much."

Ding Yue didn't make it very clear, but Xu Bin seemed to understand something after listening to it, but Huang Youjie didn't turn his mind so fast.

Zhang Yu, who was beside him, naturally didn't know that the friend that Principal Ding said he wanted to send was himself.

"Then let Brother Yue buy it. I'm thinking that so many people are rushing for this gadget, and I plan to participate." Xu Bin shrugged and said jokingly, "Gentlemen don't take people's favor."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Hearing this, Ding Yue burst into laughter.

It's still my little friend who understands me. Abin and Lao Huang also seem to be very interested in this little jade, but after knowing that they also want it, they even gave up the bid they wanted to bid. idea.

"Okay, our current auction price is 1.29 million yuan, 1.29 million yuan once!"

The person presiding over the auction looked at the crowd at the auction site and said.

This time it was clear that no one raised their cards so quickly.

It seems that 1.29 million has become a threshold?

"One million two hundred and ninety thousand..."

When the auction host was about to say 1,290,000 twice, finally, another bidder raised the bidding card in his hand, and this was a bidder from the VIP guest area, which shows that his identity must be very noble or rich.

"One million three hundred thousand!"

When the auction host saw that there were still people bidding continuously, a smile appeared on his face.

After all, for them, the higher the auction price for this small piece of jade, the more bidding commissions they can get, and the job of making a steady profit without losing it is simply not too cool, okay?

"Brother Yue, haven't you shot yet?"

Seeing that the bidders had already bid 1.3 million, Huang Youjie asked Ding Yue.

"Not urgent."

Ding Yue is very calm, and now he is still at the stage where everyone still wants and wants to win in one bite. Can.

"The next few people you want should raise the price higher." Ding Yue said again.

as expected.

When the auction price reached 1.3 million, several wealthy people did not directly increase the price of 11,000. Some started to increase the price of 220,000, and even raised their cards directly and increased the price by 50,000.

In the blink of an eye, the auction price for this small piece of jade came to 1.65 million.

"1.65 million, 1.65 million once, 1.65 million twice..."

When the price of this small piece of jade reached 1.65 million, it seemed that no one was willing to bid more, and the boss who bid 1.65 million showed a smile on the corner of his mouth. I mean, it seems that my jade is about to be obtained, and the woman beside me is also very happy, and directly kisses the boss on the cheek.

"One hundred and seventy thousand!"

At this time, Ding Yue, as expected, shot.

After all, it's already here. It seems that no one is willing to increase the price of 1.65 million, and the auction host has already called the price twice. If he is asked to call the price three times, then this auction The transaction is about to succeed.

Ding Yue's shot can't be too fast, but it can't be too slow either. This time is just right.

"Okay, the boss has bid 1.7 million."

The auction host said excitedly.

At this time, the face of the boss who had bid 1.65 million and was bound to win suddenly changed. He looked towards Ding Yue, and his teeth were itching with anger.

At this time, adding 50,000 yuan is obviously not wanting to take this jade.

"One hundred and seventy-five thousand times, one hundred and seventy-five thousand two times..."

When the auction host shouted here, he deliberately glanced at the boss who had bid 1.65 million, wanting to see if he would continue to add more.

However, the boss finally chose to give up.

Because he knew very well in his heart that the people who came out to cut the beard at this time must have high psychological expectations. If he continued to fight with him, he would suffer a lot. The boss of 1.65 million already thought it was very expensive. But in order to please the beauties around me, I bought it as soon as I bought it, but at this time, a young man jumped out, and it really was a dog.

"1.7 million three times! Congrats to the boss!" The auction host's small hammer banged down, confirming the auction transaction, and finally won the jade for 1.7 million yuan by Ding Yue.

Ding Yue is very calm, 1.7 million, for himself, is just a little pocket money, like an ordinary person painting seventeen yuan and five, spending a little money at this time, Ding Yue The eyes don't even blink.

The only bad thing is that the boss who bid 1.65 million doesn't seem to be so kind in his eyes.

No way, who let himself "snatch" the gem he was determined to get.

But Ding Yue didn't care about that.

"Dear, why don't you fight him."

The sister paper beside the boss is not happy anymore.

I saw the boss's face gloomy, and said fiercely: "Wait, no matter what this kid is, a hairy kid dares to fight against me."

"Big brother."

The eyes of a middle-aged man beside the boss were full of viciousness.

"It's over in a while, follow up to see which hotel this kid is staying in, I'll go to find him." Boss Zhao ordered maliciously.

"Okay big brother."

The middle-aged man nodded.

Obviously, this Boss Zhao is not a good person. In the northwest region, his name is still very loud. Whether it is black or white, he can eat on both sides, and his business is very prosperous. He has made friends in all aspects. Also many.

As a result, I didn't expect that at this auction today, Boss Zhao was of course unhappy.

On Ding Yue's side, after bidding for this small jade, he went to the backstage to sign a bidding agreement with the bidder, and then paid for the small jade.

Moreover, the bidder also told Ding Yue why this small piece of jade is so valuable and worth collecting.

turn out to be.

This small piece of jade is just an ordinary Hetian jade, but its experience is not so ordinary.

It is said that this small piece of Hetian jade came from the ancient country of Loulan, which was once a desert in the northwest. As for the hand of the big man who belonged to the ancient country of Loulan, this is unknown. It can be regarded as a piece of Hetian jade that has been handed down from ancient times to the present. It has not been engraved, so the price is not as high as those so-called "antiques", but there is no problem with the value of more than one million.

Ding Yue just listened to these words.

Since this piece of jade has its own million value, then this is enough.

Anyway, Ding Yue didn't use it for collection, it's just because some people like it, it's that simple.

After Ding Yue got the jade, he put it in the box prepared by the bidder, took it, and left the backstage to continue the next auction.

Ding Yue didn't have much interest in the next auctions.

About two hours later, today's auction ended successfully. Before leaving, the boss Zhao, who was cut off by Ding Yue, walked towards Ding Yue.

"This young man."

Boss Zhao came forward and aimed directly at Ding Yue.

Ding Yue saw a guy in his fifties coming up to talk to him, and he didn't know him, so he asked calmly, "What? Is there something?"

"Can this jade stone in your hand be transferred to me at your price of 1.7 million?"

Boss Zhao asked very directly.

And his tone doesn't seem to be very good, just a very normal and normal tone.

As soon as Ding Yue heard it, he was very puzzled, and immediately asked: "Since you want this jade, why don't you bid at the auction?"

This is hilarious.

When bidding at the auction, you continued to bid without raising the price. Now that the auction is over, do you want to buy it from me?

How could Ding Yue give the things he got to others, not to mention that Ding Yue was going to give it to Zhang Yu.

"Young man, at first glance you have too little experience. I just don't want to compete with you as a junior."

Boss Zhao sneered.

good guy!

After hearing this, Ding Yue was immediately upset.

"Our eldest brother won't fight with you, it will give you face, right?" This is a brawny man next to Boss Zhao who said in agreement.

"Hey, how can you talk like that."

Boss Zhao glanced at his brawny younger brother, and one with a white face and one with a red face began to sing.

As far as the attitude of this group of people is concerned, let alone Ding Yue, even Xu Bin or Huang Youjie would not be happy to hear it.

"Little Zhang."

Ding Yue directly ignored this boss Zhao and called Zhang Yu.


Zhang Yu turned his head and looked at Principal Ding.

Since both Lin Zhirou and Zhang Yu were wearing masks, no one at the scene could recognize the two of them.

"Don't you like it, give it to you."

Ding Yue directly gave Zhang Yu the jade that he had just auctioned at a price of 1.7 million.

And in front of this Boss Zhao, giving it to others is to make you mad, what the hell!

"Young man, you!"

When Boss Zhao saw this, he was instantly furious.

Originally, he was going to bid for the auction and give it to the woman beside him, but he was actually stabbed by this young man.

"What's up?"

When Ding Yue saw that Boss Zhao was furious and acted like he couldn't do anything, he felt relieved.

"Young man, are you from the mainland?"

Boss Zhao asked.

Under normal circumstances, people on the northwest frontier side refer to people from the central region or the eastern region as mainlanders.

"Am I familiar with you?"

Ding Yue was speechless. After saying this, he brought Zhang Yu, Lin Zhirou, and Lao Huang to leave the auction hall.

"Young man, Qianglong doesn't overwhelm the snakes, so be careful."

Boss Zhao's words seemed threatening, but there was no such threatening tone.

Obviously, Ding Yue heard it. He was relying on himself as a local and wanted to teach himself a "lesson"?

Oh, even if you come.

as expected.

When Ding Yue and others walked out of the auction hall, Da Bai reported a piece of information to Ding Yue.

"Principal, it seems that someone is following us."

Dabai said.

"Da Bai, I'll leave it to you." Ding Yue directly asked Da Bai to solve this problem.

Going out is just for fun, it’s best to have a smooth journey along the way, but if you encounter these things, you have to solve them, right?

But Ding Yue didn't want to do it himself.

Just leave it to Dabai. UU reading www.

At first, there were only two people following Ding Yue and the others. Later, three more people came, including the strong man next to Boss Zhao in the auction hall.


These five people are going to teach this group of young people a lesson according to the meaning of Boss Zhao.

As a result, I never expected that this young man came out with a robot, and he also brought an artificial intelligence robot Dabai!

These five people, Da Bai took it easy, all of them lay on the ground, unable to get up for a while.

Moreover, Dabai is very measured, but he just made these people unable to get up on the ground for a while, and he didn't hurt them seriously. It can be said to be quite friendly.

Zhang Yu was very happy after receiving the jade he liked from Principal Ding.

But she was still a little worried, worried that Boss Zhao would make trouble with Principal Ding?

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