Start With a Fake University

Chapter 713: We are not the same, not the same!

"President Ding, according to some sources of my information, Penguin Group opened a board of directors, and then the board of directors decided to suspend the business of Penguin New Energy Vehicles. Just now, Penguin Motor Group also issued an announcement to discontinue the production of Penguin 6 Series New Energy Vehicles. , If it looks like this, we won the battle for new energy vehicles."

   In the office of the president of the administration building of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

   After seeing the announcement issued by the Penguin Automobile Group, An Yujia came to President Ding the first time.

   Because of this incident, for Feiyue Group, there is no doubt that it is something to be celebrated and happy with. Happiness and happiness are naturally to be shared.

   "I have seen the announcement of the Penguin Automobile Group."

Ding Yue smiled and nodded and said: "This time, we did win. The future development path of Penguin Automobile Group is basically gone. Our leap forward. The existing technology of new energy vehicles in the future, whether it is Penguin Group, The Teas company in the Eagle Sauce Country cannot surpass it. In the face of such a situation, what they can do is naturally to dimly withdraw from the field of new energy vehicles."

   An Yujia could hear that in Principal Ding’s words, there was a strong sense of self-confidence.

   This self-confidence, as if Principal Ding knew early on, this battle for new energy vehicles will end today.

   Since Feiyue Group decided to enter the field of new energy vehicles, until now, Ding Yue can be said to have won.

   Not only did companies such as Rice Technology Group and Warwick Technology Group announce their withdrawal from the field of new energy vehicles, but also made the Penguin Automobile Group, the largest new energy vehicle company in China, leave the market sadly.

   As for Teyas in the Eagle Sauce Country, life is even more difficult.

  The sales of Teas in China have been declining sharply in recent years. With the leap forward and the emergence of the future, Teas, like Penguin, has no market at all.

  Buy Teas, isn’t that a bag in your head?

  I have the money, is it not fragrant to buy the sacred car of Feiyue·Future?

Consumers in Xia Guo can vote on which car is good, but now there are not so many brainless things to worship foreigners, not to mention Feiyue·Future New Energy Vehicles will completely explode Teas’s new How about energy vehicles?

   "President Ding, from now on, the domestic new energy vehicle market will basically be ours."

   An Yujia said happily.

   "No, no, no."

Ding Yue shook his head and said, “It’s not all ours. Although our leap and future new energy vehicles are very good, the price is after four or five million yuan. Cheap, in the market price range of more than 100,000 yuan, isn't there still room for car companies such as Biyadi and Geely to survive."

   "Yes, yes, I am not rigorous anymore."

  An Yujia heard this and suddenly realized: "Principal Na Ding, in this price range, are we going to have another model to occupy it?"

"do not."

   Ding Yue directly denied.

Originally, the new energy vehicles of the Leap Forward and the future are already super hot selling, and domestic and foreign auto companies are overwhelmed. If the price range of more than 100,000 yuan is also occupied, wouldn’t it be true? Don't let other car companies survive at all?

   Obviously it is impossible to do this.

   "Yeah, I understand Principal Ding." After An Yujia came back to her senses, after thinking about it, she understood what Principal Ding meant.

   You have to leave some living space for other car companies, right?

In the consumption range of 100,000 car prices, domestic car companies or joint venture car companies still have some room to play, but in the consumption range of two or three million, or even up to one million, now Xia Guo’s consumers don’t even have to think about it, they must buy Feiyue·Future New Energy Vehicles directly.

Imagine that a Feiyue·Future new energy vehicle uses the most advanced technology of Feiyue Group in terms of performance and battery life. Those who originally planned to buy 200,000 cars will not work harder. Bo, is it directly leaping into the future?

Those who want to buy more than 500,000 yuan, such as luxury car brands such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi, will also be attracted by Feiyue·Future, a powerful domestic new energy vehicle, and the country also calls on the majority of car owners and consumers to buy new energy vehicles.

   "President Ding, with our leap forward, the sales of new energy vehicles continue to rise in the future, and the delivery date for pre-sales may have to be postponed again."

   An Yujia said with a frown.

Originally, when sales broke through one million units in January, the daily output of Feiyue Group’s new energy vehicle factory peaked at only 10,000 units. Now, with the country’s orders and another wave of best-selling trends, it will continue every month. With the increased sales, Feiyue’s current production of 10,000 units a day and 300,000 units a month at Feiyue’s new energy vehicle factory is definitely not in supply.

   "There is no problem with the supply of the basic materials and chips needed for car building, right?"

   Ding Yue asked after hearing the words.

   "Yeah, there is no problem with these supplies. For the current chip, Nationalchip Technology Group can already provide us with a certain amount of chips."

  An Yujia replied: "Now it's mainly because our productivity can't keep up with the pre-sales."

Now Feiyue·Future new energy vehicles have already been pre-sold several million units. In addition, in the next three years, five million units will be provided to national government agencies. In the past three years, each There will be a lot of sales every month, and these production pressures are not small.

   This is why Ding Yue does not plan to let Feiyue·Future new energy vehicles enter the overseas market. After all, even the domestic market cannot keep up with the supply.

   In short, the leap forward and new energy vehicles in the future are just a word, and demand exceeds supply.

On the market, there are even car owners who have already offered their cars. They have sold second-hand cars at a price that is 20 to 30% higher than the purchase price. This shows how popular and popular Feiyue·Future new energy vehicles are. .

   "It seems that we still have to build a factory?"

   Ding Yue thought for a moment, if we want to solve the situation of short supply, then we can only increase production.

If you want to increase production, the most straightforward way is to continue to build a factory. The car factory built before has a peak daily output of 10,000 units. This is also impossible. The previously estimated sales and actual sales are indeed There is a big discrepancy.

Originally, Ding Yue thought of his opponent a bit strong, thinking that the opponent could still struggle for a while, but he did not expect that now so fast, that is, in four months, his leap, the future new energy vehicle, has become the ruler. The level of existence.

"President Ding, my suggestion is to build a second-phase car factory based on current sales and forecast future sales, but we definitely cannot expand the car factory too much, otherwise, there will definitely be production capacity in the future. The surplus situation, as for the second phase after the construction, if it is not enough, we can find other car companies to do the foundry."

   An Yujia made a very realistic suggestion.

   After listening to this suggestion, Ding Yue found it very practical.

   If it is Ding Yue, it is estimated that he will directly expand the car factory on a large scale again, and expand until the supply of sales can be achieved, but in fact it cannot be done. The advice given by An Yujia is the best.

Expansion can be done, but expansion cannot be done blindly. Otherwise, don’t look at the current leap. New energy vehicles are selling well in the future. However, as time goes by, the monthly sales volume will definitely decline gradually, and finally a stable monthly sales volume will be formed. .

   By that time, a large part of the auto factories that are now blindly expanding will become "superfluous".

Therefore, An Yujia suggested that a part of the expansion, and the remaining part, can be temporarily handed over to the factories of other car companies for OEM production. After all, the life of the car companies across the country is not very good. Industrial production is actually quite good, so in this regard, you don’t have to worry about finding an OEM car company.


Ding Yue groaned softly, then nodded, and said to An Yujia: "I think your suggestion is good. Let's expand the second phase of the car factory conservatively. If it is not enough, we will find a domestic car company to do OEM production. Just leave it to President An to be responsible for planning. As for funding, you don’t have to worry about it at all."

   For the money, since the Leap Forward·Future new energy vehicles have been sold so many, there is basically no need to worry at all.

   "Good Principal Ding."

   An Yu Jia Yingdao, the layout planning has already begun in his heart.

   Just when Ding Yue was about to tell An Yujia a few words, the phone rang suddenly.

   "I will answer the call."

   Ding Yue picked up the phone, whispered to An Yujia, and then glanced at the caller ID.

   good fellow!

   Ding Yue is familiar with this caller ID.

   Because of this number, Ding Yue called it not long ago.

   That's right, this phone number is the landline phone of the main office of the Wucheng Mansion Building.

   Why did the city owner’s office suddenly call himself?

   Ding Yue didn't have time to think about it, so he quickly answered the phone: "Hey, this is Ding Yue."

   "Principal Ding, this is Secretary Zhang."

   On the phone, I heard the voice of the familiar Secretary Zhang.

   "Zhang Mi, what's the matter?" Ding Yue asked.

   "Principal Ding, do you have time now? Li Chengzhu wants to see you, saying that there are some things to talk to you in person." Secretary Zhang asked.

   "Are you right now?"

   Ding Yue was not sure if Secretary Zhang said that Chengzhu Li would let himself pass right now, so he asked for confirmation.


   Secretary Zhang affirmed.

   "Well, of course I have time, so I'm going to go to the city hall." Ding Yue said nothing but directly: "If there is no traffic jam, you can get to the city hall in 20 minutes at most."

   "Okay, okay, Principal Ding, I will tell the Lord City Lord, then we will meet Principal Ding at the City Hall."

   "Okay, goodbye, Secretary Zhang."

   After hanging up the phone, Ding Yue immediately said to the secretaries Wen Ruohan and An Yujia beside him: "Classmate Xiaowen, Mr. An, you two should prepare immediately and follow me to the city hall."

If you go to the city hall just this time, you can talk to Li Chengzhu about the expansion of the second-phase automobile factory. After all, this is not a trivial matter. It needs to involve the land, construction qualifications, etc., and after the second-phase automobile factory expansion , The problem of job creation for Wucheng City is too much.

   "Good Principal Ding."

   Wen Ruohan and An Yujia immediately responded, and then went to prepare.

After a few minutes.

   Ding Yue took his secretary Wen Ruohan and An Yujia to the administrative downstairs.

   In the parking lot of the administrative building, Ding Yue’s Feiyue Future New Energy Vehicle is parked. This is the first Feiyue Future New Energy Vehicle.

   Moreover, Ding Yue also made a special upgrade for this No. 0 Leap · Future New Energy Vehicle.

   Leap · Isn’t the on-board intelligent control system of future new energy vehicles also called "Dabai", it is based on the simplified artificial intelligence technology of the artificial intelligence robot Dabai.

   However, for Ding Yue’s leap forward new energy vehicle, its on-board intelligent control system is upgraded and docked with Dabai.

   That is to say.

   When Ding Yue is driving this leap forward new energy vehicle, communicating with the on-board intelligent control system is equivalent to communicating with his own artificial intelligence robot Dabai.

   In this way, the operating experience of this Feiyue·Future New Energy Vehicle is simply not too cool.

   "Dabai, navigate the Foggy City Mansion Building and turn on the autopilot mode."

   Ding Yue said to Da Bai after getting into the car.

   "The best route to the Wucheng City Mansion Building is being planned. The route is planned successfully, and the automatic driving mode is about to be activated." A big white voice sounded in the car.

   Ding Yue today is going to experience the autonomous driving function of this leap forward new energy vehicle. UU reading

   Prior to this, the automatic driving function of new energy vehicles was not very mature, but Ding Yue was very trustworthy of his own leap forward of the Feiyue Group and the automatic driving functions of future new energy vehicles.

   "Principal Ding, why do I feel that your leap forward new energy vehicle is not the same as mine?"

   Wen Ruohan asked puzzledly.

   As soon as he got on the car, Wen Ruohan felt that President Ding’s leap forward. The future new energy vehicles seemed to be more advanced.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Ding Yue couldn’t help laughing when he heard this, and said: “Student Xiaowen, don’t forget, this Leap Future is the first one of our Leap Group, and I have combined the on-board intelligent control system with mine. The artificial intelligence robot is connected and upgraded. It is naturally different from your car."

   Wen Ruohan understood it instantly.

President Ding’s leap forward new energy vehicle can be said to be customized. After all, this car came out of the laboratory, not the production workshop, and the one he bought was made in the production workshop. of.

   With the start of the electric motor system of this leap forward new energy vehicle, the car drove slowly, and automatically drove towards the entrance of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences without being controlled by anyone.

  On the campus of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, the rate of return of this leap forward new energy vehicle is extremely high.

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