Start With a Fake University

Chapter 847: Take a vacation and go on a self-drive tour!

After experiencing the neuron sensing device, Ding Yue's evaluation of it is not bad.

Xu Bin also gave a very good evaluation.

Now the neuron sensing technology can be said to be very mature, just waiting for the 3-nanometer chip to overtake the corner, and it will be the first to develop it on a global scale. At that time, Ding Yue will be able to carry out his own metaverse plan.

In the virtual world, Ding Yue wants to create a metaverse, and in reality, Ding Yue wants to attack the sea of ​​stars.

For a while, Ding Yue felt that his ideals were suddenly much nobler.

When leaving the research laboratory of the medical school, Ding Yue once again reminded Bai Liwei, the head of the medical school department, that although the neuron sensing technology and equipment are very mature now, they can still be improved, and according to the neuron sensing equipment, Manufacture of more advanced equipment.

What Ding Yue is referring to is probably the development towards the virtual cabin.

After all, the neuron sensing device created by the medical school and the Department of Computer Science is still similar to a helmet. Although a helmet or virtual glasses are more convenient and fast to wear, the virtual cabin is more experiential.

"Let's go, Abin."

Together with Xu Bin, Ding Yue took the artificial intelligence robot Dabai and left the medical research laboratory.

On the way back to the office in the administrative building, Ding Yue and Xu Bin discussed the 3-nanometer chip technology and the feasibility of building a virtual cabin.

"Brother Yue, if you want to create a virtual cabin similar to sci-fi or sci-fi movies, it's very complicated and involves a lot of technologies. This neuron sensing technology is indeed one of the cores."

Xu Bin was not completely sure.

After all, the virtual cabin can almost make people 100% immersed in the virtual world, which will give people a nearly 100% realistic experience.

"Let's put aside the 3-nanometer chip technology. Although it is difficult to build a virtual cabin, can it be built? Can you guys do it, Abin?"

Ding Yue asked with a smile.

"Yes, yes, but the virtual cabin can only be created with the medical school, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and the Department of Computer Science."

Xu Bin spread his hands and said indifferently.

It's not that I don't have confidence in the construction of the virtual cabin, but this is another huge project. The computer team brought by Xu Bin has to participate in the research and development of 3-nanometer chips. Isn't this what Brother Yue just said, 3-nanometer chips? The research and development process needs to be accelerated.

"Got it, got it, your computer technology team's workload is a bit heavy isn't it? Hahahaha." Ding Yue suddenly laughed and asked again.

"Oh, brother Yue, you can be considered sympathetic to the hearts of the people."

Xu Bin said jokingly.

"Well, it will be June and July soon. It's a good day. How about giving everyone a long vacation?"

Ding Yue thought for a while and decided to take a vacation.

Whether it is the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the medical team, or the Department of Computer Science, they have been really busy these past few years. You must know that they are not only involved in one project, but multiple projects.

Like Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, they are mainly involved in the engineering of precision machining of lithography machines. In addition, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and Ding Yue have other projects that require precision machining. Dry, the most typical is the project of Ding Yue's steel suit.

"A long vacation? It's a good thing."

When Xu Bin heard this, he immediately became excited: "However, Brother Yue, if you give us a holiday, where shall we go to play?"


Ding Yue immediately frowned.

Ding Yue didn't think about this, but just wanted to take a long vacation, similar to the summer vacation, to let the big guys relax, and then come back to work **** a few big projects after the vacation is over.

"I didn't think about that."

Ding Yue shook his head and said with emotion: "I have been working diligently at school for many years, and I have never gone out to play."

"Hey hey, Brother Yue, I watched a self-driving tour video a few days ago. I think the self-driving tour is pretty good. Look, don't we have a leap forward with super long battery life? Future new energy vehicles? You can go out for a self-driving tour and enjoy the great rivers and mountains of our Xia Kingdom, how refreshing it is."

Xu Bin began to suggest.

That said, good guy, it made Ding Yue feel a little relieved.

"And Brother Yue, I have led the computer team to do so many projects in the past few years, and everyone is a little tired. I just took this opportunity to let everyone go out and have a rest. It's good, come back. After that, the efficiency may be even higher.”

Xu Bin added.

"Makes sense."

Hearing this, Ding Yue nodded again and again, very satisfied with A Bin's suggestion.

Great rivers and mountains, I really should go out to see and appreciate the vastness of the motherland.

"Okay, go back and get ready, we can start right away!"

Ding Yue is a man of action, so he can leave as soon as he wants to. Since it is a trip, then he has to leave as soon as he wants to.

"Brother Yue, you're going to leave as soon as you say it? You can't prepare, make a strategy or something?"

After Xu Bin heard it, he called him a good guy.

"Strategy, isn't that easy?"

Ding Yue smiled, then turned around, and said to the artificial intelligence robot Dabai behind him: "Dabai, come, get me a copy of our self-driving tour in Xia, you want the most beautiful scenery and the coolest route. !"

"Okay Principal Ding, the strategy formulation has been completed!"

Dabai responded.

In just a split second, Da Bai had already formulated the strategy that Principal Ding wanted.

"Da Bai, you are so fast."

Xu Bin rolled his eyes at Dabai, then looked at Ding Yue again, and said, "Brother Yue, then we don't have to be so anxious. It's almost June, and the school work can't be arranged? It's the end of the semester."

"It doesn't matter. At the end of the semester, Director Qi and the people from the Academic Affairs Office can handle it smoothly. Why should I worry."

Ding Yue spread his hands and said with a smile.

"Okay, then go back and prepare, call Lao Huang, and the three of us, let's go out for a self-driving tour together?"

Seeing that Brother Yue is so interested, Xu Bin is no longer a disappointment, just play!

"Just us three big men?"

Ding Yue was still thinking just now, if you want to go out to play, why not bring a few sisters with you?

Otherwise, on the journey, there is no fun at all.

"Cough, brother Yue, you really understand me, then why don't I and Lao Huang bring my girlfriend?"

Xu Bin raised his eyebrows and asked.

"That won't work."

Ding Yue immediately shook his head.

Good guy, you both have girlfriends, should I eat dog food with me?

The best thing to bring is not a girlfriend, but a few beauties who are willing to go on a self-driving tour together. Beauty is a thing, and it is pleasing to take a self-driving tour with you. Apart from a natural scenery, isn't a beauty also a scenery? .

And Ding Yue used to like photography very much. It happened that this time I took a few beauties on a self-driving tour to take pictures of landscapes and beauties. It was so cool, right?

"Uh, well then, you still have to think about your feelings, Brother Yue."

Xu Bin also said with a smile, and after a while, he asked again, "Who will you bring?"

"That's it."

Ding Yue touched his chin and muttered, "Let's talk later."


three days later.

Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, on the front square of Shujian Library.

Huang Youjie and Xu Bin put their suitcases on top of the two Feiyue Future new energy vehicles, and then began to wait, waiting for the other protagonist who went on a trip this time.

The protagonist is naturally Ding Yue.

"Abin, why don't you think Brother Yue has come yet? Don't you plan to play again?"

After Huang Youjie waited for a while, he complained.

"Wait, it should be here in a while."

Xu Bin was very calm.

The two of them waited for another ten minutes or so, and finally, on the road not far away, a Feiyue Future New Energy Vehicle came slowly.

You can tell who owns this car by looking at the license plate number.

"Old Huang, here we come, here we come, Brother Yue is here."

After Xu Bin saw the car approaching slowly, he patted Huang Youjie on the shoulder and reminded him.

Ding Yue drove his car to the square in front of the museum and opened the door.

After Ding Yue got out of the car, the secretary Wen Ruohan got off the passenger seat, followed by two more beautiful women and the artificial intelligence robot Dabai.

"I go."

Huang Youjie was stunned for a moment and exclaimed, "Is it Lin Zhirou and Zhang Yu?"

"Two big stars!"

Xu Bin said with a smile.

That's right, one of the two beauties who got off Ding Yue's car was Lin Zhirou, a new singer in the Chinese music scene.

Another actor "Zhang Yu" who is known as the national goddess because of the TV series "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" released some time ago.

These two people are both top-notch beauties. The school beauties selected by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences have their peak appearance online!

Lin Zhirou, Zhang Yu, and the two of them are Ding Yue's travel companions who are going to take a self-driving tour across the country.

Of course, the secretary Wen Ruohan must also bring it. After all, Ding Yue is used to having Wen Ruohan by his side.

Originally, Ding Yue planned to call his younger sister Ding Xiaoyou, but her younger sister Ding Xiaoyou was busy with her nuclear energy-related research at the moment.

No way, Ding Yue sees that his sister Ding Xiaoyou doesn't really want to go, so it's not difficult for others.

In fact, my sister Ding Xiaoyou was very tempted to travel for a moment. After all, her brother Ding Yue told her that according to the planned route, this trip was to travel to the Gobi Desert in the northwest. When the time comes, you can take out the steel battle suit that you brought with you, and experience the feeling of flying in the sky.

Because the Gobi desert in the northwest is vast and sparsely populated, it is much more convenient to fly freely than the old forests in the mountains near Wucheng.

Ding Xiaoyou was moved because of this, but when he thought of the thoughts in his mind, he had to put them into practice one by one, so that he could finish the nuclear energy research that he was thinking about. In the end, Ding Xiaoyou had no choice but to choose to stay. If you continue your research at school and go on a trip, forget it.

"Well then, looking forward to the good news of your nuclear energy research."

In the end, Ding Yue could only tell his sister Ding Xiaoyou like this, and then he took the other two beauties together and prepared to go out for a self-driving trip.

These two beauties were naturally Lin Zhirou and Zhang Yu.

Two very hot stars.

A budding music diva.

A budding actress.

Lin Zhirou wants to go out and travel to free her mind, in order to make better music in the future.

In Zhang Yu's words, he has always had a dream of traveling. When he saw that Principal Ding wanted to find someone to go on a self-driving trip, he signed up.

In this way, Ding Yue naturally selected Lin Zhirou and Zhang Yu, two beauties from the registration, and took them out for a self-driving trip, and the mood would be much better, after all, it was pleasing to the eye.

Moreover, the combination of two big beauties and nature is simply, it is very cool to think about.

"Lin Zhirou, Zhang Yu, you?"

After Xu Bin came forward, he asked curiously.

"I heard that Principal Ding is going to travel by car, so I signed up with Senior Sister Lin and was chosen by Principal Ding to go on a self-driving trip together."

Zhang Yu explained with a smile.


Lin Zhirou also nodded.

Huang Youjie and Xu Bin can be said to admire them properly. I never thought that Brother Yue would be able to find these two big stars to go on a self-driving trip together.


"Dabai takes your car, Xiaowen, Lin and Zhang, take my car, let's get ready to go, oh yes, have you all brought the supplies for this self-driving trip?"

Ding Yue simply assigned everyone to take a ride.

Dabai, even if you are sitting in Lao Huang or A Bin's car, you can control it yourself. As for the two beauties of Lin Zhirou and Zhang Yu, they are naturally sitting in their own car, so even if they are going on a trip, There are two big beauties in the car, and the company of a beautiful secretary will make you feel much happier.


Xu Bin spread his hands and said, "Materials are ready. Let's talk about it. Although we are traveling by car, as long as we have money, we can't buy materials."

"That's not necessarily true."

Ding Yue smiled and said: "This time we are traveling by car across the country, and the place to go is the Great Northwest, which is not an ordinary place. Bar?"

"Brother Yue, I understand what you mean."

Lao Huang stepped forward, patted Ding Yue's shoulder and said, "The drone we used for our self-driving trip this time is the top drone equipment built by our own Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences' drone specialty. , I brought a total of three sets, and if it is not enough, or if there is an accident with the drone, let them express a few more sets."


Ding Yue nodded. For these arrangements, Lao Huang and Abin can definitely handle them.

After all, Lao Huang is the director of the logistics department at his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Compared with the arrangement of logistics materials for the entire Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, isn't that simple?

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