Start With a Fake University

Chapter 835: The day the hero is discharged from the hospital!

Since the Law School of Dawucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Media, a subsidiary of Feiyue Group, supported Zhang Wu, there has been no news from Q Entertainment Media.


Q Entertainment Media began to pretend to be dead.

No matter how netizens scold Q Entertainment Media for being shameless, Q Entertainment Media just kept silent, as if this incident did not happen at all. Q Entertainment Media and its various departments and products are also operating.

But soon, news came out that the relevant departments have interviewed Q Entertainment Media and asked Q Entertainment Media to rectify this incident.

"Hahahaha, Q Entertainment Media didn't expect you to have this day too."

"Trash Q Entertainment Media."

"Go bankrupt earlier, let's see how the domestic film and television entertainment has been harmed by your Q Entertainment Media."

"I suspect that many of the high-cost film and television dramas produced by Q Entertainment Media were mostly money laundering?"

"Look at Q Entertainment Media!"

"I will not renew the membership of Penguin Video."

"A company like a sinister villain is really shameful. I will not use all the products of Q Entertainment Media in the future. A leap home streaming media platform is enough to replace you."

"I don't want to renew my membership of Penguin Music anymore. It's boring. The downloaded songs can't be listened to if they are not members."

"That's right, I can't even listen to Lin Zhirou's songs on Penguin Music. What do I need you for?"

"Let's go, let's go to Feiyue home streaming media platform, which is also a big member of Xiaopo Station, maybe it will continue to open."

Many netizens are happy that Q Entertainment Media was interviewed, and many netizens said that they are ready or have already quit Q Entertainment Media, and the entertainment products under Q Entertainment Media will basically not be used much.

So what is the use of entertainment products under Q Entertainment Media, such as Penguin Video, Penguin Music, etc.?

Undoubtedly, it is natural to use Feiyue Media's Feiyue home streaming media platform.

Feiyue home streaming platform is such a good platform, a large-scale entertainment comprehensive platform integrating games, film and television, animation, music, video creation, forums, etc., there is no need to recharge VIP membership, except for a little less content, There are no other shortcomings, right?

It doesn't matter if the content is a little less. In a few years, Feiyue Media will definitely create more works. The quantity is small, but the quality is high. No matter it is, it is an existence that can be brushed more, no matter how you look at it. Tired, there are games, music, etc., as well as the free communication forum on the Feiyue home streaming platform, similar to Hupu and the like.

In this incident, netizens are almost on the side of Feiyue Media, and Q Entertainment Media has been scolded as a hole.

But I can't stand Q Entertainment Media being a tortoise. Even if I'm scolded like this, I don't make any sound. , which is equivalent to just passing by.

Facts have proved that this approach is indeed quite good.

No matter how popular it is, in the current environment where the Internet is very developed, the replacement of information is very fast, and other topics will soon come out, gradually downplaying this Q entertainment media incident, after all, netizens are also People who want to live can't keep holding on to this matter all the time.

However, since this time, Q Entertainment Media has already had a very **** reputation, and now it is crumbling, and there is a risk of collapse at any time.

Not only that, the users of entertainment products on Q Entertainment Media’s platforms have also declined, and the daily activity of each platform has also visibly decreased. These users and their activity have not disappeared from the Internet, they are just Just moved from one place to another.

That's right, these users who have left the platform of Q Entertainment Media have all come to the Feiyue home streaming media platform of Feiyue Media.

"Principal Ding, Q Entertainment Media has not responded at all in the past two days, and Mr. Zhang Wu has not received a subpoena from the court. It seems that Q Entertainment Media is preparing to survive this crisis through silence."

In the office of the president of the administrative building of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, An Yujia is reporting the follow-up situation of the Q Entertainment media incident to President Ding.

"This is what I expected. Q Entertainment Media has always been like this. The problems that can be solved with the public relations army can't be solved just like this, so it can only be a tortoise with a shrinking head, and nothing else. Choice, let alone being interviewed, do they dare to jump out at this time?"

Ding Yue shrugged and said calmly.


An Yujia nodded.

"By the way, Mr. An, how about the loss of users of Penguin Video and other platforms under Q Entertainment Media these days?"

Ding Yue asked suddenly.

Compared with how Q Entertainment Media solved this incident, Ding Yue was more concerned about this matter and how much impact it had on the loss of users caused by Q Entertainment Media.

Because the users of Q Entertainment Media are lost, it will inevitably increase the number of users who leap to the home streaming media platform.

"According to information from several statistical websites, among the major platforms of Q Entertainment Media, Penguin Video has the largest user loss, accounting for about 5%, followed by Penguin Music, which accounts for 10% of the user loss. Three or so, in the case of Xiaopozhan, because the user stickiness of Xiaopozhan is still quite high, less than 1% of users are lost.”

An Yujia replied: "Besides that, the number of users on our Feiyue home streaming media platform has increased, and there has indeed been a significant increase. Before this, there has been a steady increase, but there has been an outbreak in the past few days. I think this should be related to this incident and the loss of users of Q Entertainment Media.”

"That's inevitable."

Ding Yue said with a smile, "This is going to change and the other is going to grow."

This is the truth of all things in the world. One thing is changing and another is growing. It is also a cultural and entertainment industry. Since your Q Entertainment Media has decreased, then we will naturally increase by leaping to the home streaming media platform.

"Mr. An, we must seize this opportunity."

Ding Yue warned An Yujia.

It is rare and large-scale to add a group of users. We must take good care of it and keep this group of users.

In fact, as long as the environment on the Feiyue home streaming platform is good enough and the quality of the works is enough, it can increase the stickiness of users and make them stay.

Of course, there is another important point.

That is, the number of works on the Feiyue home streaming platform has increased, and it must be maintained or even added a little more every year. Otherwise, the number of works will be small, and there is really no way to make users have a better experience.

After all, whether the library of works is rich is indeed a very important point for a platform.

"Principal Ding, the problem we are facing now is that there are relatively few works on the Feiyue home streaming media platform. If we can increase it more, I think the daily active users will increase."

An Yujia frowned and said.

"That's true."

Ding Yue nodded and said, "However, whether it's film and television animation or game music, there are cycles in creation, and it's impossible to have new ones every day, right?"

"Principal Ding, what I think is that since our Feiyue home streaming media platform has been comprehensively developed, it is better to add one of the most upstream links in the entertainment industry."

An Yujia suggested.

"The most upstream link?"

After Ding Yue heard the words, he was a little puzzled for a moment, but he quickly realized: "Mr. An, are you talking about online novels?"

Looking at the upper reaches of the entire entertainment industry, there must be novels standing in words, and in today's Internet age, it is naturally dominated by online novels.

Text-based novels will not die up until now, and in the future. Although film and television are very popular, the special effects are very awesome, and even if a virtual world appears in the future, text novels will still not disappear.


Because written novels are the upstream of the entire entertainment industry chain, whether they are film and television works or game works, many of them need to rely on novels for adaptation and creation.

Even such a popular sci-fi movie is based on novels.

At present, the Feiyue home streaming media platform already has film and television, animation, music, video creation, forums, etc., and there is only one novel section left. If you add the novel section, it is indeed a good choice.

First of all, the combination of online novels and film and television animation music forums is not inconsistent at all, and even quite consistent, because you can discuss the plot of the novel in the forum, and you can create videos to quote novel materials, etc. All of these complement each other. situation.

The most important thing is that online novels are a project that all the people can participate in. They are created by imaginative online novel authors. They only need to pay for the works of online novel authors, and the online novel authors will receive royalties.

In this way, during the period when the number of online film and television animations on the Feiyue home streaming media platform is relatively small, online novels can fill this gap and maintain a stable daily active users of the Feiyue home streaming media platform.

"Yes, President Ding, when I was abroad, I found that the influence of online novels in my country is actually very high. There are also many online novel platforms in China. We added the novel section on the Feiyue home streaming media platform, and then used The generous remuneration attracts the vast number of online novel creators, so that new attractive online novels can be born every day, so as to keep the users of the platform active. In addition, online novels can also interact with video creation. Combined, we can also buy the copyright of excellent online novels and use them to adapt movies, TV series, game animations, etc."

An Yujia told Principal Ding in detail.


Ding Yue immediately nodded and said: "So, Mr. An, you should do this as soon as possible, open up an online novel section on the Feiyue home streaming media platform, and attract a large number of novel authors to settle in, don't be afraid to burn money, novel authors They are also very hardworking.”

After Ding Yue finished speaking, he stood up.


An Yujia replied, and then asked curiously, "Where is Principal Ding going?"

"I went to Wucheng Central Hospital. Today, Wang Shun is going to be discharged from the hospital. He is recovering very well. We are the hero of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. I will personally pick him up and discharge him."

When Ding Yue said this, he was very proud.

"Really? So fast? That's great."

After An Yujia heard the words, she was also very happy.

Wang Shun is a hero of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and a hero of Feiyue Group, because Wang Shun is the most professional athlete of Feiyue Football Club, and Feiyue Football Club, as a commercial club, naturally belongs to Feiyue Group. , Wang Shun is not only a student of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, but also an employee of An Yujia.

"The medical technology is very developed now, and the hospital has also taken good care of Wang Shun. After the skin transplant operation, President Jiang told me that Wang Shun's recovery should be faster, and he can catch up with us soon. Graduation Ceremony."

Ding Yue nodded and said.

"Headmaster Nading, should I go with you?"

An Yujia said excitedly.

"Mr. An, don't you have something to do? I'll leave the novel to you." Ding Yue thought about it, and let Mr. An get the online novel online on the Feiyue home streaming platform as soon as possible.

"Alright then, Principal Ding, congratulate Wang Shun on his recovery and discharge on my behalf. I'll be busy now."

An Yujia decided to listen to Principal Ding and nodded.

So, An Yujia went to do what Principal Ding ordered. UU reading

Ding Yue brought Dabai, an artificial intelligence robot, and Wen Ruohan, the secretary, as well as several school leaders such as Lao Huang and A Bin. They left the school and went to Wucheng Central Hospital.

Today, the day when the heroic college student Wang Shun was discharged from the hospital, not only Wucheng TV, but also the reporter team of National Television came.

No, it just so happened that at the entrance of Wucheng Central Hospital, Ding Yue met Wang Bingbing, a beautiful reporter from National Television.

"Principal Ding."

After Wang Bingbing saw Principal Ding, she took the initiative to come and say hello.

This time, the National Television Station came here to live broadcast the heroic college student Wang Shun's discharge from the hospital. When he met President Ding of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, it was natural for him to interview him.


After Ding Yue saw reporter Wang Bingbing, he smiled and said hello, and when he saw the national TV station, it should have been live broadcast.

Wang Shun was discharged from the hospital today, and many people are paying attention. In addition to TV stations, Feiyue home streaming platform and the official live broadcast room of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences have also arranged the whole live broadcast, so that more netizens can learn about Wang Shun. Student Shun was discharged from the hospital today.

"Today, Wang Shun will be discharged from the hospital. Principal Ding, do you have anything to say?"

Wang Bingbing interviewed Principal Ding and asked.

"Student Wang Shun is recovering well. We can see him later. He is the pride of our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences."

Ding Yue just said a few words.

After all, the protagonist of today is Wang Shun, and the camera should be on Wang Shun's body.

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