Start With a Fake University

Chapter 845: The magic of technology

Fog City University of Arts and Sciences.

The center of the scientific research base, in the exclusive research laboratory of the medical school.

"Principal Ding."

"Hello, Principal Ding."

"Headmaster Ding, you are here."

"Headmaster Ding, please."

After seeing President Ding, Bai Liwei, the dean of the medical school, hurried over to welcome him.

"Director Bai, are you all ready?"

Ding Yue smiled and asked Director Bai Liwei.

In fact, Ding Yue is still looking forward to it, looking forward to how far the medical school can break through the neuron sensing technology this time.

"Principal Ding, we and the computer director Xu and his team have already prepared all the preparations."

Director Bai Liwei replied immediately.

Although Director Bai Liwei is not a professional in neuron sensing technology, since the establishment of a neuron sensing technology research team at the medical school, Director Bai Liwei has been very concerned. Over time, he has only touched some doors.

The neuron sensing technology of the medical school must be combined with the computer technology of the computer department, so that a main attack direction can be defined, and this main attack direction is the virtual world metaverse!

You know, the Metaverse Plan was proposed by President Ding, whether it was a medical school. The Department of Computer Science, or other related professional departments, such as Feiyue Game Studio, etc., must do their best to cooperate together.

"That's good."

Ding Yue nodded with a smile. As expected, he invested a lot of money and invested in the metaverse plans that many elite teams are going to work on. Everyone seems to be very powerful, and everything went relatively smoothly.

"However, President Ding, our neuron sensing technology and equipment have not been tested yet."

Director Bai Liwei said suddenly.

"Oh? Is there a lack of people to conduct the experiment? Then I'll come directly."

After Ding Yue heard the words, he asked with a smile.

"Ah, Principal Ding, are you here in person?" After Director Bai Liwei heard the words, his expression changed and he said, "Will it be too much?"


When Ding Yue heard this, he frowned immediately, then looked at Director Bai Liwei and asked, "Director Bai, can't your neuron sensing equipment ensure the safety of users?"

"Ah no no no, Principal Ding, that's not true. We have made the safest plan for safety."

Director Bai Liwei explained immediately.

Good guy, if this neuron sensing technology is not guaranteed in terms of safety, then what is it?

After all, this neuron sensing technology needs to be interconnected with your brain. If you are not careful, it may affect a person's mental state.

One of the most obvious phenomena in the impact of this technology on the human body is that normal people use VR equipment, and people who are not used to it will experience dizziness and other symptoms.

The same is true of neuron sensing technology. If it is mild, it may be a symptom of dizziness. If it is serious, it may affect a person's mental state.

"I understand what you mean, there must be no problem in terms of security. What you are worried about should be that no one has used the technology and equipment yet, right?"

Ding Yue said with a smile.

"That's right, that's it." Director Bai Liwei nodded quickly and said, "So, Principal Ding, you said that you want to experiment yourself. I'm still worried about this."

"It's okay, I believe everyone in the medical school and the computer department."

Ding Yue smiled indifferently and said, "Besides, even if there is something wrong with this thing, at most it's just a temporary dizziness, right?"

"Yes, Principal Ding."

Director Bai Liwei nodded.

"That's fine, I'll come."

Ding Yue volunteered directly.

Seeing that President Ding is so firm, Director Bai Liwei can't say anything else. Anyway, what he can do is to work with the neuron sensing technology team of the medical school to conduct experiments on this neuron sensing technology and equipment with direct safety. Pulled full, without any flaws.

After coming to the research laboratory of the medical school with Director Bai Liwei, Ding Yue met the elites of the medical school.

Not only that, but Xu Bin from the Department of Computer Science is also here with the computer team.

"Brother Yue, come here."

After seeing Ding Yue, Xu Bin stepped forward and directly put the owner's arm on Ding Yue's other side, then said with a smile, "How is it, how efficient are we?"

"not bad."

Ding Yue nodded gratified, and then asked, "Have you all put your energy here? What about the lithography machine project?"

You must know that the computer team led by Xu Bin and the precision machining team led by Tong Yihang, Liu Tiefei and Luo Peng are the two busiest teams in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and they have participated in many projects.

The two most typical projects are the lithography machine research project and the metaverse project. In the future, maybe the two teams will also participate in the nuclear power engine team.

"The lithography machine research project will not be delayed. Our team divides time every week."

Xu Bin spread his hands and said calmly.

"You can arrange the time reasonably, but it can't be too hard." Ding Yue patted Xu Bin's shoulder with a smile, and said, "Your computer team is my number one general."

"Oh? Are we the number one general? What about the mechanical team?"

Xu Bin raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Hahaha, what's the matter? Abin, are you going to compete with them in the mechanical department?"

Ding Yue also raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The two looked at each other and burst into laughter.

Everyone in the research laboratory of the medical school knows that Director Xu Bin has an excellent relationship with President Ding, and the two of them can joke about anything.

"I heard you tell Director Bai Liwei just now, are you going to experience this neuron sensing technology and equipment yourself?"

Xu Bin asked.


Ding Yue nodded and said with a calm smile.

"There's nothing wrong with that." Xu Bin shrugged and said, "I actually want to experience the experience of neuron sensing technology."

"Then why don't we go together?"

Ding Yue asked with a smile.


Seeing that Brother Yue was so interested, Xu Bin couldn't help rubbing his chin, and then muttered, "It's not impossible."

"So it's settled then?"

Ding Yue put his backhand on Xu Bin's shoulder and said with a smile.


Xu Bin made up his mind directly, and said jokingly, "Then I will sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman."

"Good guy, what do you do for me if you're a little scared?"

Ding Yue also said jokingly.

After the two made fun of each other to activate the atmosphere, they were ready to test this neuron sensing technology and equipment.

Ding Yue took a look. It was a very large device. Ding Yue didn't understand the specific principle of this device. Anyway, after listening to the introduction of Director Bai Liwei and Xu Bin, he said that he only needs to wear a nerve of the device. The Meta-Induction Helmet can embody electronic control through your own brain.

In fact, this technology has been in the world a few years ago, and there are corresponding experiments.

It's just that this time, the neuron sensing technology developed by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is more mature and powerful. At the same time, it can also be better combined with other technologies, and then the prototype of the metaverse can be formed.

After about ten minutes, the equipment was ready. There were a total of two neuron sensor helmets, specially prepared for Principal Ding and Director Xu.

"Come on, Brother Yue."

Xu Bin has already taken the lead.

This is the first time Xu Bin has experienced this kind of high-tech product, and no one has experienced it before. Of course, Xu Bin is still very confident in terms of safety. This device cannot possibly harm the human body. Or the human brain is causing some serious effects.

"Come on."

Ding Yue shrugged slightly and said calmly.

"Come on~Quick~"

"Stop! You sang very well, don't sing next time." Ding Yue stopped Xu Bin before he could sing this sentence.

If this is to be sung, is it worth it?

It's just blowing ears!

Ding Yue also came forward and sat with Abin, both of them wearing neuron sensing helmets.

What they have to do now is to just wait for them to start the equipment, and then start to put the two people into a state of neuron sensing control. In this way, the computer equipment in front of them can reflect the two people Ding Yue and Xu Bin. The neurons of the sensor are manipulated.

In addition, the visual, tactile, and auditory characters of virtual characters created by computer equipment can be transmitted to the two experiencers, Ding Yue and Xu Bin, through neuron sensing equipment.

"Principal Ding, Director Xu, are you ready?"

On the side of the elite medical school team, the person in charge asked.

Ding Yue glanced at Xu Bin.

Xu Bin nodded.

Afterwards, Ding Yue also nodded, indicating that it was time to start.


After receiving the signal from President Ding, the team leader of the medical school activated the neuron sensing device.

The next second, Ding Yue and Xu Bin felt the magic of the neuron sensing device.

As if I was in a special environment, my brain seemed to be able to manipulate something, and I felt like I had mastered telepathy in a trance.

But it's actually not the same, this is the signal sent by the brain.

"President Ding, Director Xu, try to use your brain to control this simple Tetris game." The team leader of the medical school began to communicate with Ding Yue and Xu Binjin.


In Ding Yue's ear, there is a headphone device, which can be used to communicate with the medical school team.

Next, a very old and classic game appeared in front of Ding Yue and Xu Bin.

That's Tetris

Ding Yue and Xu Bin are trying to control this Tetris to play the game through the neuron sensing device they wear.

"let's start."

Xu Bin also nodded, and then began to experience the neuron sensing device.

"not bad."

Ding Yue felt that this neuron sensing device was silky smooth to use.

At least the signals that he transmits through his brain can be specifically reflected on the electronic screen in front of him through this neuron sensing device.

The square game on the electronic screen moves left and right and changes in different directions through your own thoughts.

"Brother Yue, I have passed the first level, hahahaha!"

Xu Bin said with a big smile.

He had already passed the first level of the game, but Ding Yue was still in more than half of the game.

"Very fast."

Ding Yue knew that playing this kind of Tetris game through the neuron sensing device actually tested not the game's technology, but his acceptance of the neuron sensing device.

Obviously, Ding Yue's acceptance level is lower than Xu Bin's.

This is nothing, Ding Yue can understand, after all, Xu Bin participated in the research and development of the neuron sensing device, while Ding Yue did not understand anything and started from a blank sheet of paper.

"I also passed the customs."

After about half a minute, Ding Yue also successfully cleared the game.

"Are you going to continue?"

Xu Bin asked.

"Having already experienced playing games through neuron sensing devices, there is no point in continuing, why don't we go to the next one?"

Ding Yue said with a smile.


Xu Bin also agreed with Ding Yue's idea.

Can't wait to try the next one.

This next item, but everyone is looking forward to it. Both Ding Yue and Xu Bin want to know, through the virtual human vision, touch and hearing, etc., how to use the neuron sensing device to let themselves get of this experience.

"Principal Ding, shall we start the next item?"

asked the head of the medical school team.


Ding Yue nodded, and he already had some little expectations in his heart.

"Okay, Principal Ding, the next thing to do is to use neuron sensing devices to simulate the perception experience of the human body, so that you can experience the virtual human senses after wearing these devices."

The team leader of the medical school gave a brief introduction.

After this introduction, I believe everyone understands it very well.

Ding Yue and Xu Bin are both genius-level figures, UU reading www. There is no problem of course.

I saw Ding Yue nodded.

Next, the head of the medical school team started the operation, and the computer team also carried out some operations.

Because the medical school team is responsible for neuron sensing equipment, and the computer team is responsible for simulating real human senses.

In the end, through computer equipment, this kind of virtual real human senses will be transmitted to Xu Bin and Ding Yue through neuron sensing equipment. If this item is perfectly realized, it means that in the future game The warmth and coldness felt by the players in the game, as well as some tactile sensations on the skin of the limbs, can be transmitted to the players through the neuron sensing device.

This is the magic of neuron sensing devices and virtual technology. The combination of the two will produce a very magical experience.


With the start of the medical school head, Ding Yue and Xu Bin are looking forward to what kind of experience will they have next?

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