Start With a Fake University

Chapter 814: Graduates, 10-point sought-after pastry

Latest website: The first time I came to Principal Ding's principal's office, Zhang Hang was quite nervous.

"The paper is well written, Zhang Hang, do you know that you are all on fire."

Ding Yue poured himself a glass of boiling water and said to Zhang Hang with a smile.

"I know, I've already registered an account on Xiaopo Station, and I have more than 100,000 fans." Zhang Hang smiled and nodded.

It is said that Principal Ding is an easy-going and kind person. Zhang Hang can feel it. He is indeed a very easy-going person, and his age is not much older than himself. Therefore, when chatting with Principal Ding, there is no strong sense of oppression, but it seems A little more comfortable.

"You have 100,000 fans?"

Ding Yue was surprised.

Good guy, Xiaopo Station is understood by Zhang Hang.

However, Ding Yue was very puzzled. Why did Zhang Hang create an account on Xiaopo Station, so why didn't he create an account on his own platform?

That is, the Feiyue home streaming media platform. This platform not only has functions similar to penguin videos, love videos, etc., but also provides a platform for UP owners like Xiaopo Station. If students want to be a UP master, then Feiyue home streaming media platform is naturally the best choice, after all, it is their own school company.


Zhang Hang nodded.

The air in the office seemed to have froze after these two words.

Ding Yue didn't even think about continuing to say anything, giving Zhang Hang some time to react.

After about five seconds, Zhang Hang smiled again and said, "Aha, Principal Ding, my account on Feiyue Home already has more than 300,000 fans."


Hearing this, Ding Yue was slightly surprised.

It turns out that this kid has an account on his Feiyue home streaming media platform, and the number of fans of the account is quite large, 200,000 more than that of Xiaopozhan. The most important thing is to hear what Zhang Hang said, It seems that he should have created an account on the Feiyue home streaming platform earlier.

"Yeah, Principal Ding, when I first came out of the Feiyue home streaming media platform, I had already registered an account and became a video UP master on it, mainly to talk about some popular science knowledge about aerospace, but before that it was only 30,000 yuan. Many fans, after this time, it will directly increase to 300,000 fans."

Zhang Hang said excitedly.

It can be said that the defense of this graduation thesis and graduation thesis made Zhang Hang take off directly in the video field. After all, the number of fans has increased tenfold in a short period of time, and the number of fans is real. Yes, it's not like the data on Weibo is not so real.

In comparison, the number of fans on Xiaopozhan and Feiyue home streaming media platforms are more realistic.

Ding Yue is not very clear about how real the fan data of Xiaopo Station is, but the number of fans and accounts on Feiyue home streaming media platform are all real people, because when they first registered, they could All are authenticated.

Therefore, the number of clicks on Feiyue home streaming platform and so on, that is absolutely true.

"Not bad, I can be a famous aerospace science UP master in the future, such a sideline is quite good." Ding Yue said to Zhang Hang with a smile.

"Well, editing and making popular science videos is also my hobby."

Zhang Hang nodded.

"This hobby is good, but when you shine in the aerospace field in the future, I don't know if you have enough energy to make popular science videos, but it doesn't matter, Zhang Hang, if you need it, we can do it here. We will directly assign you a professional video account operation team."

Ding Yue calmly thought about Zhang Hang.

Excellent talents in the aerospace field like Zhang Hang, once they are invested in the research of a certain project in the future, it is estimated that they will not be able to keep up with the video science. After all, one's energy is always limited. Yes, it is impossible for a person to have unlimited energy to do anything he wants to do, so one needs to have a choice.

But Ding Yue considered Zhang Hang, for his hobbies, and for his professional ability to play a better role, so he thought that if Zhang Hang had needs in the future, he could directly match him with a professional Video account operation team.

"Ah, this is really bothering Principal Ding."

Zhang Hang said with embarrassment.

"It's okay, I think you will be busy in aerospace research in the future. Oh, by the way, Zhang Hang, have you considered where you will go after graduation?"

Ding Yue asked this very important and important question.

Ding Yue naturally wanted to have an excellent college student like Zhang Hang, but although his Feiyue Group was involved in many industries, it seemed a little pale in the aerospace industry. .

"Well, I haven't thought about it yet. Let's see where I can go, and then make a choice."

Zhang Hang said with some confidence.

Regarding how to choose employment, Zhang Hang actually envies his alumni, such as the alumni of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Computer Science. After graduation, they can enter the school's company, that is, Feiyue Group to engage in related work. .

Because in Zhang Hang's view, the school and the Feiyue Group behind the school are really awesome.

It's just that in terms of aerospace, the school and the company behind the school don't have any big projects or prospects for the time being, so Zhang Hang is very helpless. If it doesn't work, he can only choose other companies or institutions.

Of course, if you have the opportunity to enter the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, it is also quite good, or the aerospace research institute of the Academy of Sciences.

In fact, places like the NASA or the Aerospace Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences are places that college students majoring in astronautics only dream of going to. Such places are not something you can go to if you want to.

"This really needs to be considered carefully. Maybe tomorrow, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or the aerospace research institute of the Academy of Sciences, will invite you, hahahaha."

Ding Yue nodded and said to Zhang Hang with a smile.

This kind of thing really needs to be carefully considered, after all, it is related to its future development and future.

Not long after Ding Yue's voice fell, a phone call suddenly came and went directly to Ding Yue's mobile phone.


Ding Yue glanced at his mobile phone, and at the same time, a loud voice came from his ear: "Principal, you have a phone."

"I'll take a call first."

Ding Yue picked up the phone and answered the call. There was no note on the call, it should be from a "stranger", but someone who can call directly to his mobile phone is definitely not a stranger.

"Hey, I'm Ding Yue."

After Ding Yue answered the phone, he reported his home.

"Hello, Principal Ding, I'm..."

When Ding Yue heard the other party's name, he was also shocked.

It turned out that he was the boss of the Xia Academy of Sciences, and he belonged to the aerospace research institution. He was just saying that the aerospace research institution might find Zhang Hang. The good guy is calling Ding Yue directly.

Why is this aerospace research institution looking for Ding Yue? Is it worth thinking about?

You must want to dig some talents from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, but what kind of talents?

Who are the talents in the hottest aerospace colleges right now?

That's right, it's the student Zhang Hang in front of Ding Yue!

"Yes, yes, you are looking for Zhang Hang, right?"

Ding Yue said with a smile: "Yes, yes, Zhang Hang is an excellent talent trained by our School of Aeronautics and Astronautics. I have also read the graduation thesis. There are indeed many merits."

"Principal, another call came in from Deputy Director Chen of the Space Administration."

At this moment, Ding Yue's ear rang a big white prompt.

Dabai is linked to Ding Yue's mobile phone, so if a call comes in at this time, Dabai will naturally report to the owner Ding Yue as soon as possible.

"Ah this."

Ding Yue was a little embarrassed. He was still receiving a call from the aerospace research institute, and the deputy director Chen also called.

You must know that Deputy Director Chen is an old acquaintance. Ding Yue and Deputy Director Chen have spoken on the phone more than once.

"Wait a moment, I have an important call coming in from my side." Ding Yue said to the people at the aerospace research institution very embarrassed.

No way, after Ding Yue explained, he had no choice but to quickly connect the phone number of Deputy Director Chen of the Space Administration.

"Hey Director Chen, I'm Ding Yue."

"Principal Ding, I'm not going to detour with you. Is that Zhang Hang from your school still here?" Deputy Director Chen asked directly on the phone.


Ding Yue was puzzled for a moment, but quickly understood what Deputy Director Chen meant.

This is obviously an important person in their space agency. Ask if the person is still at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and if they have gone to other institutions or companies.

good guy!

This Zhang Hang is really a very sought-after pastry!

"Oh, oh, you mean classmate Zhang Hang." Ding Yue said to Deputy Director Chen with a smile: "To be honest, just now, the aerospace research institute of the Xia Academy of Sciences called to ask for Zhang. What about classmate Hang?"

"What, Lao Wan, that guy, it's better to strike first."

Deputy Director Chen said angrily.

But this kind of anger is obviously the kind of anger that he is one step slower than others, not real anger, more like anger at why he is a little slower.

"Then... Principal Ding, where is the person? Have you decided to go to the space research institute?" Deputy Director Chen asked quickly: "This is a rare talent. Here in our space agency, We just need such talents. Besides, President Ding, those professors in the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences are not all from our space agency. Look at our relationship, such a sweet pastry. , you're not going to give it to us?"

Good guy, Ding Yue knew that Deputy Director Chen would definitely talk about the professor, but this is normal. Deputy Director Chen is just talking about it. Naturally, he will not use such a thing as a moral kidnapping. Own.

"Hahahaha, Deputy Director Chen, I can't be someone else's master when it comes to where Zhang Hang goes, it's up to them to choose freely."

Ding Yue said calmly.

It's really not good for Ding Yue to directly interfere in this kind of thing.

"Well, I understand."

Deputy Director Chen suddenly said seriously: "Then why don't I have a chat with classmate Zhang Hang."

"Well, you are the director of a dignified space agency. When you talk to others, you can't scare them? Well, classmate Zhang Hang and I, and other outstanding students from the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Let the students say that your space agency welcomes them very much. As for whether they go or not, it depends on their choice, how about it?"

Ding Yue suggested.


Deputy Director Chen thought for a while, this is indeed possible.

"But Deputy Director Chen, I have something to tell you." Ding Yue said suddenly.

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Deputy Director Chen asked in confusion.

Deputy Director Chen could never have imagined that what Ding Yue was going to say next would really confuse him.

"Chen Department, this is the case, is it our Feiyue Group, we are going to set up an aerospace department to specialize in technical research in aerospace."

Ding Yue calmly told Deputy Director Chen about this.

In fact, Ding Yue had already thought about getting an aerospace department for his Feiyue Group, but he had not seen any outstanding talented students from the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences for a long time, so he put it on hold for the time being. .

However, things are different now. Zhang Hang's future is limitless, and the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics must be more than an outstanding talented student like Zhang Hang, so Ding Yue has basically decided to start the aerospace department under his own Feiyue Group. Now, when the time comes to need talents, Zhang Hang and the others are a good choice.

Just like Feiyue Technology cannot do without Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei, the core talents.

"Principal Ding, are you serious?"

After Deputy Director Chen heard the words, felt a little inexplicable.

It is not that Feiyue Group is not allowed to engage in any aerospace department. After all, the research on aerospace equipment technology is not only limited to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, but also domestic technology companies.

"Yes indeed."

Ding Yue said calmly: "Our Feiyue Group has enough funds to invest in research. The most important thing is that I think that after our Feiyue Group has an aerospace department, it can give us a good opportunity to the students of the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. What do you think, Deputy Director Chen?"

"That's true."

Deputy Director Chen was speechless.

President Ding was talking about the students of the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, not just Zhang Hang. What should he say?

"But like Zhang Hang, let him choose, I think he is more inclined to come to your space agency." Ding Yue said again with a smile.

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